Sixth Class
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STRAND: Myself
(Theme for Sept)

STRAND UNIT: Taking Care of MY Body
TIME: 30 mins a week plus integrated time
RESOURCES: Walk Tall, Stay Safe, R.S.E., N.W.H.B.
Content Objectives from the Curriculum Statement page 57

Food and Nutrition

That the child would be enabled to…

  • Appreciate the importance of good nutrition for growing and developing and staying healthy.
  • Realise and accept some personal responsibility for making wise food choices and adopting a healthy, balanced diet- exploring and examining the food pyramid
  • Recognise some of the important nutrients that are necessary in a balanced diet and the food products in which they are found- macro-nutrients: protein, carbohydrate, fat

Micro-nutrients: vitamins and minerals

  • Explore the factors that influence food choices- cost, advertising, demand, peer pressure, advertising and packaging, value for money, time for shopping and for cooking, ideal body images.
  • Explore and examine some of the illnesses particularly associated with food intake or special health conditions- coelic, diabetic, anorexia, bulimia, the dietary needs of different age groups and individuals.
  • Become aware of the importance of hygiene and care in the preparation and use of food- using before sell-by date, reading contents, not chopping cooked foods and uncooked foods on the same board.

Table of recommended lessons:

Lessons to be taken from…

  1. Look After Yourself: Unit 1- Food and Nutrition page 39- 43, page 50- 53, page 57- 59
  2. School Healthy Eating Policy

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