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STRAND: Myself and Others
(Theme for Oct/Nov)

STRAND UNIT: My Friends and Other People
TIME: 30 mins a week plus integrated time
RESOURCES: Walk Tall, Stay Safe, R.S.E., N.W.H.B.
Content Objectives from the Curriculum Statement page 31

That the child would be enabled to…

  • Discuss personal friends and why he enjoys being with them.
  • Identify, explore and discuss qualities and skills associated with friendship- spending time together, talking, playing, travelling together, forgiving each other, trusting each other being sensitive to the feelings of one’s friends.
  • Explore how friends can influence personal actions and decisions- adopting a healthy option, isolating a classmate, welcoming a newcomer, taking a risk, persuading one to smoke, using inappropriate language.
  • Know how to treat people with dignity and respect- calling people by their proper name, respecting the personal belongings of others, practising care and consideration, courtesy and good manners when interacting with others.
  • Recognise and explore bullying behaviour who is involved and the effects on different people- the bully, the child being bullied, the onlookers.
  • Know that bullying is always wrong and what should be done if one is being bullied or sees it happening to someone else.

Table of recommended lessons:

Lessons to be taken from…

  1. R.S.E.: Theme 2- My Friends page 23- 29
  2. Up and Away: Unit 2- Self Awareness page 157- 186
  3. Stay Safe: Topic 2- Bulling page 12- 15

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