AIMAA The Action International Martial Arts Association (AIMAA) is an innovative and leading martial arts organisation dedicated to serve as the unifying body for TaeKwonDo and all martial arts styles. AIMAA was founded by Grandmaster Hee Il Cho in 1980. The goal of AIMAA is to recognise each style of martial arts for its unique qualities and to unite the great universal spirit of peace and harmony - the fundamental elements found in the studying of all styles of martial arts.AIMAA is an organisation founded on the philosophy and principal of being able to provide as comprehensive and complete training structure as possible. Our organisation provides and promotes seminars by Grandmaster Hee Il Cho and other senior representives of the association. AIMAA is a no politics organisation dedicated to providing members a direct line of communication with its headquarters in order to best provide support to each individual school and student. AIMAA is an association established for the support of its members and the betterment of TaeKwonDo and the martial arts. AIMAA World Headquarters
``The task is difficult; there are many despairs that will taunt you and require much patience of you. But, if you are willing to make the effort and commit yourself, the rewards are limitless, more than you can really imagine, this I promise you.'' - Grandmaster Hee Il Cho |