Waterford Regional Airport

Application for permission to use the airport outside published opening hours when no airport services are provided.

Permission is subject to compliance with the following conditions:

1. Permission is limited to Non Commercial operations.

2. Complete this form and email it to Waterford Airport. Contact 051 - 875589 to confirm that permission has been granted and to obtain METAR and Local area forecast.

3.Satisfy yourself that your aircraft type can operate safely onto the runway at Waterford.

4. Take off and landing only permitted in Daylight and VMC.

5. Use of standard left hand circut (800' QFE) and Deadside join. - See Circut Joining Procedure

6. Minimum £500,000 third party insurance. Copy of current insurance certificate to be faxed to Waterford Airport - 051 871701

7. Compliance with airport conditions of use and payment of published charges.

Please fill in the form below with the relevant details.

Aircraft registration and type:
Details of proposed flight: