Organisation of Service
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Organisation of Service
Literacy Links

Organisation of Service

A Representative Group is responsible for the operation of a Scheme.
The Representative Group associates voluntarily and has in its membership representatives of Community(ies) of the locality served, participants, service providers, organiser.   (6-10 people)

An Organiser manages the operation of a Scheme.

The VEC funds the operation of a Scheme, through the payment of wages/salaries.

The VEC appoints and employs paid staff.

The Scheme engages staff, subject to the agreement of the VEC



The Role and Responsibilities of the
Representative Group for a Literacy Scheme

A Representative Group is responsible for the operation of a Scheme.
The Representative Group associates voluntarily and has in its membership representatives of Community (ies) of the locality served, participants, service providers, and organiser.   (6-10 people)

Provide and assist
in the provision of a Literacy Service in a Literacy Scheme within
    A defined locality and in
    A cooperative network of diverse providers. (Note: Literacy encompasses learning in Mathematical Literacy) Within a locality to be delineated and agreed with the City of Cork VEC to operate a Literacy Scheme so as to:                    

Develop and implement
    A systematic strategy for the provision of a Literacy Service.
    Structured arrangements with other adult education and training providers in order to put in place a cooperative network of diverse literacy training provisions.
    Structured arrangements with voluntary and statutory groups and agencies to provide a contact network to facilitate referrals to and progression from literacy.
    Systems to evaluate the planning, activities and outcomes of the actions

Facilitate and oversee
The provision of a literacy service by other adult education and training providers within a cooperative network.

 Participate in the development and in the oversight of
The provision of pre-service and in-service training for volunteer and paid tutors and for organisers in cooperation with other Literacy Schemes, other literacy-training providers and the Committee.

Publicise the services of a Literacy Scheme and other networked adult education and training providers and of a contact network with a view
    To encouraging participation by those most in need of literacy service and
    To increase the overall level of participation in the literacy service.

 Direct and oversee The work of an Organiser (s).
An Organiser manages the operation of a Scheme.

To the VEC/AEB Committee on the operation of the Literacy Training provision through agreed routes and processes at agreed intervals and at other times, which the Department of Education and Science may require.


The Literacy Scheme  

The Representative Group is responsible for the operation of a Scheme associates voluntarily and has in its membership representatives of Community (ies) of the locality served, participants, service providers, and organiser.   (6-10 people)

An Organiser manages the operation of a Scheme.

Group Tutors are employed in a teaching capacity of not less than 5 learners

Volunteers under go initial training to act in a 1:1 relationship with the learner.

Learners are encouraged to join a scheme to begin and progress at their own pace.

The VEC funds the operation of a Scheme, through the payment of wages/salaries and following the establishment of a mutually acceptable agreement with the Representative Group for the operation of a Scheme.

The VEC appoints and employs paid staff. The Scheme engages Tutors subject to the agreement of the VEC.


The role and responsibilities of
The Adult Literacy Scheme Organiser.


To carry out the work necessary to enable the Representative Group to fulfill its role and responsibilities.  
maintaining an ethos appropriate to Adult and Community Education

Such work will include:

  1. Takes overall responsibility for the planning, management and development of the Scheme and its services within a Literacy Scheme’s locality.

  2. The management of the resources provided for a Literacy Scheme. e.g. finance, materials, premises

  3. The management of the operation of the Representative Group (e.g. arranging meetings, issuing agenda, recording proceedings). 

  4. The keeping of records and the preparation, issuing and presentation of reports and submissions.

  5. Supporting, evaluating and managing the work of students and tutors. 

  6. Co-operating with the coordinating Group in its work.

  7. Liaison and meeting on a regular and planned basis with the designated Adult Education Organiser and, from time-to-time, with the Education Officer as appropriate.

  8. Ensure the provision of initial and in-service training for paid staff and volunteers

  9. In the first instance, you will report to and take direction from the
    the Representative Group

  10.  Support, develop and manage procedures to assess and match students and tutors.

  11. Tutoring students.

  12. Attending conferences, seminars and in-service training relevant to the work of the Organiser

  13. Organisers Salary + Time.
    2000 Whole-time Equivalents-the whole-time rate of £22,000 p.a. for a 35-hour week.


  The Literacy Staff

The Literacy Volunteer.

The volunteer is encouraged to become involved in a scheme as a voluntary Literacy Tutor and will engage with the learner on a 1:1 basis.

The Literacy Tutor.

.The Literacy Tutor is employed part-time to tutor the learner in the context of 1:1, small groups, family literacy programmes, return to education, workplace literacy etc.