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November, 2002

Education in the Third Age                 

The Carnegie inquiry into the Third Age - Final Report

6.1 "For the Individual, the third age is a time of emerging from the imperatives of earning a living and bringing up children to a time when personal development can once again become a central concern. Individuals need to rely more on themselves to seek out a range of activities and build a network of links with different people.
Failure to do this may be damaging; for instance the health study points to lack of social support as a risk factor for depression."

The purpose of the following City-wide and Community Based Education in the Third Age is:

bulletTo provide educational opportunities for men and women.
bulletTo respond to the needs and requests of individuals and groups.
bulletTo encourage active involvement in a person's own learning.
bulletTo facilitate initial and return contact with education.
bulletTo improve the quality of life for retired and elderly people.
bulletTo assist people adjust and cope with  a changing life-style.
bulletTo encourage a positive attitude to retirement and ageing.

 The Tuition is provided during the day. The Courses to date include  Art, DIY, Personal Development, Dancing, Keep-fit.

Education in the Third Age                 

bulletCity Centre        The Retired Peoples Network c/o St.John's Central College. Sawmill Street (2905 bytes)021-4966939
bulletKnocknaheeny  AOSTA. St.Louis Convent. Harbour View Road. Corktel.gif (2905 bytes)021-4399120
bulletShandon             CARA HOUSE. Redemption Road. Cork. tel.gif (2905 bytes)021-4395737
bulletBlackpool            Blackpool Elderly Education, Assumption Convent Blackpool (2905 bytes)021-4391407
bulletThe Glen              AOSTA The Glen. Cork tel.gif (2905 bytes)021-4503267
bulletMayfield             Teach Mhuire Day Care Centre. Old Youghal Road. Mayfield. Cork. tel.gif (2905 bytes)021-4501578
bulletBishopstown     AOSTA 1 Farranlea Park. Model Farm Road. Cork  tel.gif (2905 bytes)021-4546167
bulletDeerpark            Day Care Centre. Friars Walk. Cork tel.gif (2905 bytes)021-4311698
bulletTurners Cross   O’Connell Court. Windmill Road. Cork (2905 bytes)021-4316076
bulletBallinlough        AOSTA, Ardfallen Avenue. Ballinlough. Cork. tel.gif (2905 bytes)021-4295008
bulletBlackrock          AOSTA, Blackrock. (2905 bytes)021-4546167
bulletMahon               St.Luke's Home. Mahon. tel.gif (2905 bytes) 021-4359444

            AOSTA                            Association of  Services To the Aged.

  1. The Retired Peoples Network c/o St.John's Central College. Sawmill Street Cork.021-4966939
  2. AOSTA. St.Louis Convent. Harbour View Road. Knocknaheeny Cork021-4399120
  3. CARA HOUSE. Redemption Road. Cork. 021-4395737
  4. Blackpool Elderly Education, Assumption Convent Blackpool Cork.021-4391407
  5. AOSTA, The Glen. Cork 021-4503267
  6. Teach Mhuire Day Care Centre. Old Youghal Road. Mayfield. Cork. 021-4501578
  7. AOSTA, 1 Farranlea Park. Model Farm Road. Cork  021-4546167
  8. Day Care Centre. Friars Walk. Cork 021-4311698
  9. O’Connell Court. Windmill Road. Turners Cross   Cork City.021-4316076
  10. AOSTA, Ardfallen Avenue. Ballinlough. Cork. 021-4295008
  11. AOSTA, Blackrock. Cork.021-4546167
  12. St.Luke's Home. Mahon. 021-4359444
  13. Marymount Hospital Wellington Road. Cork.  021-4501201


[AOSTA, Association of Services to the Aged]