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FAS Training
Adult JC LC

September, 2002

Department of Social, Community & Family affairs.dscfa                

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Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme.vtos

Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS) Home Page

            Q. What is the Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme ( V.T.O.S )

bullet           The Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme ( V.T.O.S ) is a special range of courses designed to              meet the education and training needs of unemployed people.

            Q. What are the aims of the scheme ?


Q. Can I join the scheme. ?     You can apply to join if you are

bullet           To give unemployed people education and opportunities which will develop their employability.
bullet           To prepare people to go to paid employment or to further opportunities leading to paid employment.
bulletAged 21 years of age
bulletAn unemployed person in receipt of unemployment payments or signing for credits for at least 6 months
bulletA limited number of places is available to recipients of allowances in respect of Disability , Lone Parents , Widow ,     Deserted  , or a Prisoners Spouse.
bulletAdult dependant and spouses of all categories of people eligible to join V.T.O.S

   Q. What will it cost me ?

bulletCourses are provided free of charge
bulletTraining allowances is provided equal to your social welfare entitlement had you stayed on       live register and paid directly each week through the school.    ( Lone Parents and people on       disability allowances will continue to draw their payments in the normal way from the                department of social community and family affairs. )
bulletYou will receive your Secondary Social Welfare Benefits such as Fuel Allowance, Christmas      Bonus, Butter Vouchers, Rent or Mortgage supplements.
bulletYou will get a travel allowance for distances over 3 miles.
bulletMeal allowances are provided
bulletBooks and materials are free of charge

   Q. What does the Programme involve ?


bullet30 hours course attendance per week. i.e. 6 hours a day for 5 days .
bulletCourses last for up to two years.


bulletCourses include a wide range of subjects and activities i.e. English , Mathematics and                          Vocational Subjects including Computer Studies and New Technology.


bulletIs available at a range of levels including the Junior Certificate and leaving Certificate and the foundation level 1 and level 2 certifications of the National Council of Vocational Awards NCVA ).

 Q. What Opportunities will V.T.O.S offer me ?

bullet        A chance to continue your education and training.
bullet        A chance to develop new skills.
bullet        A chance to gain certification at a range of levels.
bullet        A chance to find good employment.
  VTOS Centres & Information e-mail Telephone.021
  The National Co-ordinator   01.4535487
csn Colaiste Stiofain Naofa csn@iol.ie 961020
ccc Cork College of Commerce   270777
cc St. John's Central College office@stjohnscollege.com 276410