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Probes & Styli

Sub-Contract Digitising

Click on the blue logo to see examples of our digitising & surfacing service:-

Using the Renishaw Cyclone & Tracecut software, we can provide you with a comprehensive service of 2D & 3D digitising. We use both contact analogue scanning & non-contact laser probes. We can use styli down to a diameter of 0.3mm, this means that whatever the model or pattern you may have, we will be able to digitise it for you. We can provide you with a variety of output point formats, or produce CNC programmes to suit whatever control you may have. Alternatively we can generate STL format files or IGES surface files suitable for input to your CAD system.

Key Benefits

  • Ideal if you only have an occasional digitising requirement, no capital outlay on a new machine.
  • Fast turnround, no "learning curve" for you, we have extensive experience of digitising.
  • Save time, no need to spend time producing CNC programmes, we do it for you.

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Copyright © 2002 - 2004 Rathnew Scientific Ltd
Last Modified: 24-10-06