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All information © 1996
The Mellow Dropstm

the Mellowdrops

    Cian O CinnsealaCian O'Cinnseala TunerDerek Toner
    Mark NearyMark Neary JonesyJames Jones
    ChewyBrendan Tuite anthonyAnthony Darby

    The band were originally a five piece rock outfit, founded in 1989, going through a series of rather embarassing names that will not be mentioned here (or anywhere else for that matter!). They finally settled on "The Residential Sundays" and released two Demo tapes on cassette. The original drummer - Terry Cullen - left the band early in 1994, following his last gig in December 1993. The remaining four members (O Cinnseala, Toner, Jones, Tuite) searched for a replacement drummer. After one year and three drummers, they decided to end their search, and to concentrate instead on writing in a more melodic/harmonic/mellow style. It was then that they changed their name to "The Mellow Drops".

    In early 1995, Mark Neary and Alan Reilly were introduced to the band, leading to rehearsals in May of that year. The band continued to rehearse without live performances until March 1996, playing their debut gig as The Mellow Drops in The Baggot Inn, Dublin. It was at this gig that Orla Magee was introduced to the band. This was the final addition and intensive rehearsals followed.

    Towards the end of Summer 1996, The Mellow Drops played in Eamonn Doran's, Temple Bar, Dublin on three occasions with mixed success. They also played in The Barnstormers, Townsend St., Dublin. Soon they realised the importance of finding a venue appropriate to the type of music they were playing. Such an appropriate venue was Slatterys, Capel Street, Dublin. From August they played a series of gigs there, with increasing success. In October 1996 they recorded the six track debut CD entitled "Listen".

    They released "Listen" at Virgin Megastore, Dublin on 4th July 1997 followed later that night by a hugely successful gig upstairs in the Da Club, Dublin.

    In early 1998, Alan Reilly and Orla Magee left the band and drummer Anthony Darby was recruited.

    The band are currently writing, recording material and generally enjoying themselves!