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All information © 1996
The Mellow Dropstm
Lyrics reproduced by kind permission.

the Mellowdrops

    The Dream Song. Rebecca.
    Sincere. i Think i Am.

    The Dream Song

    Standing in the yellow flower
    that no one knows
    but you felt it too
    yeah me & you
    coming on too strong as she sang the song
    that she wrote for me
    do you think I could fly?
    well I'll try

    Lying in bed yeah you're in my head
    have you ever touched the sky
    do you think I could fly?

    sunny days my eyes look glazed
    watching the stars through a tree
    proving the manhood dream
    or so it seems to me to be the same
    I feel no shame
    I'm falling beyond myself
    still I'm here but only my eyes can see
    my mind is blind I've reached the stage
    when I can see you fade into my golden light
    but you wouldn't understand
    show me your skin and make me who I am
    strings and things with eyes that sing and hey
    I wanna stay
    and Help I need this
    but this window has no view
    I'm coming around you
    Im saying goodbye
    open me up I've so much inside

    Is this a dream song

    If I were away would I still smell the sea
    and regain the loss or would you miss me
    I'll sit and feel the waves caress me with a touch
    let the wind willow by
    breathe from my lips goodbye
    when we can say there's no news today
    and Alice just talked to the trees
    and says she feels free

    Is this a dream song

    Keep smiling always


    She says hi
    but just how high can you fly off your head
    and you're jumping up and down
    to the sound that spins around in your head
    but it's cool 'coz you're nobody's fool

    Holding on

    She says goodbye
    and that's all that I can hear
    she whispers I'll miss you oh my dear
    and I know that you'll never sink a rainbow
    hey Anne, stop blowing bubbles through the moon

    Holding on

    And while you were tripped
    and you thought that you'd flipped
    but not anymore, it's just like before
    and moon bubbles gleamed
    and the rainbow it seemed to be gone away
    but it's here to stay
    and it was so cool, it was so cool
    it was so cool, it was so cool.


    My love my dear
    will you be here
    when all the faces disappear
    I'm back I'm home
    I'm all alone
    I'm here to stay
    This is my home
    So close your eyes
    I've a surprise
    turn out the lights
    I've realised
    That I love you
    Will you love me
    It would make me forever happy


    So now you're gone
    what's done is done
    I don't know how I'll carry on
    Just look at me
    what can you see
    my life will never be like yours
    Like yours


    I Think I am

    Breaking your heart
    taking your soul
    and kissing it on the lips
    And sometimes when we touch your skin
    your screaming sounds like water

    All I feel is real
    but it drags me down
    and all I want is good
    but it drags me down
    and down

    Her eyes are skies
    where I can fly beside the sun
    but my shirt is all scarred with stars
    that Eblana wept

    All I feel is real
    but it drags me down
    and all I want is good
    but it drags me down
    and down

    All Songs Copyright 1996