An Chomhairle approved the report of the Director of Services on the
provision of changing facilities at Coffey's Field. In his report, the
Director stated that Coffey's Field in Togher owned by Cork City Council
and managed on our behalf by Togher Community Association consisted of two
juvenile playing pitches used by four local clubs and by both Togher Boys
and Girls National Schools without any changing facilities.
Plans had been prepared and costed at f,170,000 to provide changing
facilities, comprising of four dressing rooms at the field.
Cork City Council had applied for funding of
£130,000 from the Young Peoples Facilities and Services Fund (Department
of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs) with the Council funding the
balance of £40,000. Approval of funding was expected in the coming weeks
from the Department.
The report recommended that Part 8 Planning Process under the Local
Government (Planning and Development) Regulations 2001 commence in order
to advance the project.
Pedestrian crossing on Togher road Ardmanning
junction |