Books about
- Osteopathic
Medicine- Philosophy, Principles and Practice
- Ligamentous
Articular Strain- Osteopathic Manipulative
Techniques for the Body (2001)
- Osteopathic
Considerations in Systemic Dysfunction (1994)
- Opportunities in
Osteopathic Medicine Careers (2001)
- Osteopathic
Medicine- A Reformation in Progress (2001)
- Visceral
Manipulation - J.P. Barral's Books » Trauma:
An Osteopathic Approach (2000)
- Visceral
Manipulation - J.P. Barral's Books » Manual
Thermal Diagnosis (1996)
« Previous Page
Link- Fundamental Principles, Theory, and
Practice in Osteopathy (2003)
Osteopathic Approach to Children (2003)
of Osteopathy- A Primer (2003)
for Osteopathic Medicine (2002)
Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment
Disorders- Healing Methods from Chinese Medicine,
Orthopaedic Medicine and Osteopathy (1999)
of the Spine, Thorax and Pelvis- An Osteopathic
Perspective (2000)
Medicine: Philosophy, Principles and Practice
by Walter Llewellyn McKone, W. Podmore (Introduction)
Paperback: 260 pages;
1st edition (April 2001)
Blackwell Science Inc; ISBN: 0632052635 Price - Quick Click Buying
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Articular Strain: Osteopathic Manipulative Techniques for
the Body
by Conrad A. Speece, William T. Crow,
Steven L. Simmons DO
Paperback: 184 pages (October
Eastland Press; ISBN: 0939616319 Price - Quick Click Buying
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Book Description
The osteopathic profession has developed many treatment
modalities and approaches to manipulation. Ligamentous
articular strain is the name given by William G.
Sutherland, D.O., the founder of cranial osteopathy, to a
group of techniques that he used for treating the body
outside the core axis of the craniosacral system. The
term has since come to refer to a wide variety of
techniques that engage the body's own healing mechanisms
in a relatively direct manner.
For over thirty years the Dallas Osteopathic Study Group,
originally under the tutelage of Rollin Becker, D.O., has
been exploring this type of manipulation. Ligamentous
Articular Strain is the distillation of their work. The
introductory chapters address the historical development
of this approach, and review some of its scientific
underpinnings. The remaining chapters are devoted to an
examination of the body, area by area, from the feet to
the shoulders, describing and depicting effective
manipulative techniques.
Ligamentous Articular Strain provides clear instructions
and vivid illustrations which will enable the trained
practitioner to quickly gain proficiency in these
techniques. It also presents a cogent approach to working
with the concepts of the key lesion and the bowstring,
first developed by Rollin Becker.
About the Author
Conrad A. Speece, D.O., is a graduate of the Kansas City
College of Osteopathic Medicine, and is board certified
in Family Practice. He has lectured on ligamentous
articular strain techniques and other aspects of
osteopathy throughout the United States and Europe. In
addition to his private practice, where he helps train
students and residents from the Texas College of
Osteopathic Medicine, he serves as Chairman of the Dallas
Osteopathic Study Group, an organization dedicated to
refining and expanding the osteopathic approach to
treating the human body. Dr. Speece is also an inventor
who, among other things, developed and patented the
BackMaster® Lumbar and Thoracic OMT Devices.
William Thomas Crow, D.O., is a graduate of the
University of North Texas Health Science Center-Texas
College of Osteopathic Medicine, and is certified by the
American Osteopathic Board of Special Proficiency in
Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. At present, he serves
as a visiting clinician for the American Academy of
Osteopathy, and is an associate professor in the
Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine at the
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Steven L. Simmons, D.O., is a graduate of the University
of North Texas Health Science Center-Texas College of
Osteopathic Medicine. He is presently a family practice
resident in Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. Simmons has written
and illustrated Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine-Review
for the Boards.
Table of Contents
* Introduction * History * The Scientific Basis and
Principles Underlying Ligamentous Articular Strain * The
Lower Extremities * Pelvis and Lower Abdomen * Abdomen
and Thorax * Spinal Column * Upper Extremities * Key
Lesion * Bowstring * Coordinating the Eight Diaphragms *
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Considerations in Systemic Dysfunction
by Michael Kuchera, William Kuchera
Paperback:2nd edition
(December 1994)
Publisher: Greyden Pr; ISBN: 1570741549 Price - Quick Click Buying
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Reader Reviews
Great practical book for osteopathic physicians.,
October 3, 1999
Reviewer: jennifer ravenscroft
from West Virginia
This is a great practical book for the osteopathic
physician. I use it frequently when caring for hospital
patients. While it has sections on various types of
diseases (upper respiratory, GI,etc.) Dr. Kuchera also
has a basic outline on how to use osteopathy in any sort
of disease state. This means you can take the basic
philosophy and apply it in any situation. I highly
recommend it to all osteopathic physicians and students
of osteopathy.
Excellent text on Osteopathy in the field of
visceral disease, March 21, 1998
Reviewer: An Customer
An excellent and very welcome text on the important role
Osteopathy has to play in the treatment of visceral
disease. By explaining the relationships between viscera
and the Autonomic nervous system, the authors have been
able to recommend an approach and treatment plan for many
common visceral disorders. For any Osteopath who has a
desire to explore the full power of Osteopathy and be
confident in treating such conditions in their clinic,
this book is a must.
Opportunities in
Osteopathic Medicine Careers
by Terence J. Sacks
Paperback: 143 pages;
1st edition (January 15, 2001)
McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books; ISBN:
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Book Description
This is the world's most comprehensive career book
series, covering a range of professions from accounting
to zookeeping, and encompassing traditional and cutting-edge
careers. Each book offers job seekers essential
information about a variety of careers within each field
and includes training and education requirements, salary
statistics, and professional and Internet resources.
Medicine: A Reformation in Progress
by R. Michael Gallagher (Editor),
Frederick J. Humphrey, Marc S. Micozzi (Editor)
Paperback: 137 pages (January
15, 2001)
Churchill Livingstone; ISBN: 0443079919 Price - Quick Click Buying
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Book Description
Osteopathic medicine is a holistic method of health care
that focuses on manipulative treatments to maintain the
harmonious balance of the body's interactions.
Osteopathic Medicine: A Reformation in Progress offers a
broad-based introduction to the basic tenets of
osteopathic medicine, from the roots of osteopathic
reformation to its present and future role in primary
care medicine. It addresses the problems that the
osteopathic profession has faced and continues to face,
and offers concrete and proactive recommendations for the
future. Both osteopathic practitioners and physicians who
practice mainstream medicine can benefit from the
theories and practices presented in this intriguing text.
Reader Review
WOW, just what the doctor ordered!,
January 30, 2001
Reviewer: Sandy Duncan
from Cambridge, MA USA
Osteopathic Medicine: A Reformation in Progress is a long
overdue reference for those seeking accurate information
about the history and development of the ostoepathic
medical profession. It concisely reviews the historical
foundations and evolution of osteopathic medicine from a
frontier-based medical sect to a full-fledged social
movement in American health care.
In a well-written and engaging style, the authors provide
the reader with a critical appraisal of where the
osteopathic medical profession has been, its past
achievements and current challenges, as well as a clear
course for its future development. It also explores the
dimensions of osteopathic medical education and practice
that distinguish DOs from their MD counterparts. The
authors review the philosophical foundations that drive
the unique osteopathic approach to patient care as well
as a critical appraisal of efforts to incorporate
osteopathic principles and practice into the broader
infrastructure and science of total health care
This is book is highly recommended reading for all pre-medical
students considering a career in osteopathic medicine,
current osteopathic medical students and residents, as
well as practicing physicians, and interested lay people.
This book will also be of particular interest to medical
educators and public health policy-makers who work to
further refine and develop a health care system that is
compassionate, accessible, evidence-based, integrative,
and technologically advanced.
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