July |
Community Notices
Killybegs X-Ray Appeal
Parishioners of the Church of the Holy Family are
requested to bring their donations for the Killybegs
Appeal, and place them in the St Vincent de Paul boxes
next weekend, the fourth of August. Similarly, boxes will
be made available at the back of the Ardara Methodist
Church and the Ardara Church of Ireland so that they may
make their donations to the X-Ray Appeal on the same day,
Sunday, August the 4th. If you are unable to attend
church on that Sunday, your donation may be left with
Jimmy O'Donnell, Lough Hill, or Alan Given, Garrowart, or
Susan Boyd, Lackaduff. A generous response will result in
a modern X-Ray unit being installed in Killybegs
Community Hospital, which would be of great benefit to
everyone in the community.
Concert, Dolmen Centre
A unique night of story-telling and excellent music will
take place in the Dolmen Centre on Friday the 2nd of
August at 8:30 p.m. The show will commence with Jen and
Ken followed by story-telling from Ted Hall, the
acclaimed Celtic story-teller. The second half of the
show will feature local musician, Shaun Ryan, who will
entertain with the music of Phil Coulter. This promises
to be an excellent nights entertainment. Booking is
essential. Telephone 075-45179, 41444, or the Centre at
075-45010. Admission will be 7. for adults and
3. for children.
Top of page
July |
Community Notices
Car Boot Sale
There will be a car boot sale in the Ardara Methodist
Church carpark on Saturday the 27th of July at 2 p.m. A
fee of 10. per booter will be payable. Tea and
cakes will be available inside the church hall that
afternoon. All car boot sellers are welcome ; the more
the merrier.
Ardara Golf Society
An outing of the Ardara Golf Society to Ballybofey will
take place on Saturday the third of August. This
competition is the last qualifier for the Ryder Cup Match
with Glenties. Would those participating please note that
the draw for partners is at 11:30 sharp, as the tee box
is reserved for only a short time. Please be early.
Ardara Barn Dancing Group
There will be a dinner/dance in Glenties on Friday the 26th
of July. Those interested in going please give their
names to Greta before Wednesday at 075-41744. A bus will
leave the Diamond at 8:15 p.m.
N.W. Hunter Trials
Four Ardara children competed on the 14th of July in the
annual N.W. Hunter Trials. The course consisted of two
miles of beach set up with cross-country jumps.The four
children are members of the N.W. Pony Club, based in
Cruit. Margaret Whyte, Maeve and Bronagh Given, and John
Maguire competed and came home with two firsts. They won
the trebles and the doubles (both team events). The N.W.
Pony Club would like to extend sincere thanks to the
Ardara business people for the wonderful sponsorship
afforded these children again this year. It wouldn't be
possible for the club to stage this event without the
generous financial support it receives.
Dolmen Centre
A great night's entertainment of comedy and music is
lined up for tomorrow night, Friday the 26th of July, in
the Dolmen Centre, starting at 8:30 p.m. On the programme
are comedy from John B. (O'Donnell) and friends, music
from the ever popular Solan family, and traditional music
from Tony Finnerty and guests. Booking is advisable by
telephoning 075-41367, 075-41444, or the Centre at 075-45010.
Admission is 7. for adults and 3. for
children. This includes a complimentary tea/coffee at the
Ardara Show-Dogs
Maybe your dog didn't quite make Crufts this year, but
success could still come it's way next month....and with
a huge saving on travelling time! All it has to do is
present itself, with a lead, and somebody holding the
other end, at the Ardara Show on Saturday August 10th.
There it will find an exemption dog show, staged under
Irish Kennel Club rules, and with entries being taken
from 1.15 p.m. on the showfield, with a starting time of
2 p.m., under the watchful eye of an experienced judge.
There are 12 classes in all, with a great big cup for the
best gun dog or hound, and a large sash for the owner of
the winner of the Pedro Top Dog of Show, sponsored by
Pedro, the pet food company of Strabane. There are also
classes for child, lady and gent handlers.
Top of page
July |
Community Notices
Ardara Barn Dancing Group
There will be a Dinner Dnce in Glenties on Friday 26th
July, those interested in going please give their names
to Gretta before Wednesday at 41744. Bus will leave the
Diamond at 8.15pm.
Top of page
July |
Community Notices
"Scallywags club"
The scallywags club continues during the summer months in
the dolmen centre, Kilclooney every Saturday from 12.30-2pm
for children of all ages. Come along and join in the fun
and games.
Dolmen Centre
The gym and sauna is available all year around for non-members,
contact Tim on 075-45010 for further details.
Watch out also for a Comedy & Music night in the
dolmen centre on July 26th, and 2 special evenings of
great entertainment will be held on the 2nd & 8th of
august. Watch this space for more details or ring the
centre on 45010.
Blessing of Graves
Takes place in Glenties on 28th July, Ardara 4th August
and Kilclooney, Portnoo on 11th August at 4pm.
To Miss Emer ward, Kilclooney, daughter of Paddy and
Meave who was recently selected as the Portnoo/Rosbeg
festival queen. Emer is well known as she works in Givens
of Ardara.
The festival bachelor for 2002 was Jonathan Quinn,
Clougher. Well done to both of them!!
Romanian appeal
A coffee morning in aid of the Romanian orphans will take
place in the women's resource centre, Kilclooney, Portnoo
in early August. More details later. Please support this
worthy cause.
Raft Race
An RNLI Portnoo paddle raft race will take place off
Portnoo pier on Sunday 11th august. Grab three friends or
colleagues and get busy building your raft in readiness
for this fantastic event. We'll leave the raft design up
to you. To register for the event a registration form has
to be completed and returned by 26th July along with a
registration fee. For further details contact Anna on 075-45428
or Honora on 075/45935 or Lifeboats Ireland on 01/-2845050.
Top of page
July |
Community Notices
Ardara GAA Summer Camp
The annual Ardara GAA summer camp will be held in Pearse
Memorial Park, Ardara, beginning next Monday the 22nd of
July until Friday the 26th of July. The Camp will begin
at 10.a.m. each day and finish at 3.30 p.m. Qualified
coaches and County senior players will be in attendance.
Any girl/boy between the ages of 7 and 12 years, also any
child visiting the area, is eligible to attend. They will
be taught the skills of the GAA, involving coaching in
Gaelic football for boys and girls, rounders, camogie and
hurling during the week long activities. The cost will be
30.00 per child and 15.00 for each
additional child in the same family. The children
attending are asked to bring a packed lunch. (A shop will
be in operation during the week). Those interested can
contact James Mc Hugh at 087-2222277, or John Mc Connell
at 087-6370074 or can enrol on Monday morning at 9.45.am.
Barn Dance
The Ardara I.C.A. are holding a barn dance and supper in
the Central Bar on Saturday the 20th of July. Music will
be by the ever popular Country Traditions. The admission
fee of 4. includes the cost of supper.
Result of Sponsored Walk
The Whit Sunday sponsored walk in aid of two Christian
charities, Lifeline (Send a Cow) and A.R.R.C. (Aid to
Russia and the Republics) was a huge success. One
thousand and fifteen euro sixty-nine cent (1015.69.)
was raised. The proceeds have been divided equally
between the two causes and the cheques have been sent.
The organisers wish to thank all the participants and
their sponsors, and anyone who helped in any way to
achieve the success of this worthy fund-raising event.
The Late Nan McNelis
The death of Nan McNelis occurred on the 2nd of July at
Letterkenny General Hospital, after a brief illness. She
was aged eighty-one and was born and raised in
Tullycleave, moving to Ardara on her marriage to the late
William McNelis. William and Nan lived on Front St and
raised a family of seven children. They were quiet-living
and hard-working people. Nan's funeral took place at the
Church of the Holy Family, Ardara, on Thursday the 4th of
July. She is survived by her daughters, Breege McGowan,
Scotland, Aileen McNelis, Front St, Ardara, and Mary
Melly, Toome, Leitirmacaward, her sons, John, Ardconnell,
Ardara, Conal, Ardpatrick, Glenties, Liam, Front St,
Ardara, and Gerard, Carraroe, Sligo, her sons-in-law,
Tommy McGowan, James Melly, her daughters-in-law, Teresa,
Ardconnell, Margaret, Ardpatrick, Valerie, Carraroe, and
thirteen grandchildren, six great grandchildren, her
brother, Connell Watters, U.S.A., and many nieces and
nephews. The community extends sympathy to the family on
their loss
Show Office
The Show Office will open for registration of entries on
Monday the 15th of July, in Teague's, West End, Ardara.
Entries close this year on Tuesday, July the 23rd, which
is a little earlier than in other years. This is due to a
deadline set by the printers of this years Show catalogue.
SillyBuck's Stories
Apologies to all who turned up at the Heiritage Centre on
Saturday the 13th of July, for the story-telling and
baking. Breezey was unable to be there. She will resume
the series on July the 27th at 11 a.m. in the Heiritage
Centre. All children are welcome, especially Emer, Sinéad,
and Cahill, who were disappointed on the 13th.
Ardara Writers' Group
There are some changes to what was previously made known
as arrangements for this group. This month's Writers'
Workshop, on Friday the 19th of July, from 8 till 10 p.m.,
is entitled "Atlantic Dreams" and will be held
in the Patterson home in Rosbeg, fittingly overlooking
the Atlantic. All are welcome. Writers are invited to
bring along a piece of writing, or several short pieces,
to share with the group.
Drama Group
Please note that the venue for Drama Workshops for
children of National School age, both local and visiting
children, has changed to Ardara Community Centre,
Thursdays, from 4.30 till 6 p.m., over the summer
holidays. Notice has been given to regular attenders;
please inform newcomers and visitors. All are welcome.
We are proud of the U-12 Gaelic Football team for their
achievement in winning the South Donegal Championship for
their age group. Congratulations to them and to their
Salmon Fishing
Due to the rain and the spate of water in the rivers, it
has not been a particularly good season for the in-shore
salmon fishermen. One Loughros Point crew were marooned
briefly on a sandy island in the Loughros Beag channel in
the early afternoon of Friday the 12th of July. They were
on-shore completing a dul, hauling in the circle of their
net, when they saw with dismay that their 'securely
fastened' boat was slowly drifting down the channel on
the outward tide. Their good fishermen brothers from
Maghera were instrumental in saving the situation, by
coming out onto the water and taking the boat in tow back
to it's rightful owners. All's well that ends well.
Top of page
July |
Community Notices
Show Office
The Show Office will be open on Monday 15th July in
Teage's West End.
Fund Raising Dance
The local I.C.A. are holding a Fund Raising Dance in the
Central Bar on Saturday 20th July. Admission 4,
supper included. Music by Country Traditions.
Senior Citizens
The Senior Citizens Trip to Ards Friary will leave the
Church Car Park at 10.00am on Tuesday 16th July.
At the Friary: Confessions will be from 11.30am,
Mass will be at 12.00 noon and Lunch will be at 1.00pm
Top of page
July |
Charlie Bennett
always part of the Council
The late and much missed Clr. Charlie Bennett
will always be part of Donegal County Council following
the unveiling of his photograph in the Council Chamber in
Lifford last Friday.

Marian and Sinead Bennett
pictured at the unveiling
of a photo of the late Charlie Bennett
The Ardara man, who passed away while
leading a Council delegation over the St Patrick's
weekend in March 2001, was one of the most loved and
respected politicians ever to grace the chamber and this
was reflected in the tributes paid to him at the
unveiling ceremony.
The tributes were led by the outgoing Co. chairman, Clr.
Padraig O'Ceallaigh he had great memories of the late Clr
"He greeted you with a smile, a kind word and a firm
handshake, he had a quick wit and a turn of phrase that
could defuse a tense situation. Charlie was a plain
speaker but always in such a way not to cause offence.
His background in communnity activities and his own
personality made him an excellent politician, sasly of
short duration," he said.
Top of page |
July |
Community Notices
Ardara Writers' group
All people interested are cordially invited to the next
open meeting of the group on Friday 19th July, 8 p.m.
prompt till 10 p.m., in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel. The
subject of the meeting will be any piece of writing (short
story, poetry, etc.) of your own which hasn't until now
been shared with the group. All will be welcome - some
may prefer to just "sit in" without reading. If
you are unable to attend, but are interested in attending
the following meeting in August, contact Dixie Patterson,
Rosbeg, Portnoo Post Office, in order to help her decide
a suitable date. Write to her, informing her of the dates
on which you already have committments.
Senior Citizens
To join in with the Senior Citizens' outing to Ards
Friary on Tuesday the 16th of July, please leave your
name at the post office, or contact Breda at 075-41246.
All ages and denominations are welcome.
Dolmen Centre
A traditional night with 'Rebel Hearts' and traditional
ceili music from Seamus Sweeney's junior award-winning
ceili band and Groupai Ceol, is scheduled for Friday the
12th of July in the Dolmen Centre, and starts at 8:30 p.m.
Crove National School Reunion
Tickets for the past pupils reunion at a dinner/dance, on
Sunday the 4th of August in the Blue Haven, are available
from Sorcha Ward at 073-39055, or from any committee
Mass and Healing Service
There will be a Mass and Healing Service in Rossnowlagh
on Sunday the 14th of July. Please book at Divers'
newsagents for a place on the bus, which will depart at 1:30
p.m. that day.
Ardara Summer Camp
The summer camp for 5-7 year olds in the Community Centre
began on Monday the 8th of July, and will run through
until Friday the 19th of July. There are still a few
places available. Fees are 3. per day or 15.
per week. Activities include art and craft, puppet-making,
sport and fun activities from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m., Monday
till Friday. For further information contact Emily
between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at 075-41341.
Water Supply
In reply to representations by Seamus Rodgers (Labour
Party), the County Council Sanitary Services Engineer, Mr
Paul Lyons, has stated that it is hoped to have the inter-connection
between the Ardara Water Supply Scheme and the Killybegs
Scheme underway within the next few months. The inclement
weather has delayed progress on the work being carried
out adjacent to Killybegs.
Ardara I.C.A.
A busload of I.C.A. members and their friends travelled
to Letterkenny on Thursday the 27th of June to see a
performance of John B, Keane's comedy play "The
Chastitute", at An Grianan theatre. The cast of the
play were wonderful actors and included Mick Lally, Mary
McEvoy, Eileen Colgan, and Mary Toal, all of 'Glenroe'
fame. The theatre was fully booked for that evening's
performance. The Ardara ladies enjoyed their night out at
the theatre.
American Harness Horse-Racing
Caroline Whyte-Gallagher, James, Donal and Hugh Byrne
were pleased with the results of their work in organising
American harness horse-racing on Carn Strand, in the
afternoon of Sunday the 30th of June. A total of twenty-seven
horses from Co. Tyrone and Co. Donegal were entered in
the races . Despite the wet weather everyone had a good
day, and 1000. was raised for the Resource Centre
for People with Special Needs, Wood Rd, Ardara. This may
become an annual event. The organisers would like to
thank their sponsors, and the stewards who worked so
enthusiastically, even in the rain.
Important Deadline for Ardara Show
Get your entries in early - that's the message from the
Ardara Show Committee. With the popular event taking
place on Saturday August the 10th, the Committee are
reminding supporters that the actual entry deadline is
Tuesday July 23rd. The show office will be opening soon,
but whether you visit the office or send entries to the
Show secretary, Niall Heena, at Crumlin, Ardara, the
message is to ensure that you meet the July 23rd
deadline, which has been set by the catalogue printers.
This year's show - it did not take place last year
because of the foot and mouth scare - opens at 10 a.m. on
August the 10th, with judging of the cattle and marquee
classes. Horse and pony judging is at 11a.m., with sheep
at 12 noon and the prestigious All-Ireland final of the
Osmonds Ecofleece black-faced ewe lambs at 1 p.m.
The official opening of the show takes place at 12.30 p.m.,
followed by a comprehensive afternoon programme which
will include special appearances by Texas Ollie and
Silver the Wonder Horse (1.15 and 3.30pm). Silver
performs numerous tricks which will delight children and
adults alike. An Exemption Dog Show will take place at 2
p.m., a Bonny Baby and a Children's Fancy Dress
Competition at 3 p.m., Children's Sports at 3.30, and
Tossing the Sheaf, Tug o' War and Strongman Competition
are scheduled between 4 and 6 p.m.
Tidy Town Preparations
The necessary construction of an iron framework on the
bridge has been completed. It was kindly made by Owen
Byrne, so that the final hanging baskets could be put in
place, ensuring a much improved floral display in the
town. A number of commercial properties and houses have
been painted in the run-up to the first Tidy Town
inspection. Small posters emphasising the message "Keep
Our Town Tidy" have been prepared for interior and
exterior display, and are available from John Couzens and
Jack Maguire of the Tidy Town Committee.
Garden Fete
St Connall's Church will be holding their annual garden
fete in the grounds of the Rectory, opposite Molloys'
factory on the Killybegs Rd, starting at 2 p.m. on
Wednesday, July the 17th. There will be opportunities to
have tea and cakes in the garden, to explore the variety
of stalls and goods on offer, and fun and games for
everyone. All are welcome.
Charlie Bennett Memorial Golf Classic
This Golf Classic, which took place at Narin/Portnoo
Golfclub on June the 22nd in aid of the St Vincent de
Paul Society Sheltered Housing project in Ardara, was
very successful. The organisers wish to thank everyone
who sponsored the event or who made donations, and also
those who put in a great deal of time to make this fund-raising
day of golf such a success.
Table Quiz
There will be a Table Quiz in Iniskeel Community Hall on
Saturday July the 13th at 8 p.m. Teams of four may enter
for a fee of 12. per table, and there will be tea
and coffee afterward. Proceeds are in aid of Ardara St
Connall's Church funds. Everyone is welcome.
Show Jumping
Show Jumping at the Owenea Bridge on Sunday 28th July.
Enquiries 075-45270
Top of page
July |
Community Notices
Show Meeting
In the hotel tonight at 9.00pm. All members are asked to
Mass and Healing Service
Mass and Healing Service in Rossnowlagh on Sunday 14th
July. Bus leaving Divers at 1.30pm. Please book at Divers.
Senior Citizens
Senior Citizens outing to Ards Friary on Tuesday 16th
July. Please leave names at the Post Office or ring Breda
at 41246.
The Chiropdist will be in the Community Centre next
Tuesday 9th July from 2.00pm to 5.00pm. For an
appointment please ring 21426.
Dolmen Centre
Tuesday 9th July .... The Balor Theatre present "Stop
It Nurse" a comedy by Sam Cree. Starts at 8.30pm.
Friday 12th July ... Traditional night with Rebel Hearts
- Traditional ceili music from Seamus Sweeney's junior
award winning ceili band and Groupai Ceoil. Starts at 8.30pm.
Crove National School Past Pupils Reunion
Tickets for Dinner Dance on Sunday 4th August in the Blue
Haven are available from Sorcha Ward at 073-39055 or any
committee member.
Comhairle Paróiste Ard a'Ratha/Tír Boghaine
Summer Camp for 10-13 years olds - Dates: 9th - 12th
July; Time 10.00am - 2.00pm - 4.00pm. Fee 13.
Contact Kay or Phelim at 073-38462.
Election of a New Parish Council & Survry
By now every family in the parish should have received a
questionnaire on your concerns and aspirations for the
parish over the next three years. It also asks you to
select someone from your townland as a representative on
the next Parish Council. It is vital that this document
is filled in and returned to the Parish Council Results
Box in the Post Office before 31/07/02 for total
confidentiality. If adequate replies are not returned by
31/07/02, election committee members will call to
individual houses in each townland, this of course would
reduce the confidentiality of your selection. So return
your questionnaire by 31/07/02 to the Post Office. Anyone
who has not received a questionnaire and feels they
should, please contact the present Parish Council
secretary Donal Haughey on 075-41518.
Top of page
July |
Community Notices
Fun Morning
Silly Bucks Stories will be holding a morning of story
telling and baking for children at the Heritage Centre
from 11 - 1pm on Saturday 6th July. There will be a
charge of three euro per child and there will be family
rates available. A good morning's entertainment
Top of page
July |
Community Notices
Senior Citizens' Outing
The Senior Citizens are going to Ards for the day on July
the 16th and lunch will be arranged. This trip is inter-denominational
and people of all ages are welcome to join the group.
Leave your name at the post office, or telephone Breda at
41246, before July the 10th. if you would like to go on
this outing. Helpers for the day would be very welcome.
Care of the Aged A.G.M.
The Annual General Meeting of the Care of the Aged took
place on the 19th of June. The committee elected was as
follows : Breda Boyle, chairperson, Bríd McGill,
secretary, Eileen Keeney, assistant secretary, Pat Boyle,
treasurer. The retiring treasurer, Peggy McGill, was
thanked for all the time and effort she had put in over
the years. The community appreciates the important and
valuable contribution made to senior citizens by this
small voluntary group.
Church Gate Collection
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Church Gate
Collection in aid of Care of the Aged. The amount raised
was 637.
Water Supply
In reply to representations by Seamus Rodgers (Labour
Party), the County Council Sanitary Services Engineer, Mr
Paul Lyons, has stated that it is hoped to have the inter-connection
between the Ardara Water Supply Scheme and the Killybegs
Scheme underway within the next few months. The inclement
weather has delayed progress on the work being carried
out adjacent to Killybegs.
Two- Act Comedy
The Balor Theatre Group will present a two-act play,
"Stop It Nurse", by Sam Cree, in the Dolmen
Centre on Tuesday July the 9th at 8:30 p.m. Admission for
adults will cost 7. and for children 4.
There will be a complimentary cup of tea or coffee after
the play, and everybody is welcome.
Congratulations to Nora Curran on her graduation from
Coleraine University, Ulster, with an Honours Degree in
biomedical science. She is currently employed at
Altnagelvin Hospital as a biomedical scientist. Nora is
the daughter of Paddy and Ann Curran, Tullycleave, Ardara.
We wish her all the best in her new employment after her
years of study.
Comairle Paróiste Ard a'Ratha/Tir Boghaine Teo
A summer camp of non-stop activities for 10 -13 year olds
will take place from the 9th - 12th of July in the Ardara
Community Centre. The morning session begins at 10 a.m.
and the afternoon session begins at 2 p.m., finishing
each day at 4 p.m. The fee is 13. Contact Kay or
Phelim at 073-38462 for further information.
Ardara I.C.A.
A full busload of I.C.A. members and their friends
travelled to Letterkenny on Thursday the 27th of June to
see a performance of John B, Keane's comedy play "The
Chastitute", at An Grianan theatre. The cast of the
play were wonderful actors and included Mick Lally, Mary
McEvoy, Eileen Colgan, and Mary Toal, all of 'Glenroe'
fame. The theatre was fully booked for the Thursday
evening performance. The Ardara ladies enjoyed the saucy
scenes and sallies, and their night out at the theatre.
Playgroup Registration
Parents who have not registered their children for
playgroup in September should do so, as places are
limited. Call to the playgroup any morning between 9:30 a.m.
and 12 noon.
Show Meeting
There will be a show meeting on Monday the 8th of July at
9 p.m. in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel. All members please
attend as preparations for the Show are getting underway.
Missions Appeal
Sister Nuala Glynn has aked that her appreciation and
thanks be expressed for the support of her appeal for the
Missions recently. In the Ardara part of the parish,
2,940. was contributed. She promises a remembrance
in the prayers of the Sisters.
Dolmen Centre
On Friday the 12th of July, the first Summer Evenings
Entertainment in the Dolmen Centre will feature 'Rebel
Hearts' (the Folan family), with traditional ceilidh
music from Seamus Sweeney's junior award-winning ceilidh
band, An Groupai Cheoil. This promises to be a great
night's entertainment, not to be missed. It will commence
at 8:30 p.m.
Artists' Resource Centre
On Saturday the 27th of June, an exhibition of the work
of John Martin Cunningham and of Jacquette Fleury was
opened in the Artists' Resource Centre, Wood Rd, Ardara.
This is Jacquette's second exhibition in Ardara. Her
first was in Nancy's Bar, at which she sold a good many
of her colourful encaustic pictures. The present
exhibition looks like being just as successful for her.
John Martin's pictures are of acrylic on paper, and
comprise a series of interesting landscapes from a world
journey. Some of the landscapes are from in and around
Ardara, which makes them of additional interest to people
living here. A somewhat cheeky little red kite appears in
every picture, and one can only surmise that this kite
follows John Martin on all his travels! Call in to see
this exhibition by two local artists from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
any day from Tuesday till Sunday. Admission is free and
the exibition will remain open until July the 16th.
American Harness Horse-Racing
Caroline Whyte-Gallagher, James, Donal and Hugh Byrne
were pleased with the results of their work in organising
American harness horse-racing on Carn Strand, in the
afternoon of Sunday the 30th of June. A total of twenty-seven
horses from Co. Tyrone and Co. Donegal were entered in
the races . Despite the wet weather everyone had a good
day, and 1000. was raised for the Resource Centre
for People with Special Needs, Wood Rd, Ardara. This may
become an annual event. The organisers would like to
thank their sponsors, and the stewards who worked so
enthusiastically in the rain.
Read More
Fortieth Wedding Anniversary
Congratulations to Alex and Isobel Lockhart, who
celebrated their Ruby Wedding Anniversary on Sunday the
30th of June with family and friends, in their home at
Drumitten, Ardara. |
Top of
page |
Festival a Success
The usual lively atmoshere prevailed at the 2002
Portnoo/Rosbeg Seafood Festival on June 22nd and 23rd,
and the organisers were more than happy at the way in
which participants enjoyed themselves during a
trouble-free weekend. "The sun shone on the
righteous, and the weather was brilliant," stated
Tommy Barrett, a member of the organising committee.
"The Air/Sea Rescue display was a fantastic success."
The Committee would like to thank all the local
people for their help and support, and their co-operative
efforts in gathering seafood for the festival. They'd
also like to thank the local Gardai and the Civil Defence
who were on duty for the whole weekend and kept the
traffic moving. They wish to apologise to the public for
any events which didn't take place as advertised, due to
circumstances beyond their control.
Top of page
American Harness
Racing Comes to Ardara By
Susan Boyd

Winner of the three-quarter
bred one-mile race at Carn Beach was Flash, owned by
Francis McVeigh of Port Salon, and driven by Kevin Boyce.
Flash covered the mile circuit in two minutes and
nineteen seconds. This was the second fastest recorded
time of the day.
On Carn beach in the afternoon of
Sunday, June 30th, a small crowd gathered for the thrill
of seeing twenty-seven racing horses competing on a one-mile
circuit over the sands. A lot of excitement is generated
by seeing a number of horses in top form, drawing a gig,
stretching themselves to their maximum power and speed,
sand and water flying, manes in the wind.
This was the first time such an event had ever taken
place in the region of Ardara, and it was the idea of
James Byrne and Caroline Whyte-Gallagher. They thought of
this in the middle of last winter, as a way of raising
money for the Resource Centre for People with Special
Needs in Ardara. Caroline's father, Charlie Whyte, chose
the date and time for the racing, according to the tides.
James chose Carn Beach as the venue, knowing it well
since he exercises his horses there. The organising
committee was made up of Caroline Whyte-Gallagher, James
Byrne, Donal and Hugh Byrne.
They advertised the races by printing posters and
distributing them to pony drive clubs, and were pleased
to receive a response of twenty-seven entries from Omagh,
Rathmullan, Lack, Dromore, Ederny, Newtownbutler,
Aghadowey, Cookstown, and other places in Co. Tyrone.
Local entries came in from Stephen Sweeney, Ardara,
Desmond Henry, Dunkineely, and James Byrne, Ardara, who
entered three horses.
The owners and drivers, and their horses began assembling
at Carn Beach around mid-day on Sunday the 30th. A
circuit of one mile was indicated by white markers on the
beach. There were three classes : full-bred, three-quarter
bred, and half bred. A privately organised race for
coloured horses also took place. A slightly delayed start
saw the first race begin at about 1 p.m. The pacers of
each class competed against each other in the heats. The
square trotters of each class had their own heats also.
For the final race of each section, the winners of the
heats (both pacers and square trotters) participated
Unfortunately the weather was rather wet and cold. It
rained continuously all day, clearing just a little
sometimes, but then closing in again from the sea in the
west. Most of the stewards got soaked, but there were no
long faces, as enthusiasm and interest carried the day. A
good many spectators drove their cars on to the sand and
could view the races in relative comfort, but those who
stood outside did feel the cold, between races.
"We resigned ourselves to the fact that the weather
wouldn't be great, so we didn't worry too much about it,"
said Caroline, who was out in the rain recording results
and organising entries all afternoon. "It was an
excellent beach for our purpose. We prefered not to do a
straight mile , but a circle. A lot of these horses would
be ex-track horses and would be used to running in a
circle as well. Everybody could park on the sand and
nobody had to be towed out."
The horses were in great shape. Most of them have been
stabled for the summer, but they are well-fed and
trained, and enjoy racing, though a few of them didn't
take to the watery conditions. For pony drivers from Co.
Tyrone, the nearest beach for exercising their horses and
building up stamina would be Rossnowlagh. They draw their
horses there on a regular basis, some of them as often as
once a week.
One thousand euro were raised for the Resource Centre for
People with Special Needs, and this was mainly from entry
fees and sponsorship. The organisers would like to thank
all those who so generously sponsored this event and the
prizes for it. They would also like to thank the stewards
who marked out the track, timed the races, directed the
parking, and did everything necessary, getting soaked by
the rain in the process.
Presentations to the winning drivers took place in Teague
Breslin's bar, Ardara, after the races were over. The
winner of the full-bred race was Neville Martin's Silver
Wings, driven by Declan Goodman. (Neville Martin
generously returned half of his 500. prize money
to the charity for which the event had been organised).
The three-quarter bred race was won by Francis McVeigh's
Flash, driven by Kevin Boyce who received 200. in
prize money, and a trophy. The winning half-bred horse
was Bob, owned and driven by Desmond Henry, who received
100., and a trophy. The private race for coloured
horses was won by Tara and its owner/driver Stephen
Sweeney, who led the race from start to finish.
Despite the weather everyone had a good day and they're
looking forward to another race day at Carn next year.
"We're going to try to make it an annual event,"
said Caroline.
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July |
Community Notices
Summer Camp
Summer Camp for 10-13 years olds - Dates: 9th - 12th
July; Time 10.00am - 2.00pm - 4.00pm. Fee 13.
Contact Kay or Phelim at 073-38462
Parents who have not registered children for Playgroup in
September should do so as places are limited. Call to the
Playgroup any morning between 9.30am and 12 noon.
Caring for Carers
A meeting will be held in the Women's Centre, Kilclooney
on Tuesday 2nd July from 7.30 - 9.30pm. All carers are
welcome. For further information contact 073-38451 or 077-61500
ext. 227.
Senior Citizens
Senior Citizens outing to Ards Friary on Tuesday 16th
July. Open to all senior citizens. Mass, Confessions and
lunch will be arranged. Please leave names at the Post
Office or ring Breda at 41246. Helpers for the day, are
you available?
Thank You
Sister Nula Glynn has asked us to express her
appreciation and thanks for your support to her appeal
for the Missions last weekend. In the Ardara part of the
Parish 2,940.00 was contributed. She promises a
remembrance in the prayers of the Sisters.
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