June |
Community Notices
Ardara Playgroup
Registration of children wishing to attend Ardara
Playgroup as from September will take place in the Community Centre on Thursday,
28th June from 10:00am until mid-day.
House of Prayer, Achill
Bus to the House of Prayer, Achill on Sunday 8th July,
leaving Divers at 8:45am. Please book at Divers.
Summer Clean-Up
The dates agreed for the clean up around Ardara are 28th,
29th and 30th June. If you have a wreck of an old vehicle
and you would like it removed, contact Stephen McCahill
at 075-41347.
It is hoped to have skips at the following locations
on Saturday, 30th June:
The Community
Centre; Drimaghy; Loughros Point;
Meentinadea; Easaranka.
If you would like to help out with litter collection,
come along to the Community Centre on Saturday, 30th June
at 11:00am. Gloves and refuse sacks will be provided.
If you require gloves and refuse sacks before then or
you require a skip for your area contact Donal Haughey at
Top of page
June |
Community Notices
School Medical Officers
At the Ardara Parish Council meeting of June 13, it was
reported that of 12 posts for medical services to schools
in the North West, only one post is held. This means that
at present there are 11 vacancies for school medical
officers, of which one is for the assistant chief medical
officer. An acting medical officer, based in Letterkenny,
is doing her best but obviously she cannot do the work of
twelve people. In the domain of dental services, there is
at present no orthodontist, and only one dental
practitioner, who, though he is due to retire, says he
will continue to fill the post until the staffing
situation improves. Rates of pay in the public sector do
not compare favourably with the remuneration of private
health work and this makes it difficult to recruit
required staff. However, it is school children with
specific health problems, whose parents may not be able
to meet the costs of private health services, who are
bearing the brunt of this problem.
The Parish Council is sending a letter of complaint that
this situation continues to exist and requesting
sustained effort on the part of the North Western Health
Board to resolve the difficulty. Members of the public
could also make their views known in a similar manner if
they wish to do so.
County Council Summer Clean-Up
The County Council are offering great help to groups or
individuals who wish to take a hand in cleaning up some
part of their immediate environment this summer. The
Ardara Parish Council is going to co-ordinate efforts in
this parish, and hopes to set a county record in the
amount of rubbish gathered! If you and your friends would
like a skip on location to aid you in the clean-up of a
local road, beach, or scenic place, then contact Donal at
075-41518. He can also make plastic bags and gloves
available to you from Donegal County Council. If you have
a car wreck, or even two, you'd like to have taken away,
then contact Stephen at 075-41347. As long as the car is
reasonably accessible from the road, this is your chance
to have it transported to the County landfill site free
of charge. Large domestic items may also be similarly
disposed of, if you contact Stephen. More power to your
The County Manager has acknowledged local efforts to put
a library service into place in Ardara. At this stage
donations of suitable books are still needed. Some have
already been handed in to the Credit Union Office but
many more are required to fill the shelves of our future
library. Have your children long out-grown those
favourite story-books of their past? Other children could
enjoy the same stories. If there are good books in your
house which you haven't touched for years and probably
won't read again, then what are you keeping them for?
They're only taking up space - give them to the library.
The Credit Union Office is open on Mondays and Thursdays
from 10a.m.-1 p.m., and from 2-5 p.m.
Report from Councillor Terence Slowey
Holohan Leisure have presented a report of the
Feasibility Study on the Kilclooney Pool, to the Donegal
County Council. Generally, it was a positive report. They
had calculated the catchment area of clients as being
within a 15-20 minute drive. However, a 30 minute
travelling distance would probably be more realistic.
Calculations were based on a probable 150-160 thousand
visitors to the pool per year. Two options for the
dimensions of the pool exist : a 20 metre or a 25 metre
long pool, A 25 metre pool would cost around £3.8
million pounds to construct, a 20 metre pool would cost
less. 90 per cent of the funding would be provided by the
Dept of Tourism, and it was recommended to apply to
organisations such as Interreg or Peace and
Reconciliation for the remaining 10 per cent. If the pool
is built, a more structured management team and an up-grading
of the existing fitness centre would be necessary,
advised the report.
The houses on Herrons field would be completed soon.
Twenty more houses, to be constructed on Malloy's field,
were out to tender. Young people and others in the
community would do well to think ahead, and to put their
names down on the Council Housing list immediately, if
they thought it necessary. This would give an accurate
picture to the Council of housing needs in the Ardara
There are plans for more town renewal in Ardara,
scheduled for 2002. It will be of importance to allow for
the future sewage mains when laying any new pavements etc.
As regards the N56, Cller Slowey observed that the Ardara-Glenties
stretch was in need of re-surfacing since the laying of
fibre-optic cable. This stretch of road plus the Glenties
to Fintown stretch was to be re-done, though the time-space
for the work was designated to be 2000-2010.
Walking signs in the area would probably be uncovered
about the 22nd of June when F.M.D. regulations were
Derelict Buildings
The old buildings on Ardara Diamond and a few in the main
thoroughfare came under discussion at the recent parish
council meeting. Some of them have loose slates which are
dangerous. The secretary of the Parish Council is writing
a letter to the County Council to request an inspection
of the state of the buildings and some decisions
regarding them.
More news from the Parish Council
Plans for the development of Herrons field are decided
but funding for the development is not fully in place yet.
An historic kiln near Ardara is in dis-repair. It was
decided to ask FAS if there is a possibility that they
could do some maintenance work on it. The chairman
thanked Margaret and Tommy Porter for the tidying-up and
re-planting of the flower beds on the Diamond, which are
looking very pretty. He also thanked the Sergeant and the
Gardai for their help on the day of the Marching Band
Competition. He noted the undesirability of stag-parties
in the town and the irresponsible, if not dangerous,
behaviour, which frequently follows them. There was a
request for the appointment of a youth officer in our
area and Cllr Slowey said he would take this up at County
Council level. The County landfill site will receive
large domestic items free of charge for the months of
June, July, and August. The Parish Council's next meeting
will be in September after the summer.
Fishing News
Almost half of the draft net fishing season is over. With
only six boats operating from Loughros Pt, reports are
that less than 100 fish have been caught so far. Prices
fell with grills (salmon under 8 lb in weight) selling at
£1.40 - £2.0 per pound. and salmon at £2.50 per pound.
The fishermen hope to see better prices and better
catches in the second half of the season.
A Uni-Slim group is meeting at Downstrands Women's
Resource Centre (the old school), at 8 p.m. on Mondays.
For further information, contact Mary at 075-41334.
Iniskeel History
A talk on the history of Iniskeel Island will be given on
the island next Saturday June the 23rd at 1 p.m. by Dr
Lochlann McGill. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Participants will assemble at the Narin beach car-park at
12:30 p.m.
Playgroup Registration
Registration of children wishing to attend Ardara
Playgroup as from September , will take place in the
Community Centre on Thursday, June the 28th, from 10 a.m.
until midday.
Top of page
June |
The Co. Donegal U-14 girls
team emerged as champions in the U-14 Cumann Peil Gael na
mBan all Ireland blitz held in Mullingar on Saturday the
16th. They defeated Fermanagh in the final. The following
Ardara girls were playing; Sharon Kilbane, Ciara Mooney,
Catriona Mc Hugh, Emer O' Donnell and Stephanie Bennett.Heartious
congratulations to the entire team and their dedicated
manager Kenny Griffin. The girls would also like to thank
their parents for transporting them to training in
Ballybofey each Sunday.
Top of page
June |
Community Notices
"Accord" is the Diocesan Agency for Marriage
and the Family, and at the moment they are looking for
group workers for the continuation of their Pre Marriage
Course Service in the Diocese.
If you would like to help in this most important work for
the support of young people getting married, and you want
to get more information, there is an Information Night in
the Mill Park Hotel, Donegal Town, on Tuesday, 26th June,
8:00pm - 9:00pm.
Fr. Daly in Kilclooney is having a Bazaar in aid of
parish funds today in the Dolmen Centre. Proceedings
begin at 3:00pm sharp and your support will be greatly
Tourist Information Desk
The Tourist Information Desk is now open in the Heritage Centre. Any
businesses or B&B's who would like to leave
information on their business can do so with Christine or
Lorraine in the Heritage Centre.
The family of Kirsty Baskin Molloy express their
appreciation of the help of neighbours and the Gardai in
the search for Kirsty when she went missing on Wednesday.
Thankfully she was found safe and well. Everyone's help
was deeply appreciated.
Show Meeting
There will be a Show Meeting on Monday night, 18th June
2001, at 9:00pm in the Nesbitt
Arms Hotel.
Top of page
June |
sewage scheme to start in 2002
MEP Pat the Cope Gallagher has
this week been informed that work on the long awaited
Ardara sewage scheme will start in 2002.
Mr. Gallagher was told site investigation
work will commence shortly along the lines of the
proposed sewer and at the site of the sewerage treatment
works. According to Mr. Eunan Kelly of Sanitary Services,
contract documents have already been forwarded to the
Department of the Environment and Local Government for a
foreshore licence application has also been submitted to
the Department of the Marine and Natural Resources in
respect of the proposed outfall 'The scheme will go to
tender as soon as the contract documents are approved,"
he said Mr. Kelly concluded by saying it was anticipated
that the scheme will go to construction in 2002.
Top of page
June |
Festival Grows in Popularity
The Portnoo/Rosbeg annual Seafood Festival
gets bigger and better every year. This year it is
scheduled to take place from the 22nd till the 24th of
June. An incredible two tons of seafood are
given away free in the five pubs of the area during the
festival. Accomodation in Narin and Portnoo is fully
booked, well in advance of the festival dates. Many
people book for the following year when attending the
festival. Visitors who haven't reserved have frequently
to be directed to Ardara and Glenties for accomodation.

Based on evidence from the main sponsors
of the event, Guinness, the chairman of the festival
committee, Tommy Barrett, declared, "We are the
biggest festival in Donegal, even surpassing the 'Mary
from Dungloe' ".
The day before the festival begins there is a concerted
turn-out of community members to help gather the seafood.
Tractors, trailers, and boats are all necessary and an
abundance of fantastic community spirit provides the
energy. Mussels alone account for one ton of the seafood
required. Cockles are a little more difficult to get than
formerly, but oysters are obtained from the Gweebarra
oyster farms. Thirty or forty dozen oysters are needed
for the 'craic' of the oyster opening competition, and
that's not counting what is given away. A local fisherman
sponsors the crab toes. Prawns (which are scarce), and
smoked mackerel are purchased, along with the cheese and
biscuits. This occasion is clearly a delight for lovers
of seafood.
The festival committee is comprised of representatives
from the five public houses in the area and four
community members - a total of fourteen people."We
see the festival as being a family event and wish to keep
it that way", said Tommy. Because of the festival's
popularity, there is often a great deal of traffic
congestion. This year, in addition to the help of the
local gardai, the committee has hired a private security
company and has asked the local Civil Defence to give
assistance in solving traffic problems and in crowd
control. In this way they hope to ensure that everything
runs smoothly and that the festival remains an enjoyable
weekend for everyone. |

A programme with entertainment and interesting events
to suit every taste has been devised. The events include
an air/sea rescue demonstration at 3 p.m.on Sunday at
Portnoo pier, a sea angling competition, an historical
walk to Iniskeel Island with talks by Lochlan McGill, a
school of painting in the Dolmen Centre each day of the
festival, an oyster-opening competition, with the heats
taking place in the bars at stipulated times and the
final in Lake House Hotel on Sunday evening. There are
some special occasions planned for children, and numerous
opportunities to take part in barbecues and to hear
street music. |
The air/sea rescue display is of special
interest, involving the Aranmore lifeboat and crew, a
person 'in distress' in the sea, and a helicopter. A
collection in support of the lifeboat service is made
during the demonstration.
Tommy Barrett is very aware that without a great deal of
help and support from the Rosbeg and Portnoo community,
the festival could not have achieved it's present immense
popularity. He said that on behalf of the Seafood
Festival Committee he would like to thank all their
helpers and supporters - those who had sponsored or
organised events, or had simply helped to make it all
possible. |
Top of
page |
June |
Slowey Memorial Shield
Pictured above are the winners of the
Ardara GAA Club Annual Table Quiz final for the Pat
Slowey Memorial Shield. Which took place in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel on Friday the
8th of June.
Pictured from left are James Mc Brearty (Quiz Organiser)
Edmund Maguire Gavin Maguire Mrs Kathleen Slowey (Who
presented the prizes) Micheal Maguire and Nuala Maguire.
Top of page
Community Notices
Late Peg Gallagher
The death of Peg Gallagher took place on May the 10th in
Killybegs Community Hospital after an illness of six
months, which she had borne with great dignity and
courage. She had lived most of her life in Front St,
Ardara, but had worked in the Killybegs E.S.B. office ,so
was well-known in that community also.Her customers were
fond of her. She was a conscientious person and a good
neighbour. She is survived by her brother, Frank
Gallagher, Portnoo Rd, Ardara, and her sister-in-law,
Dot, a nephew and three nieces, her aunt, Kate Magill (England
), and two aunts-in- law, Nan Sweeney, Ardara, and Bridie
Sweeney, Letterkenny.
Acting for Screen/Camera
An intensive 'Professional Acting for Screen/Camera'
course will be held in Dungloe on 26,27,28th of June from
7:0 p.m. till 11:00 p.m. For further information contact
Ardara Women's Group
At the recent A.G.M. the out-going chairperson, Breda
Boyle was thanked for her leadership of the group in the
last two years. Emily Whelan was elected as the 'new'
chairperson, Louise O'Brien as secretary, and Kathleen
Bennett as treasurer. The group will be in recession
during the summer, but the committee will be engaged in
sourcing funding in order to offer some productive
courses during the autumn and winter months. It is hoped
that there will be some new and younger faces at meetings
when they re-commence in the autumn.
Scallywags Fun Club for Children
If you enjoy action stories, drama, face-painting, arts
and crafts then visit the Dolmen Centre, Kilclooney,
every Saturday in July between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Admission costs £3. per child, but there is a family
concession. For more information, contact Mary at 075-
Show Meeting
Though this years show has been cancelled, it is planned
to hold a horticultural and craft exhibition and to
provide some entertainment/fun the same evening in
replacement of the usual show events. A meeting to
advance the planning will take place on Monday June the
18th at 9 p.m. in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel. Everyone is
welcome but the attendance of business people would be
especially welcomed.
The Late William McGroarty
The death has occurred in a London hospital of William
McGroarty, Hillhead, Ardara, after a short illness.
Sympathy is extended to his family. He is survived by his
wife, Nora, his sons, Paul and John, his grandsons, Jake
and Adam, his daughter-in-law, Shirley, his brother John,
Thower, his sisters, Joan Cunningham, Narin, Sheila
Cunningham, Killybegs, Kathleen Carr and Nellie McGill (
London), Maureen Tobin, ( U.S.A.) and his many nieces and
Congratulations to Claire Reynolds, Meenagrillagh,
Ardara, and Paul O'Donnell, Ballyraine, Letterkenny,
whose marriage took place in the Church of the Holy
Family recently.The ceremony was performed by the Rev Fr
C. Sweeney, M.S.C., an uncle of the bride. The bride who
was given away by her father, Jim, was attended by her
sisters, Pauline and Marilyn, and a friend, Paula Newman.
The bestman was Barry O'Donnell, brother of the groom,
and the groom's friends, Kevin Herron and Wayne Williams
were the groomsmen. Kelly Tourish and Nicole Carr were
the flower-girls ; Conor Tourish was the pageboy. The
children are nieces and a nephew of the groom. The
reception was held in the Blue Haven,Kilcar, and the
honeymoon was spent on a Mediterranean cruise.
Swimming Club Report
West Coast Cormorants swimming club held their end of
year swimming gala in Ballyshannon pool on Wednesday 27th
May. This marked the end of another very successful year
with two eight-week teaching sessions in Letterkenny
while the teenagers availed of water safety in
Ballyshannon earlier in the year. The gala was a great
occasion combining closely fought races and fun events as
well. Alyce Mc Grath was a clear winner in girls over 12,
while Suzanne Mulhern got second place in her race. Also
competing were Bridget Whittington, Dylan Kelly-Gatto,
Charlotte Kennedy, Amy Gallagher, Abigail and Mary-Beth
Herron and Karen O Donnell. The swimmer of the year
cup was handed over from Daniel Shovlin to Laura
Gallagher, Glenties. Laura has been a dedicated swimmer
for some time now and we hope she continues to enjoy
swimming for many years. We say goodbye and thank you to
Anne Hayden and Sean Mc Kenna who have been teaching
swimming to young people for many years. Good to see the
young people themselves starting on the road to becoming
teachers; this year we welcome Eleanor Cape and Kieran
Gallagher. We have seen much hard work on behalf of the
committee, swimming teachers and weekly helpers, not
forgetting the many parents and young people who helped
at the gala. Thanks to all.
Top of page
June |
Community Notices
Care of the Aged
Monthly meeting of the Care of the Aged at Homeward Bound
on Thursday 14th June at 8:00pm
Doon Well
Trip to Doon Well on Tuesday 12th June. Bus will leave
the Church car park at 10:30am sharp.
Centenary Mass
A special Centenary Mass will be celebrated in St.Eunan's
Cathedral, Letterkenny next Sunday 17th June at 4:00pm.
If you would like to officially represent the Parish of
Ardara at the Mass, please give in your name to Canon
Laverty early in the week. Six places are reserved for
representatives of the Parish and places will be drawn by
lot from the names that are in by Thursday night.
Ardara / Narin Community Games
All medal winners from the athletic and field events held
on Monday 4th June are through to regional Finals an
Donegal Town on Wednesday 13th June. Bus leaving from
Divers at 5:00pm.
List of winners
Ardara Parish Council
Monthly meeting in the Community
Centre on Wednesday 13th June at 9:00pm sharp. Items
for discussion include Summer Clean Up Campaign. Donegal
County Council will provide gloves and refuse sacks free
of charge; skips to groups on request; provide assistance
from the Mobile Litter Unit; provide grant assistance to
groups for litter control and grass cutting on approach
roads to the town; accept large houshould items, i.e.
furniture, fridges etc at Council landfill sites free of
charge during June, July and August.
Top of page
summer at Ard Bia
Ard Bia at the heritage
centre in Ardara have a very colourful summer lined
up with a host of cultural events to suit all tastes.
June and July will be dominated by the film club who
are hosting Indian and Danish film seasons. The "simple
suppers" will be starting soon awl people are
encouraged to book and to bring a bottle of wine.
During July and August the simple suppers on Saturday
will have a distinctly Italian feel with "Franco",
fresh from the Italian south, coming to the town to spice
up the cuisine.
For all aspiring writers out there, Ard Bia are also
hosting a writers workshop every Tuesday night through
the summer The workshop will be hosted by acclaimed
novelist Siofra O'Donavan, author of the Irish polish
novel "Malinski".
Last weekend Ard Bia hosted the launch of a new
fashion label "Selma". Described as an array of
young clothes inspired by Japanese and Indian fashion and
perfect for partying in, the line is sure to be popular.
After recovering from the Selma launch Aid Bin will be
hosting an exhibition by Dublin based artist Brendan
Early. Entitled 'Dolmen Project" the series looks at
the rapid development experienced over recent years in
Top of page
June |

new councillor
On Monday, 28th May, Terence Slowey
officially became Ardara's newest county councillor when
he attended his first meeting.
Slowey replaced former Council chairman, the late Charlie Bennett, who died
suddenly on 18th March while on official Council business
in New York.
The selection of Terence Slowey by Fine Gael to succeed
Mr. Bennett has received a wide welcome in the Ardara and
surrounding areas and he is looking forward to making a
contribution in return.
Terence's track record in Fine Gael in Meath is now well
known through the local press, but the family are equally
well known in the Ardara area. While living in Meath,
Terence was election agent for former Fine Gael leader,
John Bruton: "In the last election in 1997 I had him
for only three weeks as he was involved around the
country. He achieved the highest first preference vote of
any TD in the State in that election," said Terence.
Mr. Slowey returned to his native area of Ardara in
Christmas 1996 and immediately joined the Fine Gael
branch there.
While something of a veteran of Fine Gael, he realises
that he is a novice Co. Councillor: "I have to go in
and learn the ropes on Donegal Co. Council. My background
is in the environment as I worked as an environmental
chemist. It is now called Enterprise Ireland but it went
through a number of name changes from its original IIRS.
"For the last four years I have been a member of the
National Building Agency involved in Local Authority
houses," he said.
Mr. Slowey says he wishes to get involved in the whole
housing question. 'An integrated approach to housing is
very important, in terms of putting in a mix of housing -
local authority, affordable housing and, indeed, some
private sites for young couples sold at a relatively low
cost," he said.
He also has a great interest in water quality and the
issue of fluoridation and sanitary services. "There
has been lots of talks about fluoridation and health and
I would welcome Minister Martin's inquiry into
fluoridation," said Mr. Slowey.
The Ardara councillor also hopes to see big improvements
in infrastructure and roads for the West Donegal area:
"The roads are the big issue. The N56 which runs
from Letterkenny all the way round to Donegal town. It is
under the control of the National Roads Authority but it
is in a very poor condition.
"For years we just got the crumbs and if the
Tanaiste is serious about decentralising industry to the
peripheral areas, roads like that have to get top
priority," said the new Councillor.
Top of page
The Nesbitt Arms Hotel, Ardara was the venue
last Sunday night for a very successful celebration dance
to mark Terence
Slowey's co-option to Donegal County
There was a large attendance at the function and tributes
were paid to the late Councillor Charlie
Bennett by Deputy Dinny McGinley, TD and Councillor
Padraig Doherty. Deputy McGinley spoke about Terence's co-option
and said that he had all the qualities to make an
excellent councillor. He said his maiden speech in the
Council Chamber on the previous Monday was considered by
many of those present to be a contribution of high
quality. CoIr. Doherty welcomed Terence to the Council
and said he felt he would make an excellent councillor.
Terence said: "This is a night for looking back but
also for looking forward, but not a night for long
speeches. Looking back we had Councillor Charlie Bennett
as our representative on Donegal County Council for the
past four years.. His death has left a void in all our
"My last memory of Charlie was his attendance at the
February meeting of the Parish Council. When he had
completed his report for the meeting he stood up and with
that legendary smile and little wave he said to
us,' I will not be available for the March meeting as I
will be leading the St. Patrick's Day Parade down 5th
Avenue, New York as Donegal's First Citizen'. He carried
out his duties in an exemplary way. He was respected by
all his colleagues in Donegal County Council because of
his dedication and hard work.
"I have been involved with the Parish Council since
returning to Ardara, I am also a Director of Killybegs
Credit Union and was very much involved in getting the
Ardara office up and running. I am also Secretary of St.
Columba's Comprehensive Parents Association, and am a
founder member of the Ardara Walking Festival. So you can
see that I have been involved in the area over the last
number of years.
"I now have a new challenge and one that I am
looking forward to. There are a number of things to be
done both here and in other parts of the Glenties
Electoral District. I am a Councillor for Ardara,
Glenties, Downstrands, The Glen of Glenties, Fintown,
Lettermacaward, down to Burtonport and beyond. I work
hard to get things done.
"I have many areas of interest - roads, housing,
water supplies and waste treatment. It is not a night to
be getting into great detail on these but I intend making
contributions in each of these at Council meetings. I am
essentially a full time County Councillor so please do
not hesitate to come and talk to me. I want to make it
clear to everyone here tonight that I am a Councillor for
everybody. My door is open to everyone."
The evening was enjoyed by all, ably assisted by the
talented Aidan Rooney, who provided the music.
Top of page
June |
Parish Council Notes The
May meeting of the Ardara Parish Council took place in
the community centre on 9th
May. Seventeen people attended. In matters arising a
question was asked of the chairman as to where he saw
details of the Ardara Heath Centre at the bottom of the
list. The chairman referred to discussions with the
project manager in 1998.
The chairman also gave an update on the current
situation regarding the proposed library and the ongoing
work being done by Mary Nichols. The FIS workers are at
the moment preparing shelving. A computer link with
schools in the area is envisaged. The chairman hopes that
our new councillor elect will pursue the matter further
with Donegal County Council.
The chairman also reported on the visit of the roads
engineer B. McFadden to Ardara.
The FIS workers are presently doing excellent work at
Kilternan Graveyard and on the Magumna Road. Fáilte
signs are available this year for the entrance roads to
Ardara and should be in place very shortly. Signs
currently on the Diamond are to be moved to the Heritage
Centre. It is also proposed to use the summer students as
information personnel at the Heritage
Centre during the summer.
Litter is still a major problem in the area. The chairman
suggested that for the next two months each and every ore
of us should attempt to keep our own areas clean and tidy.
Litter is a problem at the car park at the Owenea River.
There is a problem with the labels for the different
service providers for refuse collection and this is part
of the problem. A similar problem is happening at the car
park in Kilclooney.
A question was asked as to why the toilets at Narin Beach
were closed on a particular day when the area was packed
with visitors.
A question was also asked as to when the flowerbeds on
the diamond would be replanted with bedding plants. A
question was also raised in relation to skips for the
At this point in the meeting with the arrival of Terence
Slowey (councillor elect) the
Chairman congratulated him on his success and to the Fine
Gael party for securing his nomination. The chairman went
on to wish Terence every success and all those present
warmly applauded his comments.
John Couzens reported for the Millennium Committee and
informed the meeting that Stephen Given would complete
the drawings required for the sculpture after his exams.
The chairman hoped that after the recent success of the
Mr & Mrs Competition and the drama and comedy
provided it would now be possible to form a drama group.
Beth Herron volunteered to be the co-ordinator with the
help of Jack Maguire, Tommy and Margaret Porter.
A discussion took place on health related issues
including cancer and cancer related illness in the area.
Concern was raised at the length of time it takes through
the school system from identification of dental or eye
problems to receive an appointment. Several speakers said
it takes three years to receive an eye appointment.
Concern was also raised that at the moment there was no
orthodontist for this area.
The traffic situation at the Diamond and Wood Road was
discussed with the suggestions that cones should be in
place on the Wood Road especially at busy weekends.
The chairman reported on a recent discussion at a GAA
meeting regarding underage drinking. At the moment this
is a problem with serious concern for the area. Young
people are obtaining drink at home and parents need to be
vigilant. Drink is also obtained by over 18's for
consumption by younger people. The Garda Siochanna are to
be commended for their efforts in dealing with the
problem. Various speakers said that at the end of the day
it was up to parents to be sure they knew where their
children were and what they were doing.
On a positive side there are groups working in the parish
with young people including the GAA and FOROIGE and
hopefully the library will be another asset for the
community. It was also pointed out that young people need
other outlets for example coffee houses where they can
hang out.
John Couzens reported that the annual show has been
cancelled for 2001. It may be possible to hold a
horticultural event and arts and crafts. A decision on
the matter will be taken soon.
South West Community Partnership
Tony Breslin reported that the South West Community
Partnership, funded by the Dept of Social Community and
Family Affairs had opened their new offices at the Carpet
Factory in Killybegs. The partnership covers the area
from Inver to Glencolumbcille to Portnoo. The chairman
commended the committee members Tony Breslin and Mary
Breslin for their work on the project.
The feasibility study for the swimming pool at the Dohnen
Centre is under way.
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June |
Who Is
It and What Is She Doing?
By Susan
There was a variety of reactions to the woman sitting
blindfolded at a table and chair on the Ardara Diamond on
Saturday, June the 2nd. Passers-by were understandably a
bit non-plussed as to what this was all about. For most
of us, street events have been limited to the annual St
Patrick's Day parade and the regular sight of the fruit
and vegetable stall, occasionally a clothes stall. So why
was this woman sitting on a chair on the Diamond wearing
a blindfold, braving a cold wind into the bargain.
It was, as it is called by those who know, a performing
art event. Performing art was defined for me by Melissa
McDonnell, the blindfolded lady, as happening when "somebody
has an idea and goes into a public place, putting their
idea into practice". So it is very much like art in
that the artist starts with an idea or perception which
is individual and unique, s/he puts this idea into visual
form and the observers may make what they like of the
Here are some of the observations made by people who were
on the Diamond last Saturday, concerning the presence of
a blindfolded woman sitting at a table and chair with a
visitor's book, speaking only occasionally and quietly.
"I've no idea at all about her."
"Who is she? What is she doing?"
"She has her eyes covered. She doesn't want to be
"It's a change for a woman if she isn't speaking. I
never knew a woman who didn't speak."
" She's looking for attention maybe."
"She said she's thinking. She won't say what she's
thinking of."
"Je ne sais pas moi. (Me, I don't know)."
"A mon avis, elle prend racine. (In my opinion,
she's taking root)."
"She's taking a quiet time out to meditate."
"Is this a survey to see how people react to someone
sitting blindfolded.?"
"It's probably a sponsorship thing."
"If I was getting paid, I'd do that too."
"She's probably collecting for charity."
"It's research into how people feel when they are
blindfolded or blind."
Melissa said she thought the origin of her idea had
sprung from a sketch she had once seen of a blindfolded
man on the point of falling over. So now folks, that's
the closest she's going to come to explaining what it was
about. Like acting Shakespeare, we are free to interpret
how it seems best to us.
As a point of interest, it was the 10-15 age group, who
showed the liveliest curiosity. There was an ever-changing
knot of them about Melissa. They wanted to know who she
was, why she was there, where she came from, did she want
a sweet - it was still wrapped, how old was she, was she
cold, and WHY was she wearing that blind-fold?
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June |
Yoga Intensive
The location for the yoga course (June
11-16), has been changed from the Ardara Methodist Hall
to the Dolmen
Centre in Kilclooney. The organisers apologise for
any inconvenience caused.Top of page
June |
Community Notices
Calling All Writers
"Awaking the Muse." Do you want to write your
story? A writing group is starting on Tuesday evening on
June the 5th in Ard Bia cafe, Ardara. There will be
weekly meetings all summer and everyone is welcome. The
group will be facilitated by the Dublin writer, Siofra
Job Club
This is an initiative of Donegal Local Development Ltd
and FAS. It is starting on Tuesday June the 19th in the
Tourism College, Shore Rd, Killybegs and will continue
until July the 12th, every Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday, from 10:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. Membership of the
Job Club is voluntary, free, and completely confidential.
Training will be given in targeting and sourcing jobs, C.V.'s
and letter-writing, interview preparation and techniques,
career and job planning, basic computer skills and
internet access. A small allowance of £3. per day is to
help compensate for out-of-pocket expenses, and further
contributions may be allowed where it is apropriate. To
register or to obtain further information, telephone
Eleanor/Lareina at the Job Club 072-58959, or Rosemary at
The annual dinner dance is being held in the Blue Haven,
on Thursday the 7th of June. A bus will be leaving the
Diamond at 8:0 p.m.
Acting for Screen/Camera
An intensive 'Professional Acting for Screen/Camera'
course will be held in Dungloe on 26,27,28th of June from
7:0 p.m. till 11:00 p.m. For further information contact
Table Quiz
The final table quiz of the series will take place on
Friday the 8th of June at 10:30 p.m. at the Nesbitt Arms Hotel. The winning
team will receive the 'Pat Slowey Memorial Shield' and
plaques. All are welcome.
Community Games
Art and model-making will take place in the Community Centre on Saturday
the 9th of June at 2:00 p.m.
Senior Citizens
If you are interested in the outing to Doon Well on June
the 12th, contact Breda at 075-41246.
Ardara Women's Group
At the recent A.G.M. the out-going chairperson, Breda
Boyle was thanked for her leadership of the group in the
last two years. Emily Whelan was elected as the 'new'
chairperson, Louise O'Brien as secretary, and Kathleen
Bennett as treasurer. The group will be in recession
during the summer, but the committee will be engaged in
sourcing funding in order to offer some productive
courses during the autumn and winter months. It is hoped
that there will be some new and younger faces at meetings
when they re-commence in the autumn.
St Therese
A large and enthusiastic crowd were on the streets for
the occasion of the transport of St Therese's relics
through the town on its way to Bruckless, on Sunday the 3rd
of June. There were a great many small shrines erected
outside homes and in shop windows in honour of St
Therese, and a huge welcoming banner was suspended over
the street outside the Church of the Holy Family, where
the vehicle came to a brief stop before continuing on its
way. Children who had made their First Communion that
day, scattered rose petals at the Diamond as the vehicle
approached that spot. Most people felt that this was a
unique occasion and felt glad that they had had the
opportunity to be there. Some people had travelled by bus
from outlying areas and other towns, and it took some
time for the traffic situation to get sorted out after
the vehicle containing the relics had left the town.
Those who visited Bruckless later in the day in order to
venerate the relics, praised the organisation which
permitted in the region of one thousand people per hour
to walk past the casket. The same efficiency regulated
the parking area in Bruckless for the period in which St
Therese's relics remained there.
Celebration Dance
The dance to welcome Terence
Slowey's co-option to Donegal County Council, which
took place on Sunday the 3rd of June in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel, was attended
by a large crowd and was a successful evening. The music
was provided by the talented Aidan Rooney. Tribute was
paid to the late Councillor
Bennett, and in his speech Councillor Slowey said
that his door was open to everyone, that he was looking
forward to the challenge of his new post, being
especially interested in the areas of housing, roads, and
waste disposal which would preserve the environment.
Top of page
June |
Ard Bia
Writers Group Starts
Tuesday 5th June
Runs throughout the summer every Tuesday at 7.30pm Awaking
the Muse
Do you want to tell your story?
The workshop is facilitated by Dublin Writer Siofra O Donovan.
Top of page
June |
Community Notices
The ICA Annual Dinner Dance is being held in the Blue
Haven, on Thursday, 7th June. Bus leaving the Diamond at
Celebration Dance
A celebration dance for our new County Councillor,
Terence Slowey, will be held in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel, on Sunday, 3rd
June. All are invited.
Professional Acting for Screen / Camera
An intensive 'Professional Acting for Screen / Camera'
course will be held in Dungloe on 26/27/28th June from 7:00pm
- 11:00pm. For further information - contact 074-26994.
Table Quiz
The Final Table Quiz of the season will take place on
Friday, 8th June at 10:30pm in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel. The winning
team will receive the 'Pat Slowey Memorial Sheild'
and plaques. All welcome.
Fundraising Dance
A Fundraising Dance will be held in the Central Bar on
Saturday 2nd June in aid of the Ardara / Narin Community
Community Games
Ardara / Narin Community Games sports day will take place
on Monday 4th June at 2:00pm in Pearse Memorial Park. Art
& model making will take place in the Community Centre on Saturday 9th
June at 2:00pm.
Top of page
week of yoga
in Ardara
Two international teachers of
yoga will be teaching in Ardara during the week of 11-16th
of June.
There will be morning and afternoon sessions in the
Methodist Churh Hall where there is plenty of space and
quietness. Taking part in an intensive week of yoga has
benefits which one can experience more immediately, and
allows a greater focus on the yoga disciplines. At a time
when many people are looking for ways to feel better and
to look after themselves, yoga is a pastime which
increases energy and provides a greater sense of well-being.
It is an enjoyable relaxation.
There are different types of yoga.
Hatha yoga is the general basis for all other branches of
yoga. It is gentle and easy for people of all ages to
Asthanga, or power yoga is immensely popular amongst
people who are interested in improving their physical
fitness, in generally toning-up and keeping in shape.
Pranayama, often practised in conjunction with yoga, is a
dynamic way of breathing which is used to increase energy
and for cleansing.
Though we know the benefits of breathing deeply, many of
us forget to really fill our lungs even once in the day.
Experiencing pranayama is particularly beneficial for
energy and clarity of thought.
The morning sessions of asthanga, from 9a.m. till 10:30
am., will be taught by Richard Sphain. Richard trained
with Patabbi Jois in Mysore, south India, twenty years
ago and has been teaching yoga in India and Bali and many
European countries ever since. He is based in France and
likes to see each of his students make progress. The
asthanga classes will be intensive and require a certain
level of fitness.
Hatha yoga and pranayama will be taught in the afternoon
from 4:30 till 6:0 p.m. This will be a gentler class with
a focus on intermediate asanas (positions), breathing and
relaxation. Rajiv Kumar Bhoi will be travelling from
India to teach this class. He studied in the Vedanta
Academy, Shivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, India He is the
resident yoga teacher at Yoga Niketan Ashram, which is a
premier international institute of Asana Pranayama's
teaching and meditation.
It is preferable to attend all classes for the full week
to get the optimum benefit and progress, though attending
individual classes is an option. It is hoped that this
will be a week where participants will take care of
themselves, being careful to choose good food and healthy
life-style options. The cost of the full week's course
will be £60. If one registers for either the morning
sessions or the afternoon sessions only, the cost will be
£34. An individual class will cost £6. There is a
reduced rate for children : £40 for the whole week, £20
if attending only the morning sessions or only the
afternoon sessions. Children are especially welcome in
both classes as yoga promotes greater confidence and
concentration, and improved posture and balance in
For furtiher information, telephone 087-236 8648 / 075-41704,
or call at Ard Bia, the Heritage
Centre, Ardara, Co, Donegal.
Top of page
June |
councillor to focus on housing

An intrigated approach to housing
was needed but the Council needed to be careful about
social housing which could be a recipe for future
problems. That was the message from Ardara's
new councillor, Terence
Slowey when he addressed members of the council at
their meeting last Monday in Lifford.
Clr J.J. Reid proposed the new councillor while his
nomination was seconded by Clr. Padraig O'Doherty and was
generally welcomed by all shades of political opinion.
County Manager, Michael McLoone also welcomed Clr. Slowey
on behalf of the council staff.
In his maiden speech to the Council, Clr. Slowey paid
a warm and heartfelt tribute to the man he was
succeeding, the late Clr Charlie
Bennett. He described him as a man who was proud to
represent the county and its people and said he would be
a hard act to follow.
Outlining his aims and objectives for the rest of his
term the new councillor said his main interests would
include housing, roads and the enviornment but hoped to
make contributions in many other areas.
"Housing is an area in which I have a special
interest having served as a member of the board of the
National Building Agency for the past four years. Now
that the resources are there, an integrated approach to
housing is necessary. Housing developments incorporating
Local Authority, affordable housing and private sites to
be sold at cost price to young couples is the way forward.
Social Mix
THis will require more work from our housing section but
this social mix has been showen elsewhere to work very
well. We need to be careful about social housing.
Voluntary housing agencies building blocks of apartments
on the perimeter of small Donegal towns where the tenants
cannot purchase them, is a recipe for future problems."
Clr Slowey said while there had been fine major
developments in the area of roads, a balance must be
maintained between the provision of this necessary
infrastructure and ensuring a minimal impact on people
and the enviornment.
"The major road of importance in Donegal is the N56
under control of the National Roads Authority. I don't
think we can wait ten years to have it upgraded. I know
the costs are high but there is as much money being spent
on a few miles of motorway in Leinster as there is on all
of the Donegal roads for a whole year.
"If the Taniste is serious about diversifying
industry out to the peripheral areas then large
injections of funds from the NRA are essential for the N56.
The state of the N56 between Ardara and Glenties at
Kilraine is hard to believe. As a boy I took turf off the
bog with a donkey and cart and was on better roads."
He added if the president of an American electronics
company considered citing a factory lets say in
Glencolmcille and landed his executive jet at Carrickfin
airport by the time he had got to his destination he
would have so many lumps on the top of his head he would
probably ask for a helicopter to bring him back to
The new councillor then turned to his own area of
expertise, the enviornment. He said over the 20 year
period he had work in it many new necessary regulations
had been put in place at EU and national level. He knew
and admired the quality of people involved in these areas
within the council and like roads, major funding was
needed for the upgrading of the water and sewage
facilities within the county.
"This Local Authority has done well over the past
number of years in upgrading many water schemes around
the county. There is much more to be done." he said.
Top of page
1st June |
National Bridge
On Saturday the 19th and Sunday the 20th of May, the
Irish Bridge Union Pairs Championship took place in
Dublin. Ardara and its environs were well represented at
this annual event. John Jo Doherty (Narin) and Denis
Ellis (Glencolmcille) retained their All-Ireland Bridge
title for the second consecutive year. P. J. McNelis (Loughros
Pt) and Conal Gallagher (Sandfield) won the novice
section and finished fourth in the intermediate section.
P.J. and Conal started playing bridge only two years ago,
though P.J. confesses to having always been interested in
card games. Congratulations to all four of these
excellent bridge players.
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