Sep |
Community Notices
Methodist Harvest Services
There will be three Harvest Thanksgiving Services in the
Ardara Methodist Church, Ardara, next weekend. The first
is at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, September the 29th, and will
be led by the Rev Colin Weir. The second is at 7 p.m. the
same day, when the guest speaker will be the Rev Mervyn G.
Ewing. The Rev Robin Waugh will speak at the third
service on Monday the 30th of September at 8 p.m. All are
very welcome to attend these services.
Car Boot Sale
On Sunday the 29th of September at 12 noon, there will be
a car boot sale at the Dolmen Centre, Kilclooney.A fee of
10 per booter is payable and bookings may be
secured by calling Tim at 075-45010. Bookings will be
taken on a first come, first served basis, and no traders
should apply. There will be no admission charge.
Guitar Classes
Enrolment for winter guitar classes is taking place. To
register, call Francis Cunningham at 073-39720, or John
at 075-41284.
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Sep |
Community Notices
The Foróige youth club will resume in the Community
Centre on Wednesday the 25th of September at 7 p.m. for
12 -18 year olds. Due to the lack of leaders , the number
of places will be limited to 30. Anyone interested in
becoming a leder should come along on Wednesday night or
the following Wednesday. Training will be provided.
Changes Brought by Damage to the Brain
A talk entitled "Understanding Changes Brought About
by Damage to the Brain" will be given by Dr Pat
Jensen, neuropsychologist, on Thursday the 26th of
September at 8 p.m. in the Cheshire Home, Long Lane,
Letterkenny (adjacent to the main gate of the General
Hospital). The talk is being given under the auspices of
the Donegal branch of Headway Ireland, the National
Association for Acquired Brain Injury. Admission is free.
Top of page
Sep |
Community Notices
Daniel O'Donnell and Donegal Shore Festival
There will be a bus leaving from Ardara for the Daniel
O'Donnell and Donegal Shore Festival at Kincasslagh on
Thursday the 26th of September. Contact Greta Earley at
075-41744 for travel bookings and concert tickets.
Tidy Town Report
The Ardara Tidy Town Committee have received their report
and the points obtained in the National Tidy Towns
competition.The over-all results were disapponting and
the comments echoed many of the points mentioned in the
recent parish survey and in a letter received recently by
the Parish Council from a visiting holidaymaker. Some of
the work had been delayed by the wet weather and has been
dealt with since the visit of the adjudicators on the 4th
of July. In the landscaping section many shops and houses
were admired for their hanging baskets and window boxes.
The Diamond garden and the hanging baskets on the bridge
reflected the efforts of the committee.
A special mention was made of the derelict buildings in
the Diamond area, especially the one which the
ajudicators felt detracted from the beauty of the
Heiritage Centre, and the dereliction which exists
further along the Main St in the West End. The judges
felt that this was a serious challenge for the committee
in the future. Areas receiving unfavourable comment were
the appearance of the Ulster Bank, litter and untidiness,
residential areas and approach roads.
In the general sum-up, the adjudicators welcomed the town
back into the competition, appreciating that the
committee had been in existence for only four months at
the time of their entry appplication. They said not to be
despondent over this year's mark of 165 out of a possible
300, as the committee has the ability to make substantial
increases in the years to come, and obviously have the
necessary enthusiasm.
Great credit is due to everyone involved in this years
effort. The committee will soon be publishing its
newsletter with full details of the report, and its plans
for next year's entry. It would like to congratulate
Glenties on winning the over-all north-west award.
Hospice Coffee Mornings
Hospitality will be offered at the home of Brid and Jimmy
O'Donnell, Lough Hill, also of Chris Mulraney,
Cronkeerin, and in the Heiritage Centre on the morning of
Thursday the 19th of September. Proceeds are in aid of
the Donegal Hospice, and all are very welcome.
Legion of Mary National Pilgrimmage
A coach will leave the Diamond at 9 a.m. on Sunday the 29th
of September for the Legion of Mary National Pilgrimmage
to Knock. To book a seat please contact Theresa Breslin,
Ard Chonaill at 075-41477, or any member of the Legion of
Mary. The cost of 24, payable in advance, includes
travel, a morning snack and an evening meal.
Parish Council Meeting
At the A.G.M. of the Ardara Parish Council, the out-going
treasurer, Emily Whelan, gave her report, stating that
the current account balance stood at 5681. 18.
In the secretary's report , Donal Haughey stated that the
census figures for Ardara show a decline in population of
10 %. This would adversely affect public services,
national schools, utilities, investment and employment in
the area. Empty buildings in the centre of the village
were becoming more derelict by the day. However, there
were some positive achievements. This years walking
festival, the "Cup o' Tae" music festival, the
new library, the Ardara Show had all been very successful.
Some improvements to local roads were being carried out
and new housing would be available on Molloys' field in
the not too distant future. Ardara had entered the Tidy
Towns Competition for the first time in many years. These
developments could be built on in the future.
The chairman's report included a thank you to Francis
Coyle and Karen McCormack, officers of Donegal Cpunty
Council, whose efforts on behalf of Ardara had been very
helpful. The out-going chairman, Stephen McCahill,
welcomed the new developments taking place in Ardara on
Herons' field and on Molloys' field. He regretted that
there had been few participants in the Town Renewal
Scheme, which, however, was not of any benefit to elderly
or retired home-owners as they don't get any tax rebate.
The Ardara Walking Festival is now one of the three
biggest walking festivals in the county. The "Cup o'
Tae" Festival was scheduled to take place again next
year, celebrating three well-known Ardara figures of
Irish culture : John the Tae, Packie Manus Byrne, and
Josie the Post. The library had run out of space for all
the books being donated by local community members and
their friends abroad. Foroige had a large number of
members, and more adult help was required in order to
keep the organisation successfully running. Ardara's
Millennium celebration had been most enjoyable, and had
also been the envy of neighbouring villages. Stephen
thanked local county councillors for their work : Francis
Brennan, Thomas Gildea, Terence Slowey, and the late
Charlie Bennett. The premature demise of the latter had
been a great blow to the community. He also thanked the
out-going secretary, Donal Haughey, and treasurer, Emily
Cller T. Slowey thanked the out-going chairman and
committee for their hard work. He further reported on
County Council work as it impinged on the Ardara parish.
He stated that the repairs to the N56 between Ardara and
Glenties were almost complete, and that the repairs
between Ardara and Killybegs should be finished by next
year. The status of the Ardara/ Ardaghey road was
uncertain at present. Seven houses would be allocated at
Ard Connell in the not too distant future, while another
twenty houses were in planning for Molloys' field. Very
considerable funding for the improvement of L.I.S. roads
(roads serving at least two farms) were available.
Application forms have to be filled in by December for
approval of funding to be made available in the following
year.The time scale for the construction of the Ardara
Sewage Scheme was outlined at the last Donegal County
Council meeting. The contract document was to be ready by
December 2002, and construction of the sewage treatment
scheme was to begin in December 2003. The scheme would
cost 4 million and Ardara was at the top of the
list for funding allocation. The new town water reservoir
was on-line, and two more reservoirs were to come on-line
to pressurise the system to Monargan and Meentinadea.
Results of the Ardara Parish
Council Election
The following people have been elected to represent their
townlands on the Parish Council :
Aighe |
Bernadette McGill |
Kenaughty |
John and Mary Couzens |
Ard Connell |
Mary Heena,
Nuala Sweeney,
Shaun Maloney,
Ann Byrne |
Kentuckey |
Eugene Bennett
Margaret Boyle |
Beagh |
Josephine Sweeney |
Lackaduff |
Susan Boyd |
Brackey |
Angelina Rooney
Moya McCabe |
Laconnell |
Gerard McHugh |
Carn |
John J. Gallagher
Stephen Bennett |
Leamagowra |
Anthony Molloy |
Carrickacleave |
Carmel Bennett
Brid McHugh |
Lr Brackey |
John A. McHugh |
Cashel |
Paddy B. McGill |
Maghera |
Hughie Gavigan |
Cloughboy |
Bernie Whyte |
Meenakilgary |
Mary Shovlin |
Common |
Dessie McCabe |
Meenakillew |
Gerard Gallagher |
Crannogbui |
Shirley Baskin
Brid Hannigan,
Bernadette Given |
Meenavalley |
Patrick Gallagher |
Cronkeerin |
Martin Ward
Gwen Breslin |
Meentinadea |
Theresa Keeney |
Crumlin |
Noel Heena |
Moagh |
Brenda Breslin |
Doohill |
Deirdre Mooney
Hugh G. Gavigan
John M. O'Donnell |
Monargan |
Beth Herron |
Drimaha |
Columba Diver |
Narin Rd |
Marian Bennett
Mary Doherty |
Drumaghey Park |
Stephen Darnell
Roisin Maguire |
Shanaghan |
Colette Maloney |
Drumbarron |
John McBrearty |
Stormhill |
John Gildea |
Edergole |
Karen McConnell
James McBrearty |
The Town |
Gordon Young
Don Byrne
Thomas Boyle
John (Teague) Breslin
John Kelly (chemist)
Eddie Doherty |
Garrowart |
Alan Given
William Payne
Colm Cannon |
Tullycleave |
Kenneth Boyle |
Glenconwell |
Pauline Gavigan |
Tullymore |
Robert Freeborn |
Glengesh |
John D. Gallagher |
Woodhill |
John and Maureen Cunningham
Anne McBride |
Hillhead |
Adrian and Joseph Brennan |
Elected representatives from various parish
organisations are :
Mildred Baskin, Community Centre Trustee;
Sean McKenna, Garda Sergeant;
Shiela Sweeney and Marie Mooney, Community Centre
Hugh Breslin and John Kennedy, Ardara I.F.A.;
Tommy Porter and Joseph Gallagher, Ardara Show
Tony Breslin and Mary Breslin, South West Donegal
Communities Partnership Ltd.;
Jack Maguire and Paul McHugh, Ardara Heiritage
Margaret Crossey and Breda Boyle, Ardara Care of the
Emily Whelan and Ann M. Travers, Ardara Playschool
Stephen McCahill and Mary Kelly, Ardara G.A.A. Club;
Emily Whelan and Louise O'Brien, Ardara Women's
Donal Haughey and Terence Slowey, Ardara Walking
Festival Committee;
Stephen Bennett and Brid Breslin, "Cup 'o Tae"
Music Festival.
The Ardara Town Traders are represented by
Eamon McNelis, Conal Doherty, Michael Kennedy, Paul
Gallagher, Terence Molloy, Mairead Darnell, and Kathy
Newly elected officers are :
Donal Haughey (chairman),
John McBrearty (vice-chairman),
Ann M. Travers (secretary),
Patricia Slowey (assistant secretary),
Finbar Boyle and Gwen Breslin (joint-treasurers),
Stephen McCahill (P.R.O.).
It was noted, that, according to the constitution of the
parish council, any representative who without good
reason consistently missed parish council meetings, could
be replaced by a seconded representative of that townland
or organisation.
Mary Breslin moved that the Ardara Parish Council should
establish Irish classes for the winter months. Emily
Whelan proposed that a sub-conmmittee for the Community
Centre be formed from the Parish Council, and that this
committee should report to the Parish Council. Beth
Herron asked for a progress report as regards the
communications mast which was to be sited on the
community centre. The chairman will clarify this sissue
at the next parish council meeting, which is scheduled
for the second Wednesday in October.
Parish Council Survey Report
Four students on a summer employment scheme (Stephen
Given, Lee Watters, Karena Boyle, and Marilyn Reynolds)
had collated the results of some three hundred returned
questionnaire forms on services within the parish.
Stephen Given reported their findings to the Parish
Council.The purpose of the survey was to assist the new
parish council in dealing with the various issues that
people are dissatisfied with or feel can be improved.
Under the heading of Donegal County Council there was,
predictably, considerable dissatisfaction expressed with
the condition of local roads, and some with signposting
and over-grown grass verges and hedges along the roads.
Regarding the North Western Health Boards
responsibilities, people feel strongly that one doctor is
not enough in such a large area, and that there is a
clear need for better facilities for the doctor.
Satisfaction with An Garda Siochana was quite high at 64%,
but a crack-down on under age drinking, late night
speeding, and illegal parking was requested. The E.S.B.
was highly rated in satisfaction at 90%. Though
satisfaction with telecommunications was good, attention
was drawn to the quality of coverage for mobile phones,
and to the slowness of the internet service. People in
general were happy with the G.A.A., but queried the
necessity of holding all meetings in pubs. There was
considerable dissatisfaction at the effects of state
bodies to attract industry to Donegal and to Ardara in
particular. It was stressed that not enough is being done
to keep tourists in the area or to promote Ardara as a
parish rich in history and scenery. A number of practical
suggestions included that the town needs public toilets.
The main point under environmental issues was the need
for the new sewage treatment plant. General satisfaction
was expressed with the preservation of culture in the
area, especially with the "Cup o' Tae"
Festival, and the other town festivals. Under town
appearance there were some favourable comments, but
"a number of unoccupied derelict buildings in the
town are an eye sore and a disgrace to their owners."
As an environmental issue, re-cycling needs to be
encouraged, and a textiles and paper bank is required.
Farmers should be encouraged not to burn their round bale
plastic and to collect it for re-cycling, as this is a
new service free of charge. It was felt that queues at
the bank are getting longer and slower and the
dissatisfaction rate for banking facilities was at 61%.
One comment compared the ATM to the doctor at the week-ends
- if you need either you will have to go to the next town!
Overall, the satisfaction rate of all issues covered in
the survey was at 55%, and the dissatisfaction rate was
at 45%.
Top of page

New Leader of Ardara
Parish Council
Susan Boyd
Donal Haughey is the newly
elected chairman of the Ardara Parish Council, but it is
a position which holds no terrors for him, having
recently completed a three year term of office as
chairman of the Donegal Local Development Company. Having
also served three years as secretary to the Parish
Council in Ardara, he is no stranger to the important
issues in the parish. "As a community it is
important that we do things for ourselves, because no-one
will wave a magic wand and do it for us,"said Donal.
In the secretary's report to the Parish Council, Donal
stated that the latest census figures showed that the
population of Ardara is in decline, being down 10% since
the last census was taken. It appears that we are losing
our brightest and best educated young people to urban
areas, where they find the skilled work they have been
trained to do. The result of this trend in Ardara, if it
continues, will be a population of older people, and of
school children, but a lack of young adults and qualified
energetic people. Donal sees inward investment to
encourage the growth of employment and small industrial
units in the community, as being an answer to this
problem. The employment committee of the Parish Council
has been working closely with Udaras na Gaeltachta, which
recently purchased a twelve acre site at Mínacoilleadh.
This is the kind of development which may help to halt
the exodus of young people from the area.
Donal has faith in the ability of the Ardara Parish
Council to achieve a great deal for the community. "Over
the last three years the Parish Council has achieved a
lot. Take the celebrations around the Millennium. Our
efforts, celebrations and achievements were the envy of
many larger towns that have more resources than we have.
The success of our library which has gone from strength
to strength.The room is now too small to house the
growing collection of books, mostly donated by the
community at home and abroad. We acknowledge the
assistance of the County Librarian and Donegal County
Council. The books are all logged on an up-to-date
computer system and bar coded. We will be forever
grateful to the late Cller Charlie Bennett for his
efforts in having the library re-established in Ardara.
For the future we require a new building to house the
library, which should include books on tape and disk, and
a complete computer suite."
For the future Donal wishes to see the Parish Council
continue to build on its successes. The Walking Festival
is a community festival run by a Parish Council sub-committee
for the good of the community. There is a profitable spin-off
to the whole community through benefits to the
accomodation businesses, restaurants, and shops. A scheme
to train local guides would provide opportunities of
seasonal employment. Next years "Cup o' Tae"
Festival is planned to focus on Packie Manus Byrne, whose
book 'The Recollections of a Donegal Man' has recently
been presented to the Ardara library. There are ideas for
another festival to take place in Ardara in the month of
October, so that could be a first for next year."We,
as a Parish Council, should access more of the funding
that is out there to use for community projects, "
asserted Donal.
Donal Haughey was raised in Ardara. He has a degree in
business studies from Magee University in Derry and is
married to Marie Therese Gillespie, formerly of Gweedore.
They have a son, Ronan, and a daughter, Caoimhe, and they
live in Monargan, Ardara. Employed full-time in Barry
Electronics Ltd, Killybegs, Donal has a strong interest
in his local community and in working for it.
Representing the Ardara Parish Council at the South
Forum, Donal was elected to serve on the Board of the
Donegal Local Development Company and subsequently was
elected as chairman of the D.L.D.C. for a three year term
of office, which ended in 2001. During that time the D.L.D.C.
successfully completed the Leader 2 programme, enabling a
good many Donegal projects to get up and running. Donal
sees it as important for the Ardara Parish Council to
access funding through the Leader Plus programme for
community projects. "Any individual who has a
worthwhile project to develop should also apply to Leader
Plus," he added.
Top of page |
Sep |
Community Notices
National Pilgrimage to Knock
The Legion of Mary National Pilgrimage to Knock takes
place on Sunday 29th September. A coach will leave the
Diamond at 9.00am. To book a seat please contact Teresa
Breslin, Ard Chonaill (41477) or any member of the Legion
of Mary. Cost of travel and meals on the way 24.
Mental Health Association
The Mental Health Association thank those who supported
their collection last weekend. 673.00 was taken up.
Hospice Coffe Mornings
Hospice Coffe Mornings on Thursday 19th September with
Jimmy and Brid O'Donnell, Loughill and in the Heritage
Barn Dancing Classes
Barn Dancing classes resume on Tuesday 17th September in
the Central Bar. Beginners class 9.00pm. Advanced classes
9.30pm. For more information contact Jacinta at 41680.
Ladies Football team play Sperrin óg in the quarter
final of the Ulstaer Club Championship in Greencastle, Co
Congratulations to the Under 16 ladies team on reaching
the County Final.
Those interested in submitting items for publication in
this year's Dearcadh are reminded that October 19th is
the final date for same.
St. Catherine's Vocational School, Killybegs
F.E.T.A.C. Accredited Courses -
Childcare - level 2 (Full and Part-time)
Business / Secretarial - level 2 (Full and Part-time)
Enrolment evening on Thursday 19th September at 7.00pm.
Courses begin on Monday 30th September.
St. Columba's Comprehensive School, Glenties
The following Night Classes will be available in the
above school for the Autumn Session, pending adequate
Introduction to Microsoft Word
Basic Computers
Conversational French / Spanish
Bible Study
Intermediate Computers
Beginners Bridge
Colour Me Beautiful
Also a chance to do two subjects in the Leaving
Mathematics at Ordinary Level
History at Higher Level
Top of page
Sep |
Fund Raising Event
Photo's by Paul
Read News Story
Top of
page |
Sep |
Community Notices
Killybegs X-Ray Unit
The amount raised in Ardara for the X-ray unit in
Killybegs Community Hospital was 5,412. 00. The
organisers thank evreyone who contributed for their
Computer and Video Course
The Kilclooney Dolmen Centre is now recruiting for its
next computer training course which is due to start at
the beginning of November. The course includes local
research and instruction in video filming. A training
allowance is paid. For further information or to
register, phone 075-45966, or 075-45010, call in at the
Dolmen Centre.
Lough Derg Retreat
There will be a bus going to Lough Derg for the one-day
retreat on Sunday the 22nd of September. To book a seat
phone 075-41396, or 087-2452979.
New Parish Council
Newly elected members of the Parish Council attended the
first meeting of the next three-year period, in the
Community Centre, last Wednesday evening. The names of
the new committee and a summary of the results of the
recent parish survey will be published next week.
Fiddle and Guitar Lessons
Music lessons on the fiddle and guitar will recommence on
Saturday the 14th of September at 10:30 a.m. in the
Glenties Community Centre. For more details contact Ernan
at 075-41037.
Kilclooney Pony Drive
Sixteen horses and gigs gathered for the pony drive on
Sunday the 8th of September, commencing from Kilclooney
Tavern in the mid-afternoon. The route was around Rosbeg,
and everyone enjoyed the spin, though the weather was
cool. Frank McHugh, Rosbeg, James Byrne, Ardara, Patrick
Billingsly, Dunkineely, were horse owners who had one or
more horses in the drive. There were several participants
from the North, and from Letterkenny and the north of the
Night Classes
The Comprehensive School is offering a wide range of
night classes this autumn. Among them are opportunities
to do Leaving Certificate Mathematics and Leaving
Certificate History. These courses will be taught over
two years : mathematics at Ordinary Level and history at
Honours Level. Other courses on offer are 'Introduction
to Microsoft Word - Basic Computers' ; upholstery; yoga;
Gaeilge-Comhrá; conversational French/Spanish; bible
study; intermediate computers; beginners bridge; ' Colour
Me Beautiful'. For further details check with Glenties
Comprehensive School at 075-51172, or the advertisement
in this paper.
Show Meeting Report
The 2002 Ardara Show was one of the best attended for a
number of years. At a meeting of the Show Committee on
Monday, Chairman Joe Gallagher reported on the success of
the August 10th event. "Everybody appeared to be
very happy with the day, and the weather was kind to us."
Rain in the week prior to the show meant that parking on
the showfield had to be drastically restricted, but the
fine weather on the day of the event ensured that there
was a large attendance, with many remaining for the final
event of the day, the tug-of-war. Treasurer, John
Couzens, indicated that gate receipts were the highest
for many years and, although there were still a number of
invoices to pay, he was optimistic that there would be an
overall profit.
The meeting also discussed next year's event which could
be influenced by the showfield being on the market.
Despite the uncertainty, it was felt that plans still had
to be made for 2003. A detailed discussion on the matter
is expected to take place at the show's AGM in October.
Other matters discussed at Monday night's meeting
included the storage of show equipment, the poor
condition of some cups and ways of securing new
The likely date for the 2003 show is Saturday August 9th.
Coffee Morning
A coffee morning in, aid of the Donegal Hospice, will be
held in Chris Mulraney's, Mt Zion, Cronkeerin, at 11 a.m.
on Thusday the 19th of September. All are very welcome.
Top of page
Sep |
Community Notices
New Parish Council
All newly elected members must be present for the First
Meeting in the Community Centre at 9.00pm on Wednesday 11th
September. New Officer Board will be elected and results
of the recent Parish Survey will be addressed.
Lough Derg One-Day Retreat
Bus going to Lough Derg for One-Day Retreat on Sunday 22nd
September. To book a seat, ring 075-41396 or 087-2452979.
Ardara ICA
The Ardara ICA will resume monthly meetings on Wednesday
11th September at 8.30pm in the Community Centre. New
members will be most welcome.
Advanced Course in ECDL Spreadsheets
Advanced Course in ECDL Spreadsheets starting in St.
Catherine's Secondary School, Killybegs tomorrow 10th
September. Interested? Contact Marie at 073-31799 or Ann
at 075-31214 as soon as possible.
Ardara GAA
The Monthly Meeting of the Ardara GAA Club takes place in
Doherty's nonight at 9.30pm.
Community Centre
Community Centre opens for business for the school year
this coming Wednesday 11th September. All bookings for
the centre through Neily at 41341 or 41608.
Show Meeting
A Show meeting will be held in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel
tonight 9th September at 9.0pm.
Top of page
Sep |
Community Notices
New Parish Council
The first meeting of the newly elected Parish Council
will take place on Wednesday the 11th of September in the
Community Centre at 9 p.m. A new officer board will be
elected to run this Council for the next three years at
the meeting. The recent survey of the parish will also be
addressed. All newly elected members will by now have
been notified of their election. The Parish is indeed
indebted to the four wonderful students who organised and
co-ordinated the election and the survey of the Parish
under the summer student scheme. We wish the new Parish
Council every success.
Thank You
The people attending the Woodhill Resource Centre would
like to thank everybody who purchased their hand-made
goods, which were on sale at the recent Ardara Show. Your
kind support is greatly appreciated.
Community Centre
The Ardara Community Centre is now open for autumn and
winter bookings. Contact the Centre at 075-41341 or the
chairperson, Sheila Sweeney, at 075-41598. The Centre
opens for National Schools and Comprehensive School
children on Wednesday the 11th of September.
Fiddle and Guitar Classes
These classes will re-commence at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday
the 14th of September in the Glenties Community Centre.
For details contact Ernan at 075-41037.
Ardara Golf Society
A golf outing in Dunfanaghy Golf Club will take place on
Saturday the 7th of September. The draw for partners is
at 2 o'clock sharp.As this is the last outing before the
Rider Cup, all members are asked to attend.
Domican Academy of Irish Dance
A new class is taking place in the Central Hotel, Donegal
town every Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. The class opened on
August the 20th, but all new members are welcome. For all
enquiries phone 072-29365 or 087-990 4612.
Barn Dance Classes
Classes for complete beginners in the art of barndancing,
will resume in the Highlands Hotel, Glenties, in
September. The tutor is Edie Bradley. Anyone interested
should contact Pauline at 075-51585.
"Sponsored Slim"
Bernie McGill, Aighe, is doing a sponsored slim for the
Oncology Unit in the Letterkenny Hospital. Over the next
year she is hoping to lose 7 stone, and would appreciate
it if people would sponsor her efforts. Very few families
have not had experience of at least one family member who
has received treatment for cancer, so this cause is
receiving generous support.
Top of page

Wedding Ceremony on
Iniskeel Island
By Susan Boyd
Romance and music were in the air
as a wedding party made their way through the shallow
tidal waters separating Iniskeel Island from mainland
Portnoo, on the recent occasion of the wedding of Shane
Bracken, Dublin, to Eleanor McGill, Letterkenny. Eleanor
is one of the daughters of Dr Lochlan McGill, author of
the local history book entitled "In Conall's
Footsteps", which was recently published in its
second edition. As a child, Eleanor had often played on
the island of Iniskeel, her father had recorded the
history of the island, and she wished to have her wedding
ceremony there.
The guests all met at Narin Strand at 1:30 p.m. that day,
having travelled from Milan, Paris, Germany, Wexford, not
to mention the many Dubliners. The crowd of 120 or so
waited 15 minutes for the arrival of the groom, joyfully
attired in a purple silk suit. Though misty rain had
fallen earlier in the morning, the weather held dry,
which meant the guests had only wet feet to contend with,
not wet hair.
The groom's brother, Daire Bracken, and his girlfriend,
Eimer, led the way playing a beautiful waltz on their
fiddles and the procession followed. As they reached
Iniskeel it became evident that the tide wasn't going to
ebb completely due to the windy conditions, so everybody
took off their shoes , rolled up their trousers, or
hoisted up their skirts, and waded through three or four
inches of water. "Most had been forewarned about
this possibility," said the groom, Shane Bracken,
"and some had come prepared with plastic shoes and
the like. One of the more notable of the memories of the
day, for me, is the sight and sound of all in stitches
laughing as they crossed the two metre stream." Once
on the far side, the party made its way up to the remains
of the church of St Conall Caol.
Shortly afterward Eleanor was escorted by her father,
Lochlan McGill, and sisters, Olivia, Genevieve, and
Lucienne, across the sand."Few were left unmoved by
the sight of Eleanor, with her train billowing in the
wind, as she made her way to the island," said Shane.
"I, of course, wasn't allowed to look!"
Genevieve read a welcoming address, written by her
father, Lochlann McGill. This address gave an insight
into the spiritual history of Iniskeel, referring to
"Conall Naofa", who flourished in the sixth
century. In the graveyard behind the church there is a
beautiful eighth century inscribed cross and a ninth
century cross. It is said that St Conall and St Dállan
are buried beneath these, but it is more likely that they
are buried beneath the church in which the ceremony was
taking place, as it was the custom of the early
Christians that the founder saint be buried beneath the
little church which he had founded. Insights such as this
gave a great sense of place and significance.
The contents and layout of the printed ceremony had been
chosen and arranged by the bride and groom, and included
symbols taken from some of the gravestones on the island,
dating as far back as the sixteenth century. "Fáilte
chuig oileán sáimh Innse Caoil" (welcome to the
spiritual sanctuary of Iniskeel ) was printed at the head
of the order of ceremony.Poetry and passages taken from
Byron's works, those of Shakespeare, the teachings of
Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism were read by friends
and relations of the bride and groom. As both families of
the bridal party are Irish-speaking, two pieces were read
in Irish. The groom's father, Billy Bracken, had selected
advice given by Fionn Mac Cumhal to Mhic Lughach, which
was read by the groom's sister, Barbara. The second was a
Gaelic poem taken down by Eleanor's grandfather in the
1920's and adapted by Lochlann McGill. The ceremony was
punctuated by traditional Irish music, performed by the
groom's brothers Daire and Antoin, his sisters, Saoirse
and Rae, and their friend Eimer.
For centuries and up until the present day people have
come to Iniskeel to do the 'turas', known as the station
or pilgrimage. It was intended for the guests to take
part in the turas after the ceremony, but the tide was
turning and time didn't permit.
"The crowd followed Eleanor down to a sandy area of
the island where champagne and lobster were waiting for
all. After a delicious feed and a copious amount of
champagne, the return journey across what had now become
over a foot of water was a bother to none. Making our way
across, hilarity reigned again as we were serenaded with
"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean". Shortly
afterwards we were all seated in the Lake House Hotel
where, thanks to the manager, Geraldine, and her great
staff, we had a feast worthy of kings, and following
that, a great night of music and dancing," said
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Sep |
Community Notices
Irish Dancing Classes
Irish Dancing classes will resume on Thursday 5th
Sept in the Hotel. Beginners welcome.
Barn Dance
Fund Raising Barn Dance in aid of X-Ray Unit, Killybegs
Hospital, in the Central Hotel, Donegal, on Monday 7th
The Playgroup opened on Monday at 9.30am. Places are
available for the afternoon session, 12.30 - 3.00pm.
Morning session is full.
Bluegrass Music Festival
Bus to Bluegrass Music Festival, Omagh, on Sunday 8th
September. Phone Patsy at 087-2452979.
The Chiropodist will be in the Community Centre on
Tuesday from 2.00pm to 5.00pm. Please phone Breda at
41246 for an appointment.
Music Classes
Kenneth Baker Music Classes begins in the Hotel on
Tuesday 10th September. Enrolling Wednesday 4th Sept.,
from 6.00 - 7.30pm
Comprehensive School
St. Columba's Comprehensive School, Glenties, will re-open
as follows:
Tuesday 3rd Sept, 1st years only
Wednesday 4th Sept., 1st, 3rd and 5th Years
Thursday 5th Sept., all years except Repeat Students.
Ceili Club
The Ceili Club, Glenties, thank those who supported their
recent dance in aid of the Oncology Unit in Letterkenny
Hospital. The amount raised was 3,610.00.
Barn Dance Classes
Barn Dance Classes for complete beginners will resume in
the Highlands Hotel, Glenties in September. Tutor is Edie
Bradley. Anyone interested should contact Pauline on 075-51585.
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Sep |
Community Notices
Ardara on Highland Radio
Don't forget Packie Keeney's show on Highland
Radio tonight comes from Ardara. Tune in from 11pm to 1am
to hear Packie talk to and about the locals.
Listen to Highland Radio
Sponsored Slim
Bernie McGill is doing a sponsored slim for the Cancer
Ward in the Letterkenny hospital. Over the next year she
is hoping to lose 7 stone. Any sponsorship would be
greatly appreciated.
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