I take life soft and gentle.
I used to take life hard.
Seeing with soft eyes loosens the edginess,
makes things rounded somehow.
Easier to understand, to decipher - and accept.
Circles are more natural than squares.
They have connections and meanings
and comfort.
The Sun. The Earth. The cycles of the seasons.
Easing into my day. Taking care of friendships,
connecting. Keeping in soft touch with my dreams.
We all have dreams. We are all related.
©Stella Savoie
Love is the life experience that I seek
the most:
to love and to be loved.
Love unites me as one with All That Is.
I allow myself to love with abandon because
I know that in the end, the only thing that really
matters is that I loved without fear, conditions,
restraint or economy.
Life in abundance comes only through
great love.
If you have it, you don't need anything else.
And if you don't have it, it doesn't really matter what
else you have.
Love is the most important ingredient of success.
Without it, your life is empty.
With it, your life vibrates with meaning.
Even in hardship, love shines through.
Once you have learned to love,
you will have learned to live.
Do all things with love.
"Don't let yesterday use up too much
of today."
-- Will Rogers
Excerpt from Alice in Wonderland
One day Alice came to a fork in the road
and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" was his response.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
(Lewis Carroll)
Are you in earnest? Seize this very
What you can do, or dream you can do, begin
it. Begin it and the work will be completed.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Make each place in which you find yourself better
than you found it.
- John Morton
(From: The Blessings Already Are)
When you have the will to succeed, you will
somehow find a way, regardless of the
obstacles you encounter!
Napoleon Hill
You never achieve real success unless
you like what you are doing.
Dale Carnegie
"To foster inner awareness,
introspection and reasoning is more
efficient than meditation and prayer."
"Right from the moment of our birth,
we are under the care and kindness
of our parents. And then later on in
our life when we are oppressed by
sickness and become old, we are
again dependent on the kindness of
others. Since at the beginning and
end of our lives, we are so
dependent on others' kindness,
how can it be that in the middle we
neglect kindness toward others?"
"In the case of one individual or person
like myself, the practice of
compassion and religion coincides.
But another individual without
religion can practice spirituality
without being religious. So, a
secular person can be spiritual.
Compassion is compulsory for everyone
to practice."
"Kindness is the key to peace
and harmony in family life."
"True compassion is not just an
emotional response, but a firm
commitment founded on reason.
Therefore, a truly compassionate attitude
towards others does not change,
even if they behave negatively."
"Through universal altruism, you
develop a feeling of responsibility
for others; the wish to help them
to actively overcome their problems."
The Dalai Lama
The greatest discovery of my generation
that human beings can alter their lives by
altering their attitudes of mind.
William James
People That Make a Difference
"Now I see why powerful people often
wear sunglasses --
the spotlight blinds them to reality.
They suffer from a delusion that power means something (it
They suffer from the misconception that titles make a
difference (they don't).
They are under the impression that earthly authority will
make a
heavenly difference (it won't).
Can I prove my point? ......... Take this quiz.
Name the ten wealthiest people in the world.
Name the last ten Heisman trophy winners.
Name the last ten winners of the Miss America contest.
Name eight people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer
How about the last ten Academy Award winners for best
picture or the
Last decade's worth of World Series winners?
How did you do?
I didn't do well either.
With the exception of you trivia hounds, none of us
remember the headliners of yesterday too well.
Surprising how quickly we forget, isn't it?
And what I've mentioned above are no second-rate
achievements. These are the best in their fields But the
applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz. ....... See how you do on
this one:
Think of three people you enjoy spending time with.
Name ten people who have taught you something worthwhile.
Name five friends who have helped you in a difficult time.
List a few teachers who have aided your journey through
Name half-a-dozen heroes whose stories have inspired you.
It was for me, too.
The lesson? The people who make a difference are not the
ones with the credentials, but the ones that show concern,
compassion, and caring.
...a pinpoint of light in the center of
night's darkest sky.
...the strength to look inside for that which the world
cannot give you.
...the will to climb over, crawl under or go around every
obstacle between you and your dreams.
...hanging on to life when it's easier to let go.
...the gift of yourself to a world in sorry need of
...honoring your self-worth by virtue of your respect for
...the harmony you achieve when every joy, every pain,
every smile and every tear, of every citizen on the
planet, is also yours.
© 2000 Terri McPherson
Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents
which in prosperous circumstances would
have lain dormant.
There is very little difference in people, but
that little difference makes a big difference:
The little difference is attitude!
W. Clement Stone
All adverse and depressing influences can
be overcome, not by fighting, but by rising above them.
Charles Caleb Colton
The beginnings of all things are small.
The misfortunes hardest to bear are these which never
James Russell Lowell
When you make a commitment and are willing to do whatever
it takes, you begin to attract the people and
circumstances necessary to accomplish your goal.
Jeff Keller
Do we know someone we
can't forgive? What a heavy
burden, to carry pain and
hurt from our past, to stay tied to
yesterday. Practicing the
gentle art of forgiveness keeps us
fully present in today and
prepares a serene foundation for
tomorrow. When we are
unwilling to forgive, negativity
imprisons our energy and power.
Letting go of past injuries
may feel like a sacrifice. It is
possible to nurse "justified
anger" for so long that it feels
like a part of us. Will we look
weak and foolish if we give
up our hate? Does forgiveness
make "them" right and us wrong?
Forgiveness is a risk in living
and a positive affirmation of
our own worth. Forgiveness
is a gift we give ourselves. It is
the simple act of being bigger
than any problem. It is
trusting that the loving part of
ourselves is stronger than the
angry, vengeful part.
Forgiveness makes room
for more love in our life.
Salley Coleman and Maria Porter
One of the best ways to go faster is to
have more
patience and to progress more gradually.
Things will then be given to you in a way you can handle.
- John-Roger
(From: The Tao of Spirit)
You are never a loser until you quit trying.
Mike Ditka
If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is
not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of
it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.
Marcus Aurelius
Only in the positive realms, - Soul and
above - is
perfection available.
So you may as well relax, express yourself toward
excellence, and give yourself and your loved ones
room and permission to make mistakes. If you do,
you're on the way up.
- John-Roger
(From: Passage Into Spirit)
"I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow."
--William Blake
We have a right to claim our own feelings. Sometimes we
get angry, but hold it inside because we think it's wrong
to feel it. If anger builds inside us, it expands like a
balloon ready to burst. If not released, it can make us
depressed, or even physically ill. When we give ourselves
permission to feel anger, we are better able to get rid
of it in a healthy way. Our inner voice can tell us how
to let go of our anger. And once we've released it, we
can easily get in touch with the feelings that caused it.
When we recognize our anger for what it is--one feeling
among many others that makes us unique--it loses its
significance, and we can prevent it from consuming us.
Indira Ghandi said,
"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist."
When we let go of our anger we can honestly embrace
each other with open arms.
All our dreams can come true -
if we have the courage to pursue them!
Walt Disney
The effects of our actions may be
postponed but
they are never lost. There is an inevitable
reward for good deeds and an inescapable punishment
for bad. Meditate upon this truth, and seek always
to earn good wages from Destiny.
Fu Wu Ming
Attempting to live our life by our own
design is certainly no small feat. Often it means doing
without in the short term. It can mean going against the
grain. Even meeting with some pretty serious opposition
from folks that say that it just can't be done...
With all that said, it is still one of the most rewarding
things that a person can ever achieve. You see, once we
start to make little gains in our own lives we begin to
believe in ourselves more. Suddenly, what we may have
viewed as undoable now doesn't appear so far out of our
realm of possibility. There's a famous quote that says
"A man's mind once stretched can never return to its
original form". The quote does a brilliant job of
illustrating the importance of going for our dreams.
While it's true that we're never guaranteed success in
our efforts, we can certainly take comfort in knowing
that even if we fall flat on our face we'll still gain *incredible*
life experiences and increase our knowledge (thus getting
us closer
to our eventual goals)! When I look at it in that light
it almost makes me want to fail as many times as I can
knowing that each time I'll get a bit closer in my
efforts :-)
The next time you're faced with the question, "What
if I fail", turn that question around and ask
yourself, "But what if I succeed?" The simple
truth is that we have very little to lose with regards to
our potential rewards.
Josh Hinds
The Motivational Mecca!
You have it easily in your power to
increase the
sum total of this world's happiness now. How?
By giving a few words of sincere appreciation
to someone who is lonely or discouraged. Perhaps
you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say
today, but the recipient may cherish them over
a lifetime.
Dale Carnegie
Never Give Up Hope
Life doesn't always give us the joys we
We don't always get our hopes and dreams,
and we don't always get our own way.
But don't give up on hope,
because you can make a difference one
situation and one person at a time...
Look for the beauty around you -
in nature, in others, in yourself -
and believe in the love of friends,
family, and humankind...
You can find love in a smile or
a helping hand, in a thoughtful gesture
or a kind word. It is all around, if you
just look for it.
Give love, for in giving it
you will find the power in life
along with the joy, happiness,
patience, and understanding.
Believe in the goodness of others
and remember that anger and
depression can be countered by love
and hope.
Even when you feel as though there isn't
a lot you can do to change unhappiness
or problems, you can always do a little -
and a little at a time eventually makes
a big difference....
Fear can keep us up all night long,
but faith makes one fine pillow.
Philip Gulley
If you don't invest very much, then defeat doesn't
hurt very much and winning is not very exciting.
Dick Vermeil
My mother just days ago lost her very
best friend to cancer.
I had met this wonderful woman my mother referred to as
"the sister I never had." She was delightful -
beautiful both inwardly and outwardly. This is yet
another good friend my mother has known who has died too
soon from cancer. Obviously the immediate family members
of her friend miss their mother, wife, aunt, grandmother,
sister and cousin more deeply than my mother.
But every time I saw them together, they were smiling and
joking with one another like teen-age girls. In talking
with my mother she made a very powerful point be known to
me. She told me that her friend's two sons both thanked
her for staying with their dying mother everyday for the
past several weeks. She graciously accepted their
gratitude but she also made the
following statements to both of her friend's grieving
sons on
two separate occasions: "You don't need to thank me
for what I know your mother would have done for me. Your
mother blessed my life in so many ways, and I will never
forget the times we shared and the many laughs we had."
Friends, true friends, love each other unconditionally
and do not keep records of who bought who lunch or whose
turn it is to drive. My mother's friend, one individual,
touched so many lives and taught my mother (not the other
way around) what being a true friend is all about. We
should all hope to be this kind of friend. Being a good
friend does not make us saints, it merely solidifies the
fact that we are caring human-beings.
Brian G. Jett
He who finds diamonds must grapple in
mud and mire because diamonds are not
found in polished stones. They are made.
Henry B. Wilson
If you have a great ambition, take as big
a step as
possible in the direction of fulfilling it. The step
may only be a tiny one, but trust that it may be the
largest one possible for now.
Mildred Mcafee
As long as you're going to think anyway,
think big.
Donald Trump
Through our daily exchange with others we
can "re-discover" our emotions and how to work
with them as a result of our experiences.
In looking through the eyes of another, we see the
reflections of our own strengths and weaknesses, our
triumphs and our shortcomings.
Could this also be a golden opportunity to develop the
capacity to demonstrate patience and strength as we
listen to another and not judge?
Then as kindly as we can, ask what they intend to do
about it? Through this we learn and teach the virtues of
patience, love and responsibility...
Jim Grant
Before my accidents, there were ten thousand things I
could do. I could spend the rest of my life dwelling on
the things that I had lost, but instead I chose to focus
on the nine thousand I still had left.
W. Mitchell
If I act out of integrity and loving, it
doesn't matter who is right. It doesn't even matter what
What does matter is what I have invested inwardly.
If I am attached to my history of limitations, which
weighs down the present, I have lost the war even if I
win the battle. If I present myself and my point of view
in loving, with no attachments to the outcome, I have won
before any battle has started.
- John-Roger
(From: The Tao of Spirit)