Any educational establishment is only as good as its staff and the college has been extremely fortunate in this respect having a superb staff and innovative Principals in the course of its fifty years' existence. In this respect I must pay tribute to Mr. Tony Power who as present Principal has the honour of presiding over this celebration. In this challenging task he was ably assisted by Mr. Jim Hurley, former Deputy Principal who willingly lent his expertise to the development of the College.
No school or college can exist without the good will of the local community, parents, local clergy and business people. To all of these I extend sincere thanks for their help and co-operation and continued confidence in the VEC system of education. My thanks to the Boards of Management and Parents' Association who have served so loyally over the years and to the thousands of students who have achieved outstanding results within our College.
Finally on behalf of Co. Wexford VEC and on my own behalf I extend sincere congratulations and best wishes for the future to Bridgetown Vocational College - may it grow and prosper.
Beir bua is beannacht
James J. Dunne Chief Executive Officer November 2003
Bridgetown Vocational College At The Beginning of the 21st Century by Frank Lonergan
The name in the title suggests the organic growth and development of Bridgetown V.C. in more recent times. The name was changed to College or Colaiste to reflect the many facets of life and activity in this dynamic modern education centre. Today the College provides a full and varied second level education as well as the Post Leaving Cert (PLC) course. Total enrolment in recent years has risen to over 700.
Modern society makes many demands on the education services. The services have begun to develop in different ways in response to those demands. Junior Cert., and Leaving Cert. Courses have changed at all levels. These changes are noticeable in the class work, exam project work and computer work in Bridgetown. Money has recently been made available for the development of The School Completion Programme run in conjunction with national schools. Learning support services are being developed in Bridgetown just now. The alternative Leaving Cert. Applied Programme has been available for a few years and the Leaving Cert. Vocational Programme option has been available to students who wish to choose it for many years.
The choice of subjects available to our students is now very wide. Making a choice is sometime difficult for individual students. The fifty staff members provide support, advice, care and teaching services for this large student cohort.
Extra curricular activities have continued to grow and develop at Bridgetown College over the years despite limited facilities. Boys and girls have a wide choice of sports activities - Gaelic football, hurling, basketball, rugby, camogie, soccer, handball, athletics, hunter trials. Over recent years many of our students have achieved significant success at County, Provincial and National Level in some of these sports. A small number have had international success. From time to time school teams are also involved in public speaking, debating and school quiz competitions. Musical stage shows are produced every two years.
School life is very busy, active and changing for the hundreds of students who converge on Bridgetown each day. The student numbers have outgrown the college buildings that were officially opened by the Minister for Education, Ms. Gemma Hussey, on October 12, 1984. Today the plans have been approved for the enlargement and development of the present college buildings. This extension will provide dedicated classrooms, student social space, assembly space and an improved gymnasium. Recently Co. Wexford V.E.C. bought a nearby field which will soon be developed as a full size sports field. These plans have been developed over the last six or seven years.
They are a total and coordinated response to a dynamic and rapidly changing college. County Wexford V.E.C. and all people connected with the college trust they will come to fruition in the near future. These proposed developments are vital if the college is to maintain its present strengths and sustain progress into the second fifty years of its first century.