Principal: Mr. T. Power, B.A. H.D.E.
Vice Principal: Ms. F. Greene, B.A. H.D.E.

Post Leaving Cert

Business/Computer Studies Course Sept 2004 - May 2005
Principal - Mr T Power
Deputy Principal - Ms F Greene
PLC Co-ordinator - Ms M Walsh

One year, full-time or part-time course is designed to prepare students for work in today's offices. Emphases is placed on the use of the most modem technology and software. We have equipped the Training Room with the most up-to-date Pentium 4 high-speed computers and we use the most modern, top of the range Software, thus enabling our graduates to feel thoroughly confident and competent in the work place.

The course is provided on a modular basis, with special emphasis on the core subjects such as Keyboarding. Word Processing, Spreadsheet Processing and Bookkeeping/Accounting. The first four weeks of the course are almost entirely devoted to Keyboarding, thus ensuring fluency in all computer modules and being of benefit to those who may have to leave the course earlier than anticipated.

Application forms are available from the College and via the Bridgetown website. Early application is essential to secure a place.

Leaving Certificate with 5 passes. This condition is waived in the case of adults and mature students.

The course is designed so that students may opt to take the following PLC Certificates:
> NCVA Certificate in Business Studies - General
> NCVA Certificate in Business Studies - Secretarial
> NCVA Certificate in Information Processing
> City and Guilds Diploma in Information Processing

Every effort is made to facilitate and encourage mature students. Entry requirements are relaxed to accommodate those who wish to retrain, or to re-join the work force. Mature students may elect to attend on a part-time basis and study a limited number of modules - those modules are selected by the student.

Students who wish to enrol on certain Certificate Business Courses in Regional Colleges and who did not secure the necessary points through leaving Certificate may progress through the Higher Education Links Scheme from FETAC Level Two Awards. Further information is available from the Course Co-ordinator.

No course fees. However, examination fees totalling approximately €50 are payable

Text Production and Keyboarding
Keyboard Training
Layout of all business documents, including
letters, memos, faxes, E-mail, legal
documents, minutes, agendas etc.
Tabulation - layout of ruled tables
Typing from manuscript
Speed and accuracy development

Use of Dictaphone and transcriber
Grammar, spelling and punctuation lessons
Pre-recorded tapes used to develop skills

Information and Communication Systems
Office Systems
Preparation of Business Documents

Business Calculations
Business Mathematics with special emphases on percentages, discounts, margins and mark-up.

Book-keeping - Manual and Computerised
Manual - preparation of all accounts up to Trial Balance and bi-monthly VAT returns
Computerised - as above using TAS Software

Computer Applications
Introduction to Internet, E-mail, Web site design, Database, Spreadsheet and Graphics

Payroll - Manual and Computerised
Software - Sage - Quickpay

This module gives the learner the knowledge and skills to use both manual and computerised Payroll systems competently in the work place

Word Processing
Software: Microsoft Word (XP edition)

Skills taught to Advanced Level Create, save and edit documents, Mail Merge, Envelopes, Columns, Tables, Graphics, Headers and Footers, Macros etc.

Spreadsheet Processing
Software: Microsoft Excel (XP edition)

Creating and working with Formulae/Logical Statements
Formatting Spreadsheets
Designing and implementing working Spreadsheets

Data Processing
Software: Microsoft Access (XP edition)

This module encourages Personal development through a range of projects, assignments, video interviews and oral presentations, together with public speaking. Students are encouraged to take part in College life, including sporting and cultural activities - the aim being to develop self-confidence and responsibility.

Business French
Business French is offered at two levels -Intermediate and Advanced. Emphasis is placed on communicative French as used in the business environment. Students are assessed through written, oral and aural assignments.

Work Experience/Placement
Preparation for Work Experience is provided in the first two terms. Students are made familiar with work practices, along with health and safety regulations in the work place. A Personal Evaluation Portfolio is completed by each student. Work Experience is provided for two weeks in the final term, after which employers are asked to assess the performance of the student. Employers' Reports are used to aid in the overall assessment of students.

Roll Number: 71610E
A college managed by the County Wexford Vocational Education Committee