Bun an Tsrutháin
Self-Catering Accommodation
ACCOMMODATION AND RENTAL PRICES Rental price information is available by contacting us, by e-mail or telephone. Included in the Rental Price — Rental prices include full linen supplies and cleaning once per week.
ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE We ask guests to arrive in the afternoon, preferably after 4:00. Guests are also requested to vacate the property no later than 10:00 on the morning of departure.
RESERVATIONS To make a reservation please contact us by e-mail or telephone. We will need the following information:
All rentals require a credit card imprint or cash damage deposit on arrival. This will be refunded to you at the end of your stay, providing the premises is left in good condition.
THE CAPTAIN'S HOUSE E-Mail: captigh@eircom.net COPYRIGHT © 2001 - 20015 |