Readings for Today's Mass
- The Scripture Readings from the Lectionary
- The Prayer
of the Church
- The Psalter and readings from the Divine Office
Saint of the Day
- The life of today's saint from American Catholic
Sacred Space
- Daily Prayer from the Irish Jesuits' Communication
Core Prayers
- A list of "basic" prayers from the primary
school RE curriculum
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in time of national anxiety
occasioned by threat of Foot and Mouth Disease
Archbishop Dermot Clifford
invites all to join in prayer at this time and provides the following text
A Family Prayer
Creator God and Father of all,
You entrust the world to our care
and set it teeming
with the beasts of the fields for our benefit.
For this abundance we thank you.
Now we turn to you
at this time of national anxiety,
for across this season of birth and new life
moves the shadow of disease and destruction.
Lord, give us the wisdom
to work together for the good of all;
watch over all whose livelihoods
are threatened by this plague;
guide all who strive to protect farm animals
from Foot and Mouth Disease.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
This prayer may be followed by a decade of the Rosary or some other
familiar prayer.
A Family Prayer
Creator God and Father of all,
You entrust the world to our care
and set it teeming
with the beasts of the fields for our benefit.
For this abundance we thank you.
Now we turn to you
as our national anxiety is allayed,
as the threat of disease is lifted
and we return to our familiar lives with new awareness.
We thank you for hearing our prayer
and ask your help that we may come
to the assistance of those less fortunate than ourselves.
Lord, give us the wisdom
to continue to work together for the good of all;
inspire all whose livelihoods
were threatened by Foot and Mouth Disease
to care for your creation according to your will.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
