Planting Seeds to prepare for Summer

Planting Bulbs in Containers

Bore holes in the container. If you didn’t have holes on the bottom of the pot the water would not be able to get out. Soon the pot would be full of water  nd the flowers would die.Before you put down the soil you  put in about three handfuls of stones.The stones are for preventing the soil blocking the holes to allow the water to get out. Then you put in soil and compost. Place a bulb of any sort maybe lilies, irises or gladidii on top of the soil. Finally water the bulbs and put them in a sheltered place. by Jason

3/4 fill a container with compost Place the bulbs on top. Cover

with soil and place in a sheltered spot

Planting Sunflowers

Monday 4th March. Today we planted sunflowers seeds in pots. After planting the seeds we put them inside a plastic bag and placed them on the windowsill in the classroom. Here they were warm and dark. We sprayed water on them every other day.

Sunflower Seed

Monday 7th March

Monday 7th March

Seedling Appears

Planting Sweet Pea

We planted sweet pea seeds on Monday 11th March. We planted them in peat pots. We planted then in peat pots because we don’t want to disturb the seedlings when we transplant them. We planted lots in case some of them do not grow. We planted six varieties of sweetpea and hope to have different shapes, sizes, smells and colours. by Joy and Amanda.

Put compost in your box

Push down compost

Put in the seed

Sit pot on tray with water.

  Putting compost and bulbs in windowbox  


Tuesday 19th March

Sweet Pea Shoot appears


Sunflower 4cm in height

Tuesday 26th March

Sweet Pea 3cm

Sunflowers 10cm

Gladioli Shoots 4cm

Sunflowers 10cm

Tuesday 9th April

Sweet Pea 5cm

Sunflowers 15cm

Gladioli/Lily/Iris Shoots 4cm

Iris 12cm

Tuesday 16th April

Sweet Pea 11 cm

Sunflowers 16 cm

Gladioli 14cm

Lily 5cm

Iris Shoots 11cm


We prepared the flowerbed and planted the young plants into the ground.