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The Old Doe Chapel.
The chapel at Doe was built in 1784.  The land was given by William Wray the Owner of Ards Estate to a Franicisan, Father Dominic Curden.
Fr. Rodden in 1784 undertook the building of the Church.  During Penal Times Mass was said at  'Massrocks'  located in secluded areas in the locality.
The last Mass in the old Chapel was said in Sunday August 15th 1971 and the first ceremony held in the New Church of St. Michael the Archangel, was held on the same day.  The new church was built to mirror Muckish Mountain.

Showing of their master piece at the Doe Graveyard Creeslough.

Tommy Daly & Barry Daly

TELE. - 074-9122742.

The Bishop of Raphoe the Most Reverent Dr. P. Boyce Consecrated the extension to Doe Graveyard on the the 1st November 1998.

The cross was donated by Julia Mc Hugh in memory or her late husband Bernard Mc Hugh Drumeason.


 The New Church of St. Michael the Archangel, in Creeslough is by now a famous land mark because or it distinctive architectural design which was based on Muckish Mountain. The first Mass was said on Sunday15th August 1971. 

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