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Éire Nua Building Fund
Belfast / Derry
Republican Sinn Féin has secured a premises at 229 Falls Road, Belfast as the organisation's public office in the city. This excellent location near the city centre will give a much-needed focus and morale boost to our growing membership in Belfast and throughout Ulster.
The initial cost of the office was £60,000 (punts) and since it was acquired major refurbishment has been carried out on the building. Added to that is the cost of security to protect it and those using it from the British Crown Forces, loyalist death squads and others who would threaten true Republicans. This,and currency fluctuations. have added another £15,000 (punts) to the cost.
Over £20,000 has been contributed to the fund to date and the committee is very grateful for the valuable support of members and supporters. The debt is now reduced to £43,443.
Contributions, which will be gratefully acknowledged, can be made:
- To the following: Mary Ward, Co Donegal; Frank McCarry, Co Antrim; Jimmy McElhinney, Co Tyrone; Geraldine Taylor, Belfast; Michael McGonigle, Co Derry; Joe O'Neill, Co Donegal; Mick McManus, Co Fermanagh; Larry McMahon, Co Monaghan
- By sending a donation to: Ard Oifig, 223 Parnell Street, Dublin 1 or to 229 Falls Road, Belfast.
or send a donation to:
Éire Nua Building Fund, Bank of Ireland, (Six Counties) Draperstown, Co Derry, a/c number 14164268, quoting the Branch code 90-48-43
or donate by Standing Order.
RSF support for Freedom Committee Trustees
REPUBLICAN Sinn Féin has called on the 'handful' of expelled members of Cumann na Saoirse-Irish Freedom Committee in the US to cease raising funds in the name of the organisation and to stop using its name.
In April 2000 a handful of individuals were removed from office and expelled from Cumann na Saoirse/Irish Freedom Committee (CnS-IFP) in the US for actions designed to undermine the lawful Constitution of the organisation and ultimately subvert the organisation. While CnS-IFP was founded as and remains an autonomous American body, Republican Sinn Féin has supported the decision the Trustees of CnS-IFC came to in this manner.
“Republican Sinn Féin stands by the Trustees in their decisions and demands that David Ruppert and other expelled members of Cumann na Saoirse-Irish Freedom Committee immediately stop using the name of the organisation they have been removed from; we demand that they cease raising funds in the name of that organisation,” the statement concluded.
In a recent letter to the US, CABHAIR (Irish Republican Prisoners Dependants Fund), stated that donations from individuals in the US for Republican prisoners in Ireland who CABHAIR support can be sent to the National Irish Freedom Committee, PO Box 771084, Woodside Station, Woodside, New York 11377.
EU Commission will be de facto government
THE Nice Treaty will make the EU Commission a de facto “European government,” a Danish MEP has claimed.
Jens-Peter Bonde said that as the Commission would be appointed by a majority vote from 2005, rather than the current system whereby member states choose their representatives to function as an “administrative board”, the new system would mean that the seven smallest states would have their proposed commissioners voted down by the eight larger states.
“This is a profound change which will mean we have a real European government in Brussels, but it is not for discussion apparently,” he said.
Jens-Peter Bonde who was in Dublin for the publication of his book Nice Treaty Explained, also claimed Nice was about “deepening rather than widening” the EU. “There is no enlargement in this treaty and the new system of voting will happen whether the EU is enlarged or not”.
He said the revised system had been “completely hidden” during all press briefings on the Nice summit.
SAOIRSE - Irish Freedom
Issue number 170
June, 2001

Sinn Féin,
223 Parnell St, Dublin 1
Tel Dublin 872 9747
Fax: 872 9757
e-mail: saoirse@iol.ie
229 Falls Road, Belfast
Tel Belfast 9031 9004
Fax: 9031 9863
The annual Comdt-General Tom Maguire wreath-laying ceremony will be held at his grave in Cross Cemetery, Co Mayo on
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(near Christchurch)
Doors open 9pm
Tickets limited: £5
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Hunger Strike
Events 2001
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Please forward details of hunger-strike commemorative events to SAOIRSE as soon as they are finalised in your area
Republican news and information by e-mail.
Any queries to
FF/Provisionals alliance
ONE of the first public realignments of Fianna Fáil and the Provisionals has taken place in county Limerick where members of both parties joined together in commemoration of an IRA leader shot dead by the British Crown Forces.
Eighty years ago Brigadier Seán Wall, Sinn Féin Chairman of Limerick County Council and OC of the East Limerick Brigade of the IRA was shot dead by British Forces at Annacarthy, on the Limerick/Tipperary border.
On Sunday May 8, 2001 a large crowd gathered at his hometown of Bruff to pay tribute to Seán Wall. His son, Canon Gerard Wall who was born shortly after his father's death, was present as the chairman of Limerick County Council Fianna Fáil's Cllr Kevin Sheehan laid a wreath at the monument of the IRA leader.
Also present were former Fianna Fáil Defence Minister Michael J. Noonan, Fianna Fáil Councillor John Gallaghue and Sinn Féin members Cyril MacCurtain, Pat Hayes and Donncha Ó Nualláin of Broadford, Co. Limerick.
The joining of forces between Fianna Fáil and the Provisionals is yet another step in the coming together of both parties in advance of the coming general election. Of course Fianna Fáil consider themselves to be the Republican Party so where does that leave the Provisionals. The true Republicans of course are to be found within Republican Sinn Féin.
» Drumcree looms again
» Write-in: 'Tommy Crossan POW X' Republican Sinn Féin are calling on all Republicans and nationalists, especially ex-POWs to come out and support the campaign for the restoration of political status for Republican POWs . . .
» More Brit collusion FURTHER evidence at British Collusion with and control of loyalist death squads is revealed in BBC Journalist Peter Taylor's latest book, Brits: The War Against the IRA . . .
» 'More power to Big Four as neutrality is eroded -- Vote No!' Republican Sinn Féin launched its campaign on the Nice Treaty at a press conference in Dublin on May 24 . . .
» National Platform accuse Ahern of 'smokescreen' IN A statement on May 29 Anthony Coughlan of the National Platform accused 26 County Premier Bertie Ahern of creating a smokescreen so as to deflect debate away from the real implications of the Nice Treaty . . .
Appeal for funds
Republican Sinn Féin put forward Republican prisoner Tommy Crossan as a write-in candidate in the west Belfast constituency in the Westminster election.
In addition a major campaign was launched in the 26 Counties for a 'No' vote in the referendum on the Nice Treaty.
Posters and leaflets were produced in both cases and the costs were substantial. We appeal to all our friends and supporters to once again assist by sending donations to: Ard-Oifig, Republican Sinn Féin, 223 Parnell Street, Dublin 1 or Éire Nua no 2 account, Draperstown, Co Derry, Bank of Ireland, a/c number 24336617, branch code 90-48-43. All donations will be gratefully acknowledged.
» Oil rig service crews warning A WARNING that decisions by international oil companies to move west coast rig servicing operations from Limerick to Kerry will have an adverse economic effect, has been issued by the local Cumann of Republican Sinn Féin . . .
» Coilíneacht IS IOMAÍ caint ar na saolta seo faoi “shaoirse” na hÉireann, faoi “neamhspleáchas” na hÉireann, faoi “fhlaitheas” na hÉireann; ach níl sna téarmaí sin uilig ach bréaga (nó aineolas, b'fhéidir). Níl san oileán seo, thuaidh theas, thiar thoir, ach coilíneacht. Ní tuairimíocht atá i gceist anseo, i gcead duitse, a léitheoir, ach fíric. Ach breathnaigh ar an bhfianaise . . .
» Political status picket outside British Home Office in London ON Saturday, May 5 members of Republican Sinn Féin, England, Scotland and Wales held a political status picket outside the Home Office in London. The picket, held on the 20th anniversary of the death on hunger strike of Bobby Sands, highlighted the renewed campaign by the British to deny those Republican prisoners who still resist British rule in Ireland political status . . .
» Sectarian attacks increasing REPUBLICAN Sinn Féin, Belfast said in a statement on May 23 that they are concerned by the high level of sectarian attacks on the nationalist community across Belfast. The most recent was at the so-called peaceline at the Falls, Shankill, Springfield Road, West Belfast and also at Ardoyne Road, North Belfast . . .
» Mother flees UVF attacks LOYALIST incendiaries continued their campaign of ethnic cleansing with a petrol bomb attack on a Belfast family on May 13 . . .
» Strasbourg ruling slates Britain CAMPAIGNERS have stepped up their demands for independent inquiries into Britain's shoot-to-kill policy following a landmark decision by the European Court of Human Rights . . .
Letters to the Editor should be as short as possible and written or typed in double-spacing on one side of the page. Name and address must be included, but on request will not be published.
Postal address: 223 Parnell Street, Dublin 1. Letters may also be faxed to Dublin 872 9757 or by
e-mail to
» Accepting The Challenge
New York
» Plastic Bullets For The Irish
Bryan O'Hanlon
» Hunger Strikers Died For their Principles
Comhairle Ceantair Átha Cliath
Republican Sinn Féin
» Hunger Strikers Died To end British Rule
» Letter to US Secretary Of State
NW Canton
Ohio, USA
» The Rose Tree
» No Compromise On Principle
New York, USA
» Jobs For The Boys
» Fight For Political Status Continues
Still a Republican
» Journey To Hell
» From An Artistic Perspective
» Mac Cool: Big day in Derry -- Bill and the Old Brigade
» Fenian Notes
» 50 Years Ago: Derry barracks raided: IRA capture arms
» For The Record
Brón ar an mBás
Brian Lynch
REPUBLICANS hasten to sympathise with Councillor Seán Lynch, Longford on the death of his brother Brian in Cavan town on April 19. He is survived by his wife and two daughters and was aged 68.
A keen GAA and Republican supporter Brian was Vice-chair of Roger Casement Cumann in Cavan during the late 1950s and early 1960s, when Councillor Mary Brady held the Cumann chair. Up to recent years he was a publican at Bridge Street, Cavan.
Ruairí Ó Brádaigh, Uachtarán, attended the obsequies and Benny Little and Liam Mimnagh represented Republican Sinn Féin in Cavan.
» Outstanding IRA leader and giant of a man in the Republican Movement REPUBLICANS everywhere were shocked at the sudden death on May 18 of Seán Mac Stíofáin, former Chief of Staff, Irish Republican Army. He was 73 . . .
» Seán Mac Stíofáin -- a tribute SEÁN Mac Stíofáin was a giant of a man in the Republican Movement. He was one of those who got a grip on the revolutionary situation which opened up in the Six Counties in August 1969 and brought the IRA to a culminating point in June-July 1972. At that time he led a delegation to London demanding British government withdrawal from Ireland for the first time since 1921 . . .
» Pat Mullen REPUBLICANS were shocked to hear of the death of Pat Mullen, Sixmilecross, Co. Tyrone, a former H-Block prisoner, at the early age of 48. He died on May 1 . . .
» Josie McDermott SAOIRSE regrets to record the death of Josie McDermott, one of the illustrious Mac Diarmada family of Kiltyclogher, Co Leitrim, during the second week of May . . .
» 'Bobby Sands died for the liberation of all humankind' “CONTRARY to allegations made in the news media, there was not a straight line from the election of Bobby Sands in 1981 to the Stormont Agreement of 1998”, said Ruairí Ó Brádaigh, President of Republican Sinn Féin at a seminar in Lisnaskea, Co Fermanagh (2pm, Donn Carragh Hotel) on Saturday, May 5, the 20th anniversary of Bobby Sands' death on hunger strike . . .
» Galway remembers Bobby Sands GALWAY Republican Sinn Féin held a march and rally in Galway City on May 5th to remember the H-Block hunger strikers, and to campaign for political status for Republican prisoners currently held in Maghaberry Jail. As a result of the Stormont Agreement of 1998, political status has been withdrawn from all Republican prisoners in the Six-Counties . . .
» Dublin honours H-Block hunger strikers IN Dublin on May 5 over a thousand people marched behind a piper and a Fianna Éireann colour party from the Garden of Remembrance in the centre of the city to the GPO, where a large crowd had assembled. Speakers included Josephine Hayden (Dublin) and John McElhinney (Tyrone), ex-prisoners and Mary Ward (Donegal), Chairperson fo the Ulster Executive of Republican Sinn Féin . . .
» Republican Sinn Féin honours Raymond McCreesh ON Sunday, May 20 Republican Sinn Féin honoured the memory of Raymond McCreesh on the 20th anniversary of his death while on hunger strike . . .
» Ballylongford hunger strike commemoration THE Ballylongford, Co Kerry hunger strike commemoration on Sunday, May 27 was chaired by Michael Mitchell, Castleisland. The parade formed up outside the GAA hall and led by a colour party bearing the National and provincial flags and the Starry Plough, marched to the O'Rahilly plaque in the town centre . . .
» Hunger strikers remembered in Limerick A DAY-long historical display was held in O'Connell Street, Limerick on Saturday, May 5 to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the H-Block hunger strike . . .
» Tipperary H-Block events ON May 4, the Seán Treacy Cumann, Republican Sinn Féin, Tipperary town held a vigil to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands and also to honour all those who died on hunger strike . . .
» Niall Plunkett O'Boyle REPUBLICANS from Wicklow, Kildare and Dublin attended the annual Niall Plunkett O'Boyle commemoration at Knocknadruce in Co. Wicklow on May 13 . . .
Longford at Easter
THE annual Easter Commemoration ceremonies in Co. Longford were not held as planned at the grave of Vol. Pat Farrell IRA in Foxhall cemetery because of the foot and mouth crisis. Access to the graveyard required passing through a field with cattle. On the roadside at the entrance to the cemetery, the 1916 Proclamation, the Co. Longford Roll of Honour and the Easter Statement from the Leadership of the Republican Movement were read. A wreath was laid and prayers recited. Cllr. Seán Lynch presided. Another wreath was laid at Ardbhill Crossroads where Vol. Farrell was killed in a mine explosion in May 1921.
Kiltyclogher ceremony
THE annual Commemoration was held at the Seán Mac Diarmada Memorial in Kiltyclogher, Co Leitrim on Seán Mac Diarmada Memorial in Kiltyclogher, Co Leitrim on Sunday, May 6. Thomas Kelly, Manorhamilton, Mícheál McDonagh, Drumshambo and Jim Mannion, Manorhamilton laid wreaths and Séamus McGowan, Tullaghan recited a decade of the Rosary in Irish. Joe O'Neill, Bundoran, gave the oration.
» Comhbhrón
» I gCuimhne
» What They Said
July edition
published July 10
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