Eyekon MIDI
Eyekon MIDI - MIDI Archieve with over 360 titles
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Eyekon MIDI
Eyekon MIDI
Eyekon MIDI

Welcome to my MIDI website. I have just recently upgraded the whole interface and I hope it is as pleasing to the eye as it is easy to use. If you are using a frames caplable browser like Microsoft IE 5 then you are in for a special treat - you should be able to see a Microsoft Windows like menu along the top which should allow you quick access throughout the website. Screen resolution should idealy be set to 800 X 600 pixels with 16bit colour. This site contains Dynamic HTML and Cascascading Style Sheets, so IE 5 is recommended. Your machine must have its speakers switched on to hear the MIDI files and it's Multimedia settings must be active/working correctly.

The Beatles section area lists all of the The Beatles albums. From here you can go on to select the album which are cronologically ordered from Top to bottom. Once you have selected an album, you can select the individual song you wish to download. NOTE: At present all of the Beatles archive is Zipped up i.e. you will require a compresion utility to open the archived zip file. Winzip is strongly recommended for this.

All Files in the MIDI archive are unzipped, so they will playing when you click on the file. This section has a massive and varied amount of Midi Files. It is categorised into Artist and sorted alphabetically. facility at the Top of the page. This "Index" provides the user with a letter to click on which will transport them to that area, rather than having to scroll down to say the "S" artists. From the "S" artists there is a link to return the user to the index at the Top.

The Links Page is useful if you want to continue your search for simialar sites to this. It contains a variety of links to useful areas such as Evolution which are the manufactures of MIDI and sound software/hardware. There are also links in here to website related materials such as XOOM who provide free webspace and clipart.

Guestbook by GuestWorld You can either Sign My Guestbook and leave a message or View My Guestbook and read what others have wrote. This guestbook is supplied by GuestWorld.

This area tells you a little more about the me, where I work, my music, my interests and also has a few "Thank yous'" for people I have met. Basically its about the Webmaster.

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E-mail: eyekon@eircom.net

All Material within is Copyright © Eyekon 1997 - 2000 Last Modified: 07 Feburary 2000