What is it ? Cannabis is a genus containing a coarse, tall, hairy annual herb that provides fibre from its stems, oil from its seeds, and drugs from its leaves and flowers. The only species of Cannabis, also called hemp or India hemp, is a native of Central Asia but is widely cultivated and found as a weed throughout North America. The plant grows up to 1.8 m (6 ft) tall, with coarsely-toothed, palmately divided leaves and inconspicuous clusters of flowers. The fibre's have a variety of uses in textiles and in rope. The drugs bhang, hashish, and marijuana contain as their principal component narcotic resins found mostly in the glandular hairs of the plants. These resins are most abundant under hot, tropical conditions. In the United States, cannabis may be grown only under government permit.Skunk is one of several particularly potent forms of cannabis plant, originating in the USA and now grown mostly by the Dutch and the British. It is grown indoors, under strong lights, using 'hydroponics' techniques i.e. in liquids rather than in soil. Cannabis is usually smoked in a splif or joint. It can also be eaten on its own or in cakes or can be drunken in tea. Cannabis is probably one of the most used illegal drugs. There are three forms of Cannabis;
Signs of use; Glassy eyes, pupils wide, laid back, loss of interest in study, work and games. Cigarettes broken open, home rolled joints. The Highs Cannabis makes the person feel relaxed and because it's a mild hallucinogen, they can find colours and sounds brighter and sharper. Users experience feelings of euphoria and become more sociable and receptive to those around them. It makes it easier to concentrate on boring tasks. The Lows If a person smokes regularly or very heavily, they could have heart, lung and breathing problems, as with cigarettes. Some users report reactions of fearfulness, confusion and anxiety.Long term effects include memory loss, paranoia and lethargy. They might also feel depressed and restless and anyone who has any mental problems should not smoke cannabis regularly. Cannabis smoke is many times stronger than that of tobacco and therefore carries a high risk of certain forms of cancer. It tends to increase the users appetite. It also affects a person sense of time and distance. After taking cannabis you may become very tired and need alot of sleep. Effect time; Thirty minutes to an hour when eaten. Addictiveness; Psychological, dependence possible - comes on gradually. Dangers; Although cannabis is not as dangerous as most other drugs, its chemicals stay in the body for several weeks. If you are a member of one of the following groups then you at particular risk from cannabis;
If your gonna take it;
Price; £10 per gram Scientific classification: The genus Cannabis belongs to the family Moraceae. Hemp is classified as Cannabis sativa.