Chemical Name; Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine (MDMA) What is it ? Ecstasy is a mixture of chemical substance which vary from tablet to tablet. The main ingredient is MDMA. It can be mixed with anything from tranquillisers to rat poision. It usually comes in tablet or capsule from which ar e mainly white, brown, pink, beige, or yellow. If is rarely sold as a powder. The tablets are swallowed. Signs of use; At first - increased energy and loss of appetite. Later - exhaustion Effect time; Ecstasy usually takes between twenty and sixty minutes to take effect. The Highs; Often causes an euphoric rush that makes the user feel elated, energetic and intimate with those in their company. It heightens the users appreciation for colours and sounds and allows them to dance for hours on end. It has been known to heighten sexual experience. The Lows; Not long after taking
ecstasy the user can experience diarrhoea, sweating, anxiety, insomnia and psychosis and
nausea. It has also been known to cause muscle pain, depression and fatigue days after the
effects of the drug wear off. Dangers; Ecstasy is a stimulant and therefore it increases the users body temperature. This combined with the rise in body temperature because of dancing often causes dehydration which leads to heatsroke. This has killed many users in Europe. Addictiveness; psychological, dependence possible. If your gonna take it; Sip no more or no less than one pint of liquid(not alcohol) every hour to prevent heat-stroke. |