| Have in your possession any controlled drug |
 | Have in your possession any controlled drug for the
purpose of supplying it to another |
 | Allowing your home I premises to be used for smoking
or using a controlled drug |
 | Cultivate any cannabis plant |
 | Forge or alter any prescription issued by a doctor or
have same in your possession |
 | Aid or abet in the commission of any drugs offence |
 | SelI or make avaIlable a solvent type substance to a
person under 18 years of age it you believe that the substance is, or its fumes are likely
to be inhaled by that person for the purpose of intoxication |
 | Import any controlled drug without a licence |
 | Sell intoxicating liquor to a person under 18 and or
allow that person to drink intoxicating iquor on a licensed premises |
 | Buy intoxicating liquor if you are under 18 years of
age |
 | Represent yourself to be over 18 years for the purpose
of buying intoxicating liquor |
 | Consume intoxicating liquor, if you are under 18
years, in any place other than a private rosidence in which you are present either as of
right or permission |