
A Guide for Addicts, Youths and Parents Alike.



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The Law regarding drugs

It is illegal to;

Have in your possession any controlled drug
Have in your possession any controlled drug for the purpose of supplying it to another
Allowing your home I premises to be used for smoking or using a controlled drug
Cultivate any cannabis plant
Forge or alter any prescription issued by a doctor or have same in your possession
Aid or abet in the commission of any drugs offence
SelI or make avaIlable a solvent type substance to a person under 18 years of age it you believe that the substance is, or its fumes are likely to be inhaled by that person for the purpose of intoxication
Import any controlled drug without a licence
Sell intoxicating liquor to a person under 18 and or allow that person to drink intoxicating iquor on a licensed premises
Buy intoxicating liquor if you are under 18 years of age
Represent yourself to be over 18 years for the purpose of buying intoxicating liquor
Consume intoxicating liquor, if you are under 18 years, in any place other than a private rosidence in which you are present either as of right or permission


The Consequences of your involement with Drugs

Apart from the fact that possession use of a controlled drug is against the law there are also many other problems associated with drugs use:

The effect of a drugs conviction on your career
Countries such as America, Australia and Canada will not issue travel and/or work visas to individuals convicted of drug offences
The possibility of dependence / addiction
Effects on your health - depression, tiredness and in cases of people sharing needles, hepatitis, H.I.V. and A.l.D.S
Family disruption resulting from tensions arising out of drug abuse
Reduces your capacity to concentrate resulting in higher risks whilst driving, operating machinery etc.