
A Guide for Addicts, Youths and Parents Alike.



Up User Tempted Worried for Friend Law&Consequences


If you are tempted to take drugs but can't decide, then maybe you should make a list of all the good and bad points that would result from taking them.

Why you want to take them;

Why you don't want to take them;

You think they will improve your image or make you look more "cool"
You think they will help you to cope with everyday pressure of exams, etc.
You think they will relieve boredom       
You think they will help you feel and look grown up
You want to rebel or shock
Your curious
You think they will help you fit in



You may DIE from you first trip
Your parents might find out
You might get caught in possesion by the police and get a criminal record, be fined, go to court or be sent to jail
You may become addicted which can lead to depression, stealing, more serious crimes, cancer, HIV, and other drug related diseases
Drugs cost alot of money
You could have an accident while under the influence of  the drug
You could have a bad trip and have flashbacks for weeks after you take the drug.


Then you should be able to decide for yourself whether or not you want to try drugs.