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Times Change

Quarterly Political & Cultural Magazine 


Spring-Summer 1999       Issue 17 


Leader Beyond the Celtic Tiger 

'Armed Peace' will wreck Belfast Agreement  
Arthur Aughey writes that so long as weapons continue to be held by paramilitary groups then there can be no real sense that the war is over 

A party of the people 
John de Courcy Ireland says  'New' Labour can lead by following the example of Jean Jaures and James Larkin 

End of East Timor struggle in sight? 
Interview with Joao Carrascalao of the Timorese Democratic Union 

Mysticism and the politics of feeling: the enduring dream of an authentic Ireland 
Michael Boss writes that yearning for a past that never existed is a recipe for trouble 

O'Casey frozen out by feminists 
Elizabeth Hazlehurst takes issue with feminist critics who ignore the work of Sean O'Casey 

Wrenching life from the dead grip of history 
Stephen Hopkins writes that politics and humanity shine through the work of Sebastian Barry 

Book Reviews 

Jack McGinley reviews James Larkin The Lion of the Fold by Donal Nevin (editor) 

D.C. Rose reviews Art & Outrage: Provocation, Controversy and the Visual Arts by John A. Walker 

Jean Craig reviews Divided Society: Ethnic Minorities and Racism in Northern Ireland by Paul Hainsworth (editor) 

Joseph Ruane reviews Dis/agreeing Ireland: Contexts, Obstacles, Hopes by James Anderson and James Goodman (editors) 

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Revised: 10/05/99