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During the November conference the latest iapce resource was launched. The book deals with a practical response to student involvement. Luke Monahan has put this text together - writing two-thirds of the book and for the remainder he invited a range of practitioners to share their experience. The contents are as follows:  

1. We're all in this together - Rationale ideal and real - what does partnership mean- responsibility and decision-making - relevant research

2. Walking the talk-What can students do? criteria for action - pitfalls - responses - ideas for student involvement - fourteen strategies

3. Finding a voice -Student leadership
not easy - pointers for participation - the student council - outline role deflnition - selection procedure - liaison with staff - evaluation

4. Using the voice -Training for leadership issues in training students - a detailed model for consideration - facilitation - practical focus - communication with staff

5. Listening to students - Survey results questionnaire - overview offlndings - priorities for students - effectiveness of strategies - key reflections

6. Student involvement and pastoral co-ordination - Niall Hickey
leadership and the prefect system - what to do and why do it - dealing with difficulties - prefect evaluation - works in progress 

7. Peer leadership - Why training - John Lukiff developing role - training objectives- student Qualities - beneflts - elements of a programme  

8. The Why and the What of a Student Council - Teresa Nolan 
helpful insights - areas for involvement- advantages - hints - mechanics of a council



9. Bullying - A peer led approach- Margaret Quinlan 
anti-bullying committee - awareness-raising - newsletter - prefects and mentors - supporting each other

10. Folders of Excellence - Gerry Wersthe idea -positive bias - recognition - development - application - concerns - outline

11. Student councils - some guidelines - Pat Walsh
 key asset - starting points - training - status - sample constitution - staff liaison

12. Developing a past-pupil network- Donald Moxham
broad ranging - impact on school lire - core elements - tips - lessons to be learned- ways Forward

13. Resources

A: Initiating a student council - an exploratory questionnaire 

B: Selection procedure

C: Vision exercise

D: Consultation of students on policy matters

E: Student involvement survey

F: Student council constitution

G: A commissioning service

H: Student newsletter

I: Seniors caring foriuniors

J: Further reading and resources


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