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Regional Network:

Each school and member is attached to a region of iapce. What is on offer locally will depend on the needs of teachers/students in the area e.g. local resource centres set up; short courses and evening seminars held.


Speakers can be provided - on a range of pastoral topics - for once off seminars or lectures to groups of teachers/parents e.g.  Setting up Pastoral Care Structures in School, The Role of the Form Teacher, Classroom Management, Social, Personal and Health Education Programmes and School Systems of Pastoral Care etc.Workshops are also available for parents and students.

Focused Consultancy:

iapce also provides advice, support, and resources to school management teams, pastoral care teams, school principal, individual teachers etc. The aim of this consultancy is to support individuals and/or small teams with an opportunity to plan and reflect on their school situation in order to devise suitable strategies. Each situation is different - the consultancy continues as long as it is required. Contact Luke Monahan          ( ) at the iapce office for further information.

Short Term Courses:

Courses for teachers and others around the country, e.g. The role of the Class Tutor, Relationships and Sexuality Education; Social, Personal Health Education Programme.

Production and Provision of Resources:

Books and materials on pastoral care, whole-school development, and classroom mageagement. iapce has published a series of handbooks including The Year head: A Key Link in the School Community.

In-service for schools:

There is a constant demand to work with individual schools on various areas of school life. As far as possible iapce attempts to answer the requests made.
We have a list of names of facilitators to offer schools in a variety of areas such as discipline; role of the Class Tutor and Year Head; staff development; whole school planning.....over 15 such courses.


A forum, to inform, resource and challenge.
Free to members (50p to non-members).
Articles on: educational initiatives, practical resources comments on educational policy, information on the activities of iapce - nationally and regionally.

National Conferences and Seminars:

Expert Speakers - national and international - on key issues that impact on the Irish education scene: classroom management; pastoral systems; school planning etc.


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Copyright iapce. Marino Institute of Education, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9.