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The Culture & Conference Team:

Noel Kavanagh, Mai Raplh, Catherine Furlong & Luke Monihan

The School Culture and Ethos Conference

Marino Institute of Education is iapce's home base. 
The Institute organised a major educational conference 
in March to examine the issues of school culture and 
ethos. The theme is a very challenging one and the 
conference brought together a vast range of national 
and international speakers. Some of iapce's executive 
were involved in the event - Brian Flannery, 
Maeve Martin, Ned Predergast assisted the team of 
Catherine Furlong, Noel Canavan, Mai Ralph and 
team leader Luke Monahan in putting the experience 
together. The highlight was undoubtedly
President Mary McAleese's address to the 400
delegates. The papers of the conference will be 
published later in the year.

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