did you learn to play chess?
I learned the moves when I was about 10 or 12
years old, but only started to take the game anyway seriously in 1972
(inspired as so many of my generation by certain events in Iceland)
when I was 16 years old.
When did you start playing CC?
I started playing CC in 1973, joining the British
CC Association, and in 1974 began playing in the Junior sections of
the Evening Herald's Irish Championship run by Jim Corby.
How strong are you OTB?
My current Canadian OTB rating is 2239, based
on about 40 OTB games I've played here in the past 8 or 9 years (prior
to 1993 1 played no OTB chess for about 10 years). In 1997 1 was co-winner
of the Canadian Amateur Championship (OTB: for players rated 2200 or
less), and I won a nice trophy for 1st Under-2000 at the 1999 Canadian
Open. I do not intend to play much OTB in the future, as I know I would
have to spend an extraordinary amount of time for study and training
to improve my present OTB performance level, and I'm not really prepared
to do this.
What do you like most about CC?
I just love the game. I enjoy the idea of trying
to assess one's performance all the time, aiming to improve, and the
means to measure one's progress (or lack of it). Although I lead a very
busy life with work and a young family, I like to be always active,
and my CC game load is my 'fix' at the end of a busy day or few days.
I am a chess fanatic I read a lot about the game, but I enjoy more the
personalities, the stories, etc. than just playing through games. I
get withdrawal symptoms if I have no current CC game where I have the
move. In my postal days I was playing 50-70 games at a time, and now
with e-mail I am playing around 20.
What do you dislike most about CC?
The silent withdrawal! (In what other sport does
your opponent disappear in mid-game?). For example, my final game in
MN67 was against an opponent from Yugoslavia against whom I needed a
draw to clinch my final IM norm. Early on, the game (played by snail-mail)
was interrupted by the Balkan conflict. After it resumed I achieved
a winning position when my opponent went silent, necessitating the registered
letters, communications to the TD etc. At least when playing by e-mail,
dealing with this situation is much simpler and speedier. (Have you
ever noticed how really impatient CC players are when it comes to matters
other than the actual moves of a game? Just look at some of the postings
on TCCMB and you will see what I mean. The outsider would probably expect
a CC player to have the patience of Job!).
What sort of preparation did you do for MN67?
My preparation for MN67 consisted of revising
about 80% of my opening repertoire, and spending a lot of time trying
to improve my endgame skills! The first proved most important in MN67
as there were no endgames of a really decisive nature in the event (my
endgame work did however helped me a lot in Canadian championship events).
I discarded a lot of dubious openings I had been
playing (Morra-Smith gambit as white, O'Kelly Sicilian as black). I
kept a record of my games in a folder with Berliner's motto ('Every
move a research project") on the cover! I'm not going to pretend
I succeeded in following this throughout the event, but it did help
me retain a 'good attitude' towards my games.
What is your routine for making moves? For instance,
when I receive a move, I do the paperwork, recording it in ECTool and
on my Chessbase DB. Then 1 look at my analysis, review it, leave it
for a few days, and then in a panic with time trouble approaching, make
a move. No doubt, you are more disciplined.
I still use an old-fashioned file folder and game
sheets to keep a record of my games (although nowadays I also have current
games on a small separate database on computer). I do not have ECTool,
nor do I have Chessbase. After recording my opponents move and time
details etc. I nearly always spend a few minutes examining the new position
that same day (a bit longer if the move is unexpected). This imprints
the position in my mind, and allows me to sometimes work on it blindly
during the day.
Depending on time available, my game load etc.,
I will then do my main work on the position sometime within 1-3 days
of receiving the move. I tend to move fairly quickly through the opening
moves, but in a complex middle game position I may spend an hour analysing
three or four nights in succession before reaching a decision.
If I feel the position is really critical, I find
it useful to take a break from it then for a few days before returning
to it. I sometimes come up with interesting ideas when analysing blindly
during this time (while cutting the grass, sitting in church, waiting
for the lights to change).
I do quite a lot of work on positions when my
opponent has the move if I have the time. I often analyse early middle
game positions down to the type of endgames that may result. These deep
analyses are not highly accurate, but give a good 'feel' for the possibilities
in a position, and often help to distinguish between advantages which
are real and lasting, from those likely to disappear (often suddenly
I'm sure you know the feeling) as the game progresses.
What type of positions do you like playing?
Winning ones! But seriously, I like to play positions
where I have a small positional plus and try to squeeze the most from
it, preferably down to an advantageous endgame, where really precise
play is rewarded, and computer generated moves are of dubious value.
As White, I try to aim for a small but persistent advantage rather than
trying to blow black off the board, and as Black I try for equality
before looking for an advantage. (Luckily in the Sicilian Defence, when
Black equalises he already has an advantage!)
Do you use computers? How do you use them? For
opening research, tactical analysis, pawn structure investigations (a
la Jon Edwards), endgames?
I use computers in a number of ways. Databases
are used for opening research, but one has to be very careful since
there are a lot of poor quality games in the large databases available.
The Chesslab online database is excellent, and by selecting rating and
year criteria and using the position statistics function can provide
some really useful information. This overview is then supplemented by
study of relevant annotated games in recent Informators and NIC Yearbooks.
In opening research I also like to look at some
lines with Fritz on infinite analysis. It is surprising how often so
called solid lines have hidden tactical resources not apparent in the
opening literature.
I use Fritz for tactical analysis (but largely
ignore its evaluations in the opening and the endgame). I do most of
my chess analysis on the Fritz board when I'm at home, and the ease
of returning to the current position, or saving a line for later re-evaluation
is a real time saver compared to the board-and-pieces of old.
I do not do Jon Edwards style pawn-structure evaluations,
but this I think is because I too lazy to be bothered with this (and
certainly not because I think I know all this stuff already!). In the
endgame the computer is useful for blunder-checking, but is very limited
in really proper evaluations, even in very simple positions sometimes.
After your first norm, how often did you come
close to the second and final norm?
I did not come close at all to my second norm
in any event until MN67. I played in MNI6 and performed very poorly,
and it was this performance which led me to examine more closely my
play (opening choices, amount of time spent on analysis etc) and led
to the changes I made prior to commencing MN67.
What did you do differently in MN67 from the other
events? Yes, I know, you won more games, but, heh, I'm looking for the
secret of your success! My readers want a panacea for their chess.
Probably the two main factors were a careful re-evaluation
of my choice of openings, and changes in my life outside of chess, which
allowed me to spend more time on the games. (From 1993 to late 1998
I worked as a sole surgeon in a community of about 20,000 people, and
was on call all the time. In 1998 a second surgeon was recruited to
the community and this made a big difference to my workload and on-call
schedule which became one in two).
The use of computer generated analysis also helped,
in that it shortened the time I needed to spend on tactical analysis,
and made it easier to analyse, save the analysis, and return to the
starting position. This allowed me more time to work on positional aspects
of the games, and look deeper into the positions.
I don't have a panacea for your readers, but I
think it is really important to try to recognise the types of positions
one plays well and is comfortable with, and to develop a solid opening
repertoire with these types of position in mind.
It is a good idea to be realistic don't
expect to blast Black off the board just because you are White
be content with a small advantage out of the opening, particularly if
it is a lasting one. Don't be afraid of equal positions. Many equal
positions are much easier to play for one side than for the other. Study
the endgame, and your middle-game strategy will improve proportionally.
Do you prefer Postal or Email?
I prefer email now that I have adjusted to it
and manage my game load better. It is more reliable, repeat moves are
easier, and the absence of really long delays keeps the games fresh
in my mind.
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