Contacting me:

Department of Mathematics , National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland.
(353 1) 708-4628

Papers and Preprints:

Blocks of defect zero and elements of order p , Journal of Algebra 214 (1999), 385-399. (DVI 48k)
The alternating group A8 and the general linear group GL4(2)
, Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 99A (2) (1999), 123-132. (DVI 40k)
Real 2-regular classes and 2-blocks
, with Roderick Gow, Journal of Algebra 230 (2000), 455-473. (DVI 69k)
On a certain ideal of K
òlshammer in the centre of a group algebra to appear in Archiv der Mathematik (DVI 17k)
Sylow intersections, double cosets and 2-blocks
, to appear in Communications in Algebra. (DVI 55k)
Squares in the centre of the group algebra of a symmetric group
, to appear in the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. (DVI 33k)

Ph.D. Thesis (Mathematics):

Dade's Conjecture for the McLaughlin Simple Group , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champiagn , January 1998. You can download my thesis in DVI (473 K) or Postscript (1.07 M) format. Thesis supervisor: Everett C. Dade .

Last Modified May 26, 2001.