Catalog of Irish Coin PricesThis catalog is divided into a number of pages which are arranged in aproxiomate cronological order. The order is not perfectly cronological because the regal halfpennies of James II (to 1688) an those of William and Mary (from 1692) are contiguous and the Gunmoney and related issues (1689-1691) are separated from them. Many sections are not completed - Those listed below are substantially complete. Caution : The pages I wrote first are in Irish pounds and the later ones are in Euros. Each secton carries a note of the currency used. The prices in this catalog are not derived from any single source - I have been collecting and buying and selling Irish coins for over 20 years and have provided prices based on my experience. Contrary to popular practice I have attempted to indicate a price for the extremely rare and even for unique items. I believe that these prices are a good guide as to what a particular coin would cost if it were to appear on the open market. In general I have priced the coins from the point of view of what a collector might expect to pay in an open market. Auction prices realised will generally be below these prices because the fees have to be paid as well. Sellers of coins, either to dealers or at auction, will generally get less than these prices because the eventual buyer will end up paying either the dealer's markup or the auctioneer's fees which will account for the difference. Coins listed in this catalog which are common (or in lower grade than is readily available for the type) are provided with prices. However these pieces are generally not of interest to dealers for purchase or worth auctioning so they are difficult to sell for even a small percentage of the prices listed. Coins which are listed as rare (or which are in exceptionally good condition for their type) will often sell for closer to the collector's buying price because a dealer will be happy to carry a desireable item at a smaller markup. In the case of very rare items or significant collections an auction house may negotiate terms more attractive than their normal ones for the prestige of carrying the piece(s). |
2003 - Copyright |