at 400 dots / inch
This coin is a groat of Richard III's first 'rose' issue. The legend are : Obverse: Reverse
Outer: Reverse
Inner: These groats which were only struck in Drogheda continue the style of the final issue of Ricard's brother Edward IV who died in 1483. Some of these coins are known from dies with the letters RIC engraved over EDW on the obverse indicating an almost direct continuation of minting operations when news of Richard's ascending the throne came through to Drogheda. This coin is in Good Very Fine condition. The flan is a bit small for the coin, which is normal for the issue as the weight of just under 32 grains to which these coins were struck meant that a full size flan was too thin to strike properly or to subsequently survive unbroken. These coins are often found in quite worn or damaged condition and occasionally pierced. This example is about as good as can be found and even the major public collections do not contain any significantly better examples. Hit your back button to return to the page you came from or select : |