at 400 dots / inch
This coin is a Wood's Halfpenny issued in 1722. This coin is of the first 'harp left' type which was only issued in 1722. Type II ( ) was issued betwen 1722 and 1724. This coin is in Very Fine condition. It has light overall wear to the higher points (compare with below) of the design such as George's hair and laurel on the obverse and Hibernia's knees, breast, shoulder and face and the Harp's bow and head on the reverse. However the coin has a very good colour and has excellent surfaces with no porosity or evidence of corrosion. This is the more difficult of the Wood's types to find, but examples do occur in signifiantly better condition than this one. This is a nice collectable example, especially with its good surface quality and colour, but examples in this condition are not particularly scarce. The example below, from the same dies, is in much better condition - it is almost uncirculated and has only the lighest of wear on the high points and has beautiful glossy and lustrous surfaces. Exambles as nice as this are scarce. Hit your back button to return to the page you came from or select : |