at 400 dots / inch
This coin as an Irish halfcrown date 1961. This coin is generally unremarkable and I have included it in the high rsoultion images to server as a contrast with the '1961 Mule Halfcrown'. For a detailed comparison see : Identifying a 1961 Mule halfcrown This coins is in uncirculated condition - it is a relatively common coin and cost collectors shoule be able to find high grade examples with little difficulty. Note the smooth matt appearance of the surface - Modern Irish coins in high grades are more normally found with matt lustre rather than with highly reflective mirror like field. However they can occasionally be found in a prooflike uncirculated grade with mirror fileds and matt devices - examples such as this which are usually attributed to strikings from early in a dies working life are scarcer. Hit your back button to return to the page you came from or select : |