Weather Forecasting: from Woolly Art to Solid Science
Dr Peter Lynch
Assistant Director, Met Éireann.
I will sketch the development of forecasting from the days
when it was a primitive, empirical process (a woolly art)
to today, where it is based on firm physical principles
(solid science), and discuss some of the key people
involved in this development.
Dr Peter Lynch is Assistant Director of Met Éireann, the Irish
Meteorological Service. He has responsibility for the Scientific
and Technical Divisions of the Service. He has been active for many
years in the development of computer models for weather prediction.
He holds a PhD in meteorology from Trinity College. He is also an
honorary lecturer at the Mathematics Department in Trinity. He is a
member of several National Committees and Chairman of the National
Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics.
G38 Earlsfort Terrace, NUI Dublin
7p.m. Friday 5th December, 2003
Annual Dinner follow Lecture
of the Public are Welcome to Attend
Wed 22 Oct 2003