1999 One Day Meeting
and Sustainable Development
Saturday 24th April
at the Doyle
Tara Tower Hotel
Merrion Road,
Registration 10.30
Firstly the balance
between natural resources and human needs will be outlined. Then
Climate as a natural resource will be discussed. With these ideas
in mind, sustainable techniques in building, food production and
other commercial activities will be briefly reviewed.
- Registration and Coffee
- Keynote Address 1: Balancing natural resources and
human need.
- Prof Ted Farrell, Environmental Resource
Management, UCD
- Keynote Address 2: Climate as a Natural Resource
Lunch 13:00 to 14:30
- Sustainable Architecture
- Sustainable Agriculture.
- Dr. Noel Culleton, Teagasc
- Sustainable Enterprise.
- Dr. Pat Freyne , Director, University
Industrial Programme, UCD
- Coffee
Meeting will be followed by the AGM of the Irish
Meteorological Society.
Updated: 16/4/1999