hospital statistics
show citizenship debate
is a storm in a tea-cup
O’ Connor
hospital reports show the citizenship debate is a storm in a
tea-cup. Patient statistics do not bear out the stereotype that
has been created in the media, namely, that refugee and asylum-seeking
women are turning up en masse to give birth, unannounced, in
the city's main maternity hospitals. Their annual reports contain
no data to back up statements made in recent months by their
Masters about the high numbers of non-nationals arriving on
their doorsteps in advanced pregnancy or even in labour.
the Rotunda Hospital, the vast majority of women who turn up
"unbooked" miscarry. "These mothers are not 'citizen
shoppers'" said Marie O'Connor, a sociologist and health
correspondent: "They are mothers who have suffered a miscarriage
after going into premature labour: their babies weight less
than 500 grams (just over one pound)."
figures show that less than 200 mothers who are not 'on the
books' give birth every year at the Rotunda Hospital to "viable"
babies, that is, to babies weighing over 500 grams. This small
group, less than 3 per cent of all hospital birth mothers, is
believed to include Irish nationals, but the Rotunda gives no
breakdown as to their country of origin. No public statistics
exist for the other two hospitals.
picture of "late arrivers" endangering their lives
or that of their babies is not backed up by the evidence. Antenatal
care has been shown to have little or no effect on birth outcomes:
hospitals statistics show that unbooked patients account for
only a small minority of infant deaths at or around the time
of birth. "Labeling these women as risking their babies'
lives by turning up unbooked is wrong: miscarriage is not something
that can usually be prevented, " Marie O'Connor pointed
these figures do not support the stereotype of large numbers
of women arriving in late in pregnancy or in labour. Birth weight
correlates with gestational age. Having a baby weighing less
than 500 grams during the last 12 weeks of pregnancy is extremely
is the number of refugee and asylum-seeking mothers giving birth
in the Dublin hospitals as high as has been suggested. Just
under 3, 000 refugee and asylum-seeking women gave birth at
the three main maternity hospitals in 2001, according to the
National Maternity Hospital Report of that year. The total number
of mothers giving birth was 24, 000: only one in every eight
was therefore a non-national mother.
O’ Connor
National Birth Alliance

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