Bartolomeu Dias Born 1450? Died 29th May 1500 |
Click Bartolomeu Dias' name below for WWW links. 1. A Thinkquest Project about Bartolomeu Dias 2. Information about Bartolomeu Dias from The Catholic Encyclopedia with some links to pictures. 3. Compton Encyclopedia has some information about Bartolomeu Dias. 4. This site has some useful pictures of Bartolomeu Dias and some maps of his voyages. 5. This site has an animated map of Bartolomeu Dias' voyage. 6. This project has a good map of Bartolomeu Dias' voyage 7. Good project pages about Bartolomeu Dias by Dodge Elementary school. 8. A brief description of Bartolomeu Dias. 9. This is a story by one of Bartolomeu Dias' crewmen. 10. Read an Encarta article about Bartolomeu Dias. 11. What navigational tools did the explorers use? This is a link to Matsumoto school's excellent project. 12. Life aboard ship with some pictures. 13. Life aboard ship. 14. Look at an astrolabe. 15. Keeping healthy aboard ship. 16. What did early sailors eat? Biscuits yum-yum! 17. Try a Bartolomeu Dias Quiz. 18. Click here for a blank map of the world