
Results 1999-2000
New Munster Regulations.
1: Name
The name shall be “The Irish Table Tennis Association Ltd., Munster Branch”, hereafter called the “Branch”.
2: Affiliation
The members of the Branch shall be affiliated to the International Table Tennis Federation through the Irish Table Tennis Association Ltd. Members of kindred associations, which are affiliated to the International Table Tennis Federation shall be recognised as affiliated players.
3: Objectives
The objectives of the Branch shall be to promote, foster and regulate the game in the Province of Munster in every legitimate way, to hold competitions and to arrange representative matches.
4: Membership
Membership shall be open to:
a Clubs playing the game under the rules of the International Table Tennis Federation.
b Schools, bona-fide youth clubs and special organisations.
c Individual members not already affiliated through clubs.
Application for Membership must be made on the appropriate form to the Hon. Affiliation Officer of the Munster Branch and shall be subject to the approval of the Branch Executive Council.
5: Subscriptions
a The annual Subscription for members shall be fixed from time to time at the Annual General Meeting.
b The official Munster affiliation form must be completed and returned with requisite fees to the Hon.Affiliation Officer of the Branch on or before 1st December in any season. A copy of this form duly receipted will be returned to each club and must be displayed in a prominent position on the club’s playing premises.
c Members whose subscriptions are overdue shall be dealt with under Rule 16. Notification of any decision in this matter shall be sent to the Hon. Secretary of the Irish Table Tennis Association Ltd. Suspended members will not be eligible to participate in, or in the administration of, organised Table Tennis in the Province.
6: General Meetings
a Affiliated members of the Branch and over 16 years of age on 1st July of the previous year shall be entitled to attend General Meetings. No member shall exercise more than one vote at any meeting. individual membership shall not carry the right to vote at any meeting of the Branch. Each member of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to one vote.
b Notice of all General Meetings stating the time, place, date and Agenda shall be sent to the Hon.Secretary of each Club by the Hon.Secretary of the Branch at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
7: Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held whenever the Executive Committee may deem such meeting expedient, or whenever a request in writing be delivered to the Hon. Secretary signed by the Hon. Secretaries of, and on behalf of, at least 33.3% of the Clubs, accompanied by a statement of the reasons for which such meeting is required; 25% of the total votes to form a quorum. no business other than that for which the meeting has been summoned shall be transacted at any Extraordinary General Meeting. All requests for such ma meeting must be delivered to the Hon. Secretary at least four weeks before the meeting
is required.
8: Annual General Meeting
a the Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the 31st May.
b the quorum shall be one per cent of the total members per Rule 4.
c Persons absent from the AGM cannot be proposed unless they have informed the Hon. Secretary in writing that they are prepared to stand.
d No motion relevant to the affairs of the Branch can be blocked, vetoed or altered by the Executive Committee and must be presented to the AGM.
e The Agenda at the A.G.M. shall be:
(1) Minutes of previous AGM and of any General Meeting since held.
(2) Hon, Secretary’s Report.
(3) Hon. Treasurer’s Report.
(4) Hon.PRO’s Report
(5) Chairman’s Report
(6) Annual Subscription.
(7) Election of Executive Committee.
(8) consideration of matters submitted by outgoing Executive committee, or matters notified by delegates to the Hon. secretary in accordance with Rule 9.
(9) Any other business.
The order of the Agenda may be altered at the discretion of the Chairman.
9: Change of Rule
a. Notice of any proposed Change of Rule must be sent in writing to Hon. Secretary on or before 14th March in any season.
b. No rule shall be lawfully changed or altered except at a General Meeting and unless sanctioned by at least two-thirds of the votes cast at such a meeting. Notice of any proposed change shall be sent to Hon. Secretary of every affiliated club, at least 14 days prior to the General Meeting.
10: Regulations
For the purpose of carrying out any of their powers and duties the Executive Committee may make regulations, not inconsistent with these Rules, and may appoint such sub-committees as may be considered necessary, and may determine the functions to be exercised by such sub-committees.
11: Delegates to I.T.T.A.Ltd.
The Executive Committee shall nominate the requisite number of delegates from the Branch to the General Council of the I.T.T.A. Ltd as provided for by the rules of that Association.
12: County Associations
Associations may be formed for the purpose of administering the game in any county. the formation of County Associations and the rules thereof shall be subject to the approval of the Branch Committee. County Associations shall not have the power to change any rule of the game or to over-ride any decision of the Branch committee.
13: Representative Qualification
Only players who are affiliated through the Branch shall be qualified to be selected for Munster.
14: Permission
No affiliated payer shall take part in, help or promote, or advertise directly any tournaments, exhibitions or paid training camps without the permission of the Branch Committee.
15: Trophies
a. All perpetual Trophies are the property of the Branch and shall be insured by them, but all responsibility for the safety of these trophies shall be borne by the holders, who shall sign an undertaking to that effect before taking custody thereof.
b. The Trophies must be returned fourteen days prior to the event.
16: Discipline
Any member infringing the foregoing rules, or who shall be guilty of any misconduct, which, in the opinion of the Executive Committee may be detrimental to the game may be suspended or struck off the roll of members by the Executive Committee or dealt with as the Committee deems appropriate. The Executive Committee shall grant a personal hearing to any such member on request. The decision taken shall be notified to all parties within seven days.
17: Protests
All protests must be made in writing and must reach the Hon. Secretary within three days of the occurrence protested against, setting out in full the reason for such protest and accompanied by a fee of £5. this fee shall be returned should the protest be upheld by the Executive Committee.
18: Dissolution
The Branch shall not be dissolved except if sanctioned by nine-tenths of the votes cast at a Special General Meeting; due notice having been given in accordance with Rule 6(b)
19: Interpretation
In the event of any questions arising as to the correct interpretation of these rules, such questions shall be referred to the Executive Committee, whose decision shall be final.
Matters not covered in Rules
In the event of any questions arising not herein provided for, such questions shall be referred to and be decided upon by the Executive Committee, subject to the right of appeal to the Management Committee of the Irish Table Tennis Association Ltd.