Raphoe Youth and Community Project
The two main aims of the Project are to
- develop the skills and capacities of young people and women from Meadowhill and St. Eunan's Terrace and people from the wider community
- encourage and promote a community development process within the Project and in the Raphoe area.
Objectives: to-
- Develop a youth programme which will address the social, personal and developmental needs of young people in the area, particularly those from Meadowhill and St. Eunans Terrace.
- Raise awareness of the social, personal and developmental needs of the young people in the area in conjunction with other groups.
- Promote the long term sustainability of the project by encouraging the development of appropiate resources and motivation of local people.
- Facilitate ownership of the project within the local community in Raphoe
- Develop and encourage the implementation of a child protection policy.
- Encourage active participation from local parents within the Project.
- Ensure the project is transparent and accessible to the local community.
- Provide relevant training at local community level which addresses the social and developmental needs of individuals involved in the Project.
- Network and liaise with relevant groups and agencies both within and outside Raphoe.
Raphoe Youth and Community Project
can be contacted on:
Tel/Fax 00353-(0)74-45796 at; Raphoe Youth and Community Project, The Diamond, Raphoe, Co. Donegal, Ireland.
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Raphoe Reconciliation Project,
The Diamond,
Co. Donegal
E Mail: raprecpro@tinet.ie