Though the school was founded
in 1983, Gaelscoil Choráin already has a very proud
sporting tradititon. Gaelic football
and hurling figure prominently each year and many prizes adorn
our trophy cabinet.Victories have also been recorded on the
soccer and rugby front. The basic
skills of many sports, from basketball to volleyball to badminton,
are taught to the pupils so as to give them an appreciation
of the various disciplines.
Tin whistle is taught in all
classes.Guitar tuition is provided during the year, for those
pupils who wish to avail of the opportunity.These classes
take place after school, for pupils from third to sixth class.
The experience of listening
to live music is considered to be essential in
musically stimulating the children
and therefore, excursions to hear an orchestra at the 'Cork
Pops', are organised from time to time.The Band of the Southern
Command have also provided very enjoyable concerts in
our school hall on occasion.
The school has been represented in All Ireland finals in the
ballad group section of Slógadh, on two seperate occasions.
The school has organised a Christmas
concert every year since its
foundation, which provides a platform for classes to display
their acting and musical abilities. Some highlights, from
years past, include - Red Riding Hood, the Pied Piper, Larry
Long Ears and Alice in Wonderland.On the national stage, Slógadh
Gael-Linn has provided us with an opportunity to display our
talents.We have had many memorable victories, but the All-Ireland
triumphs with
the musical dramas 'Alice in Wonderland'
(1996) and 'Jonah' (1999) are special memories
for all those involved.
Many theatre companies are encouraged to visit our school
regularly and pupils have thoroughly enjoyed plays such as
'Cú Chulainn', 'Arabian Nights' and other productions
on themes such as bullying. Regular trips to the Cork Opera
House are also organised to give the pupils a taste of the
dramatic arts on display.

The gaelscoil has provided tuition
in European languages since 1988.
In 1997 our school was selected to participate in a pilot scheme,
to promote the teaching of a third language in primary schools.
The children in fifth and sixth class currently receive tuition,
from a native French speaker, once a week.It is proving to be
a worthwhile and enriching experience for the students.
Irish Dancing
Pupils from second to sixth class
receive dancing lessons, from a qualified teacher.The rudiments
of jigs, reels, hornpipes and set dancing are taught.Both
boys and girls benefit from this invaluable learning experience.A
group from the school won the Slógadh All-Ireland set
dancing competition in Mullingar in 1999.
year, each class teacher organises a class
tour for their pupils. The experience of Michelstown Caves,
Cork City Gaol, Fota Wildlife Park or Oysterhaven Activity Centre
can be the highlight of many a pupil's year.
The ancient Irish tradition of
storytelling is alive and well in Gaelscoil Choráin where
many pupils have taken part in competition.
Memorisation, appropriate delivery and confidence are just some
of the skills that these pupils develop as they become more
competent in this rapidly vanishing aspect of our culture.
Other Activities
Sammy Stamps:
The children are given an opportunity to buy saving stamps every week,
which encourages them to save and have a healthy attitude towards
prudent money management.
Can Recycling:The school
operates a can recycling system, which is managed by the pupils themselves.Care
for their environment is fostered and gives the pupils a sense of
Charity Work:Cake sales,
bracelet selling and other fund raising initiatives are regularly
organised by the children, with guidance from their teachers, in aid
of various charities.
Quiz Teams:Many pupils
have represented the school on various quiz teams.Many great triumphs
have been recorded, most notably a county winning team in 1991, in
the Credit Union Primary School Quiz.
school is under Catholic patronage and children are prepared for the
sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation every year.
Art Exhibitions:All
the children are regularly encouraged to display their artistic prowess
and their work is subsequently entered in competitions and displayed
in exhibitions.