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You probably have no doubt that I'm disappointed with this release. Hell, I was disappointed with it from the minute BR:Gaiden was dropped from it! But I definitely will recommend this disc to every fan of BR. "Why?" I hear you ask. My answer: for the movie. Don't buy it for the extras, don't buy it for the picture quality, or sound quality. If you are a fan of the movie, and are currently without a copy then go for this. I know a lot of people would suggest the Hong Kong dvd as its technically a better disc, but this is Region 0. And for all you Americans who email me asking where they can get the dvd, take note: this will work on your dvd player provided it can display a PAL signal.

I will reiterate (because I know I'll get mail from disgruntled people who disagree with me)...buy the disc! Its Battle Royale afterall. Its the 1hr 53mins of cinematic brilliance that matters, not the content of the disc.

There's still not one definitive BR dvd for English speakers. Buy one of the currently available dvds, and you'll miss out on something on another. All 3 releases have advantages and disadvantages. It's a shame that Tartan couldn't have made this disc better. Gaiden would have certainly done that, but unfortunately Tartan could not obtain the rights to it. Here's hoping they'll revisit the movie someday and give us the special edition we deserve (wink wink)

Buy it now @ Play.com

And remember... Listen well to fight right and with gusto

Reviewed on 18th January 2002 by
webmaster - <bawp-sherep>