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Doras Abú

4 Shamrock Rating

Golden Spider Award

Download Centre

Thanks to

For their generosity in providing me with extra Web space to provide this Software on Teacher's Pets

Welcome to the Teacher's Pets Software Download Centre.

There are two sections:

  1. A set of Links (the links and buttons just to the right) which will take you to the best sources of Software on the Internet Today
  2. Teacher's Pets Software: (c.f. below) Software which can be downloaded directly from this page. (Software which is directly relevant to various projects on this Site)
  3. Information on Robbie O' Leary's Shareware CD
Good Sources
of Educational Software
Or Click on any of these ....

Direct Downloads
Educational Software:
Educlipz Clip-art (649 K)

This program is Shareware, and contains a collection of super educational-theme clip-art suitable for classroom use.

Spelling Games: (ver. 4 for Windows 2.2 Mb)

This excellent package offers eight different spelling games using lists of words you type in, or alternatively, use the built-in lists supplied.

Neko: (44 K)

If you teach Infants, and want to introduce them to using the mouse, then this is the program for you! It is very small so downloads in a matter of seconds.

Word Lists:
(for use with "Spelling Games")

These multimedia spelling lists are created by teachers and act as add-ons for the educational spelling software "Spelling Games". Lists also contain audio files, so your children can have words to be spelled called out to them!

You should download your required list into the same folder as you installed the original program (usually c:\spell)

Help Teacher's Pets with the lists


Paint Shop Pro (in "zip" format)

This software is 30-day trial Shareware. It is fantastic for mucking about with images and photos, where you can re-size or manipulate graphics.


WinZip95 (WinZip for Windows95)
(WinZip for Windows3.1)

These programs are used to "open up" software which has been "zipped" up. "Zipping" a file compresses it's size so it is quicker to download. With either of these programs, you can unzip a zipped file. As with many explanations - try it and see!




This site and its contents copyright seaghan 1998

RSAC Rated!