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Awards !!

Doras Abú

4 Shamrock Rating

Golden Spider Award

Spelling Software Word Lists
(This project will become active next September at which stage I hope to have enough volunteers)


How many hours do we teachers spend writing/typing words/spellings on sheets of paper, squares of card; lists to be ticked off by children or parents - you get the picture!

Wouldn't it be great if we could share these resources in some way - contribute a tiny percentage, but have access to the full 100%.

Teacher's Pets, with your support is preparing such a resource whereby volunteer teachers will agree to harvest certain lists and make them available to other teachers. From here, teachers nationwide (and indeed worldwide) can download the word lists they require for their particular class.

Each word list will be configured to work with a certain shareware software called "Spelling Games". You can download this excellent Shareware at the Download Centre.

Examples of lists:

First 12 words

First 24 words

First 50 words

First 100 words

Vocabulary words

"Reader" words

Prospective volunteers can get more information on the volunteer page.




This site and its contents copyright seaghan 1998

RSAC Rated!