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Family & Friends

Thanks to my parents and siblings for sending me through college (twice), lived with my anti-social habits as I played with PCs over the years and put up with the terrific amount of bitching and moaning I did while I worked for that Health and Beauty Care Company.....

Of course all those in UCD Mountaineering Club and my Engineering Buddies had to put up with much of it too. Thanks lads and ladies. There are a fair number of pictures on this site, special thanks to Ciaran O'Brien, Bryan Raleigh and the others responsible. I owe all of you as well for not handing me over to the guards before now.

Coders & Hackers

You will have noticed (and been WOW-ed by, I hope) the fancy drop down menus on the pages. These are thanks to the people at the DHTML Lab. Full details on the menus and how to set them up is available at their site. This and a few other tricks were achieved with JavaScript. You can do this too. Check out ZD-Net's Dev Head, Wired's Web Monkey and Webreference for loads of code you can put in your pages.

The pages were developed using the excellent text editor Ultra-Edit, so no WYSIWYG! Graphics were nicked from too many sources to name. But the chrome headers were put together with The Gimp the FREE Linux based photoshop clone. These function are available on the web from Cooltext.com.

Thanks as well to my employers who have provided me with the time and training to know how to do most of this stuff right. And of course they gave me the opportunity to know how much fun it is to get web pages to work with Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer :-) Support Standards Compliant Browsers! [You know who you are]



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