International Shark Fishing Tournament
The venue for the first International Competition to be organised by the Shark Angling Club of Ireland has been set for the Downings in Donegal for the 11th and 12th of September 1999. This is a conservation competition with all fish being measured and returned alive to the sea. We are anxious to attract as many visiting anglers as possible to this event in order to promote shark angling in Ireland . Further updates will be available by watching this page and hopefully through angling magazines etc. If you are interested and require further details please e - mail us or write to us at P.O. Box 6026, Dublin, 13.
Conservation It is the stated aim of the Club not only to abide by a "catch & release " policy but also to actively campaign to prevent the unnecessary killing of sharks. Negative protests and slogans are unlikely to achieve much so we have taken a positive approach by rewarding those clubs that abide by good conservation policies.
Irish National Shark Fishing Tournament The committee have decided to hold a shark fishing competition open to all Irish anglers with Clifden as its venue. This competition is scheduled for mid August 1999. As with all Club competitions the emphasis is with participation rather than winning but a trophy and prizes are available to the winners
Conservation Policy You will be aware that the Club actively promotes the Catch and Release Scheme and these competitions are fished in an effort to drive home the necessity for releasing the sharks back into the sea
Further proposed initiatives It is further proposed that the Club sponsor a "Green Prize" trophy as an incentive to local angling clubs who organise 'Shark Safari's each year. A trophy for 1st and 2nd place will be given providing the shark are measured and returned alive. Both the National Shark Angling Competition and the International Shark Tournament will be run on a strictly "catch & release" basis and the emphasis throughout will be to re enforce conservation education.